Problem solving in landscape architecture


I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Group work.Reflect onthe following questions and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1):

Do soft jobs exist in our life? Can you name them? Ground your answer.

Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:


toreach a compromise найти компромисс
to face a challenge стоять перед проблемой
to respect the client’s choice уважать выбор клиента
to find a mutual understanding найти взаимопонимание
to suit both parties устраивать обе стороны
to develop a report делать отчёт
to have a good grasp of something хорошо разбираться в чем-либо
legislation законодательство
to perform a сode analysis проводить анализ законов
material science материаловедение
to acquire a complete understanding достичь полного понимания
resolve unexpected issues решать непредвиденные проблемы
ins and outs of the profession тонкости професии


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Listening & Speaking

3. Group work.   Discuss the following questions and report to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1):


1. Is it hard to work as a landscape architect?

2. What difficulties does a practitioner run into?

3. What is the secret of the landscape architect’s success?


III. Realization (Осмысление)

Writing, Listening, Speaking

4. Group work.Formulate several most actual problems which landscape architects face in their job and describe these problems.

5. Group work.Set the problems on the upper bones of the fish skeleton and report the existing problems to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view persisting in your own opinion:

6. Group work.   Discuss the following: What do you think the landscape architects should change in their professional activity to begin solving these problems? Formulate your thoughts in your exercise books. Report your ideas to the class.




7. Group work.Find solutions to the problems in your groups. Set solutions to the problems on the lower bones and report your solutions to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view persisting in your own opinion.

8. Group work.Pay attention to the head of your fish and formulate the aim of your activity in class according to the problems and their solutions.

9. Group work.Think over the result of your activity, set it into the tail of the fish skeleton and report to the class.

IV. Reflection (Рефлексия)


10. Write a short essay entitled “Landscape Architect’s challenges”.

Module 2

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