Exercise X. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of tenses in IF and WHEN-clauses

1. If students study hard during the term, it’ll be much easier for them to pass an exam.

2. When we get back home, it'll be dark already.

3. The doctor will make his diagnosis when he has all the laboratory findings.

4. If you consult your dentist regularly you will have no dental diseases.

5. If the tooth is far gone, the dentist will extract it.

6. You needn't worry. If the tooth can be treated nobody will extract it.

7. If the doctor determines any inflammation he’ll have to make an X-ray.

8. If the teeth are crooked, the child will need braces.

Exercise XI. Open the brackets using correct forms of the verbs.

1. Surgeons extract teeth that cannot (treat).

2. The examination of the oral cavity (perform) by the prosthodontist when people want dentures.

3. Bridges, crowns and dentures (make) of different materials.

4. Medical science (to make) a lot of progress in recent years both in treatment and diagnosis.

5. Different measures (to take) to save the tooth but it doesn’t help.

6. Preventive care (to deal) with the two major tooth troubles: caries and gum diseases.

7. The patient (to limit) already the consumption of sweets.

8. The doctor (to drill) the left lower molar now.


Exercise XII. Make questions to the underlined words.

1. Oral therapy includes such procedures as cleansing and drilling and filling teeth.

2. Before starting to work with patients, students are taught theoretical and practical sciences.

3. Before filling a tooth, the doctor must clean and drill it.

4. Doctors are looking for new ways to help patients.

5. People should undergo dental examination twice a year.

6. Many measures have been made up to prevent dental diseases recently.

7. If the tooth can’t be saved it’ll be extracted.

8. The doctor will have to extract the tooth to stop the infection.


Exercise XIII. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. В стоматологічних полікліниках працюють різні спеціалісти: терапевти, хірурги, ортодонти та протезісти.

2. Якщо у Вас болить зуб, Вам слід звернутися до терапевту-стоматологу.

3. Якщо зуб не запущений, його можна вилікувати, тобто почистити, посвердлити та встановити пломбу.

4. Запущений зуб зазвичай видаляють.

5. При видалені зубів лікар використовує анастезію.

6. Хірург робить знеболюючий укол.

7. Щоб не було проблем з зубами, звертайтесь до стоматолога два рази на рік.

8. Зубний технік виготовляє протези, мости та коронки.


Exercise XIV. Ask your dentist about: WHY your tooth hurts you so much

  1. WHETHER (IF) your tooth can be treated or not
  2. it can be filled or not
  3. it must be extracted
  4. WHERE you can find the laboratory
  5. HOW LONG it will take you to have your teeth treated
  6. WHEN you must come next time
  7. WHAT you must do to protect yourself from tooth decay


Exercise XV. Read and translate the dialogue.


Doctor (D): How do you do, Mr. N.? What can I do for you?

Patient (P): I've got a bad tooth that aches all day and night.

D: Let me have a look at it. Well, I'm afraid it's too late to have it filled, the only thing I can do now is to extract it.

P: (pretending to be calm): All right, Doctor, but not without an injection.

D: (filling a syringe and getting his instruments ready): Certainly, Mr. N., it won't hurt at all, just keep your mouth wide open.

D: (gives Mr. N. an injection in the gum, waits a couple of minutes, gets hold of the tooth and extracts it): It's all over. Was it so bad?

P: (with a sigh of relief): Not at all, thank you very much.

Exercise XVI. Try to complete the dialogue below using the Active Vocabulary.


Doctor: How do you do. What's the trouble?

Patient: ……

Doctor: Well...Take this chair...Open your mouth, please. Here is a cavity that needs filling. Patient: ……

(The doctor is treating a cavity.)

Doctor: Now it won't give you any more trouble.

Patient: ……

Doctor: Good-bye.


Exercise XVI. Dwell upon “visiting a dentist” using the prompts.

1. A dental polyclinic includes……………

2. The dentist starts with ……

3. If the tooth isn’t far gone, the dentist does the following: ………….

4. If the tooth can’t be saved, the dentist ………………..

5. Prevention is better than cure, that is why ………


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

III. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: розхитані зуби виготовити зубні протези, мости або коронки застосовувати знеболюючий засіб видаляти зуби свердлити та пломбувати зуби накладати скоби вирівнювати скривлені зуби запущені зуби проводити огляд ротової порожнини швидка стоматологічна допомога II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання: What departments are there in a stomatological polyclinic? What does a dentist begin his examination with? What does a dentist do if a tooth can’t be saved? In what cases do people have to consult an orthodontist? In what cases do children need braces? III. Розкажіть про:прийом у стоматолога




Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

hygiene , entail , plaque remnant ['remnant], inconvenient ,substitute [sΛbstitju:t], method , detergent , alternative ,additional .


