
Exercise 4.7.1 Read and translate the text.

There is a network of taxiways, also referred to as taxi strips, at the airfield. Taxiway (TW) is the special well-equipped part of the airfield used for taxiing only. Taxiways may be the main and connecting ones. Their purpose is to provide safe movement of aircraft about the airfield. Taxiways provide access from the runways to the terminal area and maintenance hangars, as well as from the terminal area to the take-off ends of the runways. Taxiways should be arranged so that aircraft, which landed, do not interfere with aircraft taxiing to take off.

At busy airports there is a main taxiway going parallel the runway connecting its ends. Connecting TW is intended to link the RW, main TW, apron and special purpose areas. Where taxiing traffic is simultaneously in both directions parallel one-way taxiways are provided. Routes are selected to provide the shortest practicable distances from the terminal area to the end of the runways used for take-off. Whenever possible, taxiways are routed so as to avoid crossing of active runways.

During peak traffic periods, when a continuous supply of aircraft is available, the capacity of a runway is dependent, to a large degree, on how quickly landing aircraft can be vacated from the runway. Therefore, taxiways should be located at various points along the runway, so that landing aircraft can leave the runway as quickly as possible to clear it for use by other aircraft.

The location of exit taxiways is also influenced by the location of the runways relative to the terminal area.

Exercise 4.7.2 Answer the questions.

1. What is the purpose of taxiways?

2. What do taxiways provide?

3. How should taxiways be arranged?

4. Where are parallel one-way taxiways provided?

5. How should taxiways be located?

6. What is the location of exit taxiways influenced by?

7. Where is main TW located?

8. What does main TW provide?

9. What is connecting TW intended to link?

Exercise 4.7.3 Write T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.

1. There is a network of taxiways, also referred to as taxi strips, at the airfield.

2. The purpose of taxiways is to provide safe movement of aircraft about the apron.

3. Taxiways provide access from the runways to the apron.

4. Taxiways should be arranged so that aircraft, which is taking off, do not interfere with the aircraft, which landed.

5. At busy airports there is a connecting TW going parallel the runway connecting its ends.

6. Routes are selected to provide the longest practicable distances from the terminal area to the end of the runways used for take-off.

7. Taxiways are routed so as to avoid crossing of active runways.

8. Taxiways should be located at different points along the runway.

Exercise 4.7.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Обеспечивать безопасное движение; технические ангары; пропускная способность ВПП; специально оборудованный; магистральная РД; соединительная РД; кратчайшее расстояние; площадка специального назначения; как можно быстрее; зона аэровокзала; для руления; вдоль ВПП.

Exercise 4.7.5 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and word combinations.

Goal; airplane; central taxiway; runway-in-use; fast; as fast as possible; to clear the runway; adjacent; to connect.

Exercise 4.7.6 State what part of speech the following words belong to.

1. network

a) verb b) noun c) adjective d) adverb

2. provide

a) regular verb b) irregular verb c) past participle d) adverb

3. access

a) countable noun b) uncountable noun c) adjective d) verb

4. busy

a) adjective b) comparative adjective c) adverb d) superlative adjective

5. simultaneously

a) adjective b) superlative adjective c) comparative adjective d) adverb

6. shortest

a) comparative adjective b) adverb c) adjective d) superlative adjective

7. end

a) countable noun b) verb c) uncountable noun d) adverb

8. dependent

a) adjective b) verb c) adverb d) past participle

9. quickly

a) adverb b) verb c) adjective d) noun

10. relative

a) noun b) adjective c) adverb d) verb

11. apron

a) countable noun b) uncountable noun c) adverb d) verb

Exercise 4.7.7 Match the words and word combinations in column A with those in column B.

1. airfield a. аэровокзал
2. terminal b. кратчайшее расстояние
3. connecting TW c. мешать, препятствовать
4. shortest route d. размещение
5. influence e. специально оборудованный
6. location f. летное поле
7. interfere g. магистральная РД
8. main TW h. кратчайшее расстояния
9. well-equipped i. влиять
10. the shortest route j. соединительная РД

Exercise 4.7.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. The purpose of the taxiways is to ___________ (comply, provide, make) safe movement of aircraft about the airfield.

2. Taxiways should be ____________ (arranged, organized, made) so that aircraft, which landed, do not interfere with aircraft taxiing to take off.

3. At busy airports there is a main taxiway going parallel the runway ____________ (connecting, linking, joining) its ends.

4. While taxiing traffic is simultaneously in ___________ (two, both, parallel) directions parallel one-way taxiways are provided.

5. Routes are ___________ (chosen, selected, picked out) to provide the shortest practicable distances from the terminal area to the end of the runways used for take-off.

