Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания и запомните их

established demand cформированный спрос
promoted demand пропагандистский спрос