Exercise 2. Learn the following words:

Measure                 ['me ə]                 засіб

Remnant                         ['remnant]                        залишки

Debris                         ['debri]                         відкладення, наліт

Occasion                [ə'kei n]                випадок

Plain                      [plein]               простий

Raw                                 [ ]                                свіжий, сирий

Rinse                     [rins]                      ополіскування

Firm                                 [fə:m]                               твердий

Substitute                         [sΛbstitju:t]                      замінник

Tough                         [tΛf]                                 жорсткий

Exercise 3. Find the equivalent:

Exercise 4. Give Russian equivalent to the following word combinations:

Dental disorders, elimination of food stagnation, bacterial irritation, dental health education, resistance of teeth to disease, detergent food, by virtue of…, tough fibrous consistency, to scour the teeth clean of food remnants, a plain water mouth rinse, food particles, a satisfactory alternative to brushing, an additional measure.

Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian using Active or Passive voice:

Every tooth (to insert) into the jaw by its root.

Dentine (to occupy) the interior of the crown and root, and is very sensitive to pain.

Because the important tooth comes through at such an early date and (not to replace) a temporary tooth, it (to overlook) and (to permit) to decay.

The duct from the parotid gland (to pass forward) through the check to open into the buccal sulcus.


Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


Most dental disorders arise from two basic diseases of the teeth
and their supporting tissues — caries and periodontal disease. Prevention of dental
disease therefore entails elimination of food stagnation, as this is the primary cause
of caries and periodontal disease. Food stagnation causes plaque formation; which leads to acid production, in the case of caries; and to bacterial irritation and
calculus in periodontal disease. The methods of prevention are oral hygiene; preventive dentistry; dental health education and increasing the resistance of teeth to disease.

Oral hygiene consists simply of keeping the teeth free from food debris,2 thus preventing plaque formation which leads to dental disease. It can be achieved by cleaning the teeth regularly after meals and not eating between meals. Cleaning is best performed by brushing as this is the only way3 of removing plaque. If brushing is not possible, food debris can be removed by finishing the meal with a detergent food (raw, firm, fibrous fruits or vegetables, e.g. apples, pears, carrots, celery, etc.) By virtue of their tough fibrous consistency they require much chewing and thereby scour the teeth clean of food remnants. It may be inconvenient to brush the teeth or eat an apple after meals when you are not at home. On such occasions a plain water mouth rinse, which can be swallowed afterwards, is better than nothing. Of all these methods of cleaning teeth, tooth brushing is the most effective. When properly done4 it removes plaque, whereas detergent foods can only clean away loose food particles. Detergent foods or mouth rinsing is not a satisfactory alternative to brushing; it is an additional measure at the end of a meal, or a substitute when brushing is not possible.

1which in turn — який, в свою чергу…

2keeping the teeth free from food debris — утримування зубів чистими від залишків їжі

3the only way — єдиний шлях

4when properly done — за умови правильного виконання


Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

What do most disorders arise from?

Why does prevention of dental disease entail elimination of food stagnation?

What does food stagnation cause?

What methods of prevention do you know?

How can plaque formation be prevented?

What is oral hygiene?

Why is cleaning best performed by brushing?

How can food debris be removed if brushing is not possible?

What detergent food can you name?

What one must do if brushing or eating an apple is not possible?

Is plain water mouth rinse a satisfactory alternative to brushing?

What is the most effective method of cleaning teeth?

When does tooth brushing remove plaque?

Exercise 8. Translate the following words putting each of them into the appropriate column of the table according to the part of speech they belong to:

Dental, basic, rinse, particle, debris,, to substitute, free,to remove, periodontal, simply, primary, to clean, brushing, bacterial, to brush, oral, possible, оn, regularly, can, cleaning, to rinse meal, detergent, after, raw, firm, tough, mouth, at, fibrous, measure, inconvenient, effective, of, clean, consistency, from, satisfactory, additional, properly, to do.

Noun Verb Preposition Adjective Adverb
measure to do of firm properly


Exercise 9. Explain the following terms in English:

Oral hygiene, alveolar abscess, pulpitis,  normal occlusion.


Exercise 10. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

Прямо або опосередковано; зубний наліт; призводити до...; уникнути; залишки їжі; утримувати зуби чистими від нальоту; сирий; за рахунок; де-небудь іще; полоскання ротової порожнини водою; краще, ніж ніщо; чищення зубів зубною щіткою; тверді продукти; додатковий захід.


Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

matrix , adhere , accessible , gingival  previce, gum margin , periodontum , require .


