B) Match the expressions. Make up 5-6 sentences using them


There are not enough jails, not enough policemen, not enough courts to

enforce a law not supported by the people.




A1. Discuss the following.

1. Do we need rules and laws?

2. Why do people sometimes break rules and laws? Have you ever broken

any rules?

3. Read the quotation and discuss it – what does Humphrey mean by it?

4. In your opinion, what is the difference between law and tradition? What

traditions do you know?


B1. Read the following text, pay attention to the underlined words, try to

Learn them.

KEY VOCABULARY Descriptive (a) – описательный describe (v) – описывать behave (v) – вести себя, поступать behaviour(BrE) / behavior(AmE)(n) – поведение prescriptive (a) – предписывающий prescribe (v) – предписывать regulation (n) – правило, предписание define (v) – определять conduct (n) – поведение impose upon/on (v) – навязывать, налагать enforce (v) – принуждать, заставлять, обеспечивать соблюдение enforcement (n) – давление, принуждение, осуществление codify (v) - кодифицировать enable (v) – давать право, возможность punish (v) – наказывать   carry out (v) – выполнять compulsion (n) – принуждение obedience (n) – повиновение prosecute (v) – преследовать в судебном порядке order (v) – приказывать, велеть restitution (n) –возвращение, возмещение owner (n) – владелец obey (v) – повиноваться penalty – наказание, штраф underlie – лежать в основе order (n) – порядок lay down (v) - устанавливать  


What is law?

The term “law” is used in many senses: we may speak of the laws of

physics, mathematics, science, nature, or the laws of football, logic or health.

Some laws are descriptive: they simply describe how people, or even natural

phenomena, usually behave. An example of descriptive law is rather

consistent law of gravity, another example is the less consistent laws of


 Other laws are prescriptive – they prescribe how people should or

must behave. An example of prescriptive law is traffic regulations. When we

speak of the law of a state we use the term “law” in a special and strict sense,

and in that sense law may be defined as “a rule of human conduct, imposed

upon and enforced among, the members of a given state”.

In any society, laws have several characteristics. First, laws

symbolize norms, values, traditions. Second, laws must be codified in some

way, usually through writing. Third, there must exist a method of

enforcement: this can include police, social pressure, “magic”, or some other

force that enable society to punish or reward its members. And finally, there

must be something specific to be enforced: laws are not general, but specific.

The main characteristic of law is that it is enforced, and such enforcement is

usually carried out by the State. If the rules or laws are broken, compulsion is

used to enforce obedience. Thus if A steals a watch from B, A may be

prosecuted before the court. The court may then order the restitution of the

watch to its rightful owner, B. If A refuses to obey, he or she may be

punished, that means a penalty will be imposed on A.

This is why we need law: if we all behaved according to our

personal standards of behaviour and morality, anarchy would rule the world.

We may say, then, that two ideas underlie the concept of law: 1) order, in the

sense of method or system; and 2) compulsion – i.e. the enforcement of

obedience to the rules or laws laid down.


С1. Answer the following questions:

1. In what senses can we use the word “law”?

2. What is the difference between descriptive laws and prescriptive

laws? Give some examples.

3. How is the law of the state defined?

4. What do laws symbolize?

5. What can be used as methods of enforcement?

6. Why do methods of enforcement exist?

7. What is the chief characteristic of law?


8. Explain the notion “compulsion”. Give examples.

9. Identify two main ideas underlying the concept of law.

10. Why do we need law?

C2. Complete the sentences using the text.

1) Descriptive laws usually describe __________.

2) Prescriptive laws prescribe __________.

3) The law of a state may be __________ as “the rule of human

__________, imposed _______ and _________ among the

________ of a given state”.

4) Laws have several __________: first, they symbolize

__________; second, they must be _________ through writing;

third, there must exist methods of _________ that enable

society to ________ or ________ its members.

5) Such enforcement is usually ___________ by the State.

6) If the laws are broken, __________ is used.

7) Two ideas _________ the concept of law: _______ and



D1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following expressions.

Work in groups: one group is dealing with column A, the second one –

With column B. Check each other using double-way translation.

- постоянный закон гравитации

- менее постоянные законы экономики

- природные явления

- нарушить закон

- истинный владелец

- обеспечивать повиновение

- отказаться подчиниться

- человеческое поведение

- описательные законы

- предписывающие законы

- налагать наказание

- потребовать возмещения/ возвращения

- вести себя в соответствии с личными стандартами морали

D2. a) Note the meaning of the word “law”. Translate the expressions:


1) ЗАКОН - laws of nature; business law; law on citizenship; law on

universal education; law on public health

2) ПРАВО – commercial law; criminal law; international law

! Don’t confuse with RIGHT (“право”) e.g. human rights; to have no right

to do sth

3) СУД - to go to law (against sb); to be at law with sb; to take the law into

one’s own hand

b) Match the expressions. Make up 5-6 sentences using them.

1. unwritten law 2. civil law 3. criminal law 4. natural law 5. law of nature 6. Mosaic laws 7. law of nations 8. canon law 9. to keep within the law 10. to be equal before the law 11. question of law 12. doctor of law 13. law of self-preservation 14. law of probability 15. the faculty of law 16. law-book 17. law-sheep 18. lawsuit 19. lawmaker (lawgiver) a) юридический факультет b) быть равным перед законом c) гражданское право d) законодатель e) теория вероятности f) доктор юридических наук g) неписанный закон h) судебный процесс i) Моисеевы законы (библ.) j) баранья кожа для переплетов юр. справочников k) уголовное право l) юридический факультет m) естественное право n) международное право o) свод законов p) инстинкт самосохранения q) вопрос права r) закон природы s) каноническое право


F1. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the italicized

words and expressions. Use the key vocabulary and the expressions from

the task D2.

1. Законы и традиции общества определяют поведение людей.

2. Традиции – это неписанные законы, лежащие в основе норм

поведения, взглядов и вкусов любого общества.

3. Законы государства устанавливаются законодателями,

полиция и суды обеспечивают соблюдение законов при помощи

различных методов принуждения.

4. Если человек нарушает закон, он может быть наказан.

5. Законы должен знать каждый человек, но, к сожалению, не

каждый их знает.

6. Особенно пристально законы изучаются на юридических

факультетах университетов, где студенты рассматривают

различные вопросы права, изучают гражданское право,

уголовное право и другие предметы.

7. Предписывающие законы создаются законодателями и могут

быть нарушены, в то время как описательные законы не

созданы законодателями и не могут быть нарушены.

8. Описательными законами являются, например, законы


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