Exercise 1. Найдите шесть предложений с глаголом в сослагательном наклоне­нии

Найдите шесть предложений с глаголом в сослагательном наклоне­нии. Переведите их на русский язык.

1. It was desirable that he should go to a law school following the family tradition.

2. The relatives recommended that I see a lawyer.

3. The editor said that they had published the letter.

4. She ignored the suggestion that she take care.

5. People should treat each other better.

6. It was agreed that he should start on his new job on Monday.

7. These rules were unconstitutional and therefore void.

8. He was afraid lest he should lose her.

9. The witness looks as if he were surprised.

10. The judge let the child be present at the pre-trial hearing.


Раскройте скобки, выбирая глагол в сослагательном наклонении. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. They demanded that the doctor (tell / tells) them what the matter was.

2. It is necessary that you (found / should find) a lawyer who could deal with it.

3. The chief constable had given instructions that everything possible (be done / would be done).

4. The council lowered his voice so that the other party (should not hear / did not hear) him.

5. I feared lest I (should get / should not get) back in time.

6. She always speaks as if she (knows / knew) everything better than anyone else.

7. The solicitor suggested that his client (not sign / does not sign) the document.

Вводные слова

Вводные слова (парантез) служат в предложении:

1) для выражения отношения говорящего к высказыванию;

2) для связи данного предложения с другими;

3) для подведения итога ранее сказанного.

Парантез может выражаться:

а) модальными словами actually, certainly, evidently, indeed, maybe, obviously, perhaps, surely и др.;

б) наречиями anyway, besides, finally, firstly, moreover, otherwise, still, then, therefore, thus, yet и др.;

в) предложными фразами at last, in a word, in my opinion, in short, on the contrary, on the one hand и др.;

г) фразами с инфинитивом to be sure, to begin with, to tell the truth, to put it mildly и др.;

д) фразами с причастием I frankly speaking, generally speaking, strictly speaking, taking everything into account и др.;

е) предложениями as far as I am concerned, as far as I know, as you know, for all I know, you see и др.

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