Exercise 2. Learn the following words:

Matrix                                                        матриця (пластина для тимчасового замiщення вiдсутньої стiнки зуба при його пломбуваннi)

Adhere                                       прилипати, бути прикрiпленим

Accessible             доступний

Gingival                 той, що вiдноситься до ясен

Gum margin        [             край

Periodontum                   периодонт

Require                            потребувати

Tartar                                зубний камiнь

Dislodge                            витiсняти, видаляти

Requirement        вимога, необхiдна умова

Mesial                    медiальний

 Exercise 3. Find the equivalent:               

Доступна поверхня зуба; край десни; нанести пасту; серединний; кругові рухи; стирання; абразiя; ретельно; весь процесс; инвалiди; правильно; той,що вiдноситься до прикусу; потребувати часу; мати тенденцiю.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions:

1. Pulp death is sometimes followed... development... chronic alveolar abscess.

2. The dead pulp decomposes and infected matherial passes... the apical foramen... the periodontal membrane and alveolar bone at the apex of the tooth.

3. The lower jaw is made...... two parts.

4. The roots of teeth are held in place... sockets.... a membrane, which is called the periodontal membrane.

5..... the ages of six and twelve or thirteen deciduous teeth loose and drop..., and are promptly replaced... the permanent ones.

6. While the temporary teeth are still... place... the mouth, the permanent teeth are commencing to form... the jaw bone.

7. There are several sublingual ducts and these open... the floor of the mouth just... the orifice... the submandibular duct.

8. The teeth must be brushed systematically... the morning, and... the evening.


Exercise 5.Translate into English:

1. Зубнi щiтки застосовуються для видалення залишкiв їжi та зубного нальоту
з усiх поверхонь зубiв та мiжзубних проміжків.

2. При захворюваннях пародонту слiд використовувати щiтку з бiльш м’якою щетиною.

3. Строк використання однiєї зубної щітки не більше ніж 6 місяців.

4. Рухи щітки при чищенні зубів мають бути направлені від шийки зуба у 5. бік ріжучого краю, тобто по вертикалі.

6. Зубні бляшки видаляються з поверхні зубів лише через 30 секунд після її 7. ретельної механічної обробки.

8. Багато хто не знає, як правильно та ефективно чистити зуби.

9. Тривалість чищення, як правило, складає не меньше трьох хвилин.


Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


Brushing after meals can only be effective if it removes plaque (a film of material composed of masses of bacteria in a sticky glycoprotein matrix which adheres the surfaces of teeth). The object is to clean every accessible tooth surface, thus removing food debris and plaque and massaging the gum margin. Plaque removal is of great importance in the etiology of dental disease because some bacteria can metabolize sugar and form acid, and others produce harmful products which can cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and destruction of the periodontal tissues (periodontal disease). Both plaque which is allowed to remain in the gingival previce between the gum margin and neck of the tooth and that occurring on the tooth surfaces above the gum margin can calcify and harden to form tartar (sub-gingival and supra-gingival calculus). This tends to retain further harmful accumulations of bacteria in contact with the periodontum.

Toothbrushes with a small head and medium bristles are probably the most effective. The brush is rinsed and toothpaste added. Several strokes are used on each section of the mouth. Buccal, lingual, mesial and distal surfaces are cleaned by a rotary motion from gum to tooth. Occlusal surfaces are cleaned by a scrubbing action. Finally the gingival margins are cleaned by a backwards and forwards motion which must be done gently to avoid abrasion of the necks of the teeth.

Each jaw is done in turn1 and the mouth is then thoroughly rinsed with warm water to expel food debris dislodged by the toothbrush. Brushes should be washed and dried afterwards.

Correct and effective tooth-brushing in the way described requires time, knowledge and skill. Lack of these requirements makes brushing ineffective as a preventive measure. Although it is no better than2 a properly used ordinary toothbrush it may be useful for many people (particularly children and physically handicapped persons) to use an electric toothbrush. Teeth are cleaned rapidly and effectively as most of the movements are done automatically.

'Each jaw is done in turn... — Кожен ряд чиститься по черзі.

2Although it is no better than... — Хоча вона не краща за


Exercise 7. Answer these questions:

1. When can brushing be effective?

2. What is the object of toothbrushing?

3. What toothbrush is the most effective?

4. How is the brush used?

5. By what motion are buccal, lingual, mesial cleaned?

6. How are occlusal surfaces cleaned?

7. Why must the gingival margins be cleaned by a backwards and forwards motion?

8. Why should the mouth be thoroughly rinsed?

9. Do many people know how to brush the teeth correctly and effectively?

10. How can the process be made simpler?

11. Why are teeth cleaned rapidly by using an electric toothbrush?

12. Is it better than a properly used ordinary toothbrush?


Exercise 8. Find the synonyms in the text:

To stick, covering, to delete, accurately, concentration, tenderly, movement, to need some time, invalid, quickly, especially.

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