6. Whenever possible, taxiways are routed so as to avoid ____________ (crossing, passing, intersecting) of active taxiways.

7. During ____________ (busy, peak, occupied) periods the capacity of a runway is dependent on how quickly landing aircraft can be vacated from the runway.

8. The ____________ (location, situation, arrangement) of exit taxiways is also influenced by the _____________ (location, situation, arrangement) of the runway relative to the terminal area.

9. Connecting TW is intended to link the RW, main TW, apron and special __________ (aim, goal, purpose) areas.

Exercise 4.7.9 Fill in the gaps with the related words.

1. There is a network of taxiways, also __________ (REFER) to as taxi strips, at the airfield.

2. Their purpose is to provide safe _____________ (MOVE) of aircraft about the airfield.

3. Taxiways should be ___________ (ARRANGE) so that aircraft, which __________ (LAND), do not interfere with aircraft ____________ (TAXI) to take off.

4. At busy airports there is a main taxiway going parallel the runway ____________ (CONNECT) its ends.

5. While __________ (TAXI) traffic is ________________ (SIMULTANEOUS) in both directions parallel one-way taxiways are _____________ (PROVIDE).

6. Routes are selected to provide the _____________ (SHORT) practicable distances from the terminal area to the end of the runways used for take-off.

7. Whenever possible, taxiways are ___________ (ROUTE) so as to avoid ___________ (CROSS) of active runways.

8. The capacity of a runway is ____________ (DEPEND) on how ____________ (QUICK) landing aircraft can be ____________ (VACATE) from the runway.

9. Taxiways should be ___________ (LOCATE) at various points along the runway.

10. The location of exit taxiway is also _____________ (INFLUENCE) by the location of the runways relative to the terminal area.

11. Connecting TW is _____________ (INTEND) to link the RW, main TW, apron and special purpose areas.

Exercise 4.7.10 Fill in the prepositions if necessary.

1. There is a network _______ taxiways, also referred ______ as taxi strips, at the airfield.

2. The purpose of taxiways is to provide safe movement of aircraft ______ the field.

3. Taxiways provide access ______ the runways _______ the terminal area and maintenance hangars.

4. Taxiways should be arranged so that aircraft, which landed, do not interfere ______ aircraft taxiing to take off.

5. ______ busy airports there is a main taxiway going parallel the runway connecting its ends.

6. Taxiways are routed so as to avoid ____ crossing of active runways.

7. During peak traffic periods the capacity of a runway is dependent ______ how quickly landing aircraft can be vacated _________ the runway.

8. Landing aircraft can leave the runway as quickly as possible to clear it for use ______ other aircraft.

9. The location of exit taxiways is also influenced _______ the location of the runways relative _______ the terminal area.

10. Taxiway is the special well-equipped part of the airfield used _______ taxiing only.

Exercise 4.7.11 Put the given words in the correct order.

1. may/ the/ connecting/ ones/ main/ Taxiways/ be/ and.

2. are/ Taxiways/ so as/ avoid/ to/ routed/ of/ runway/ crossing/ active.

3. located/ be/ should/ Taxiways/ various/ the/ runway/ along/ points/ at.

4. special/ the/ airfield/ Taxiway/ part/ is/ a/ of/ taxiing/ for/ used.

Exercise 4.7.12 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Рулежная дорожка – это часть летного поля, специально подготовленная для руления воздушных судов.

2. Соединительная РД – рулежная дорожка, связывающая ВПП, магистральную РД, перрон и площадки специального назначения.

3. Рулежные дорожки обеспечивают доступ от взлетных полос до зоны аэродрома и технических ангаров.

4. Рулежные дорожки должны быть организованы таким образом, чтобы воздушные суда, которые совершили посадку, не препятствовали взлетающим воздушным судам.

5. Маршрут выбирается таким образом, чтобы обеспечить кратчайшее расстояние от зоны аэродрома до конца ВПП, используемой для взлета.

6. Если возможно, маршрут РД выбирается таким образом, чтобы избежать пересечения с действующей ВПП.

7. Во время пиковых периодов, пропускная способность ВПП зависит от того, насколько быстро садящееся воздушное судно освободит полосу.

8. Поэтому рулежные дорожки должны быть размещены в различных местах вдоль ВПП.

Exercise 4.7.13 Make up your own sentences using the words and word combinations.

Refer to; the take-off ends of the runway; to arrange; to interfere with; simultaneously; the shortest practicable distances; a continuous supply; available; the capacity of a runway; therefore; whenever possible; to be influenced by.

Exercise 4.7.14 Retell the text.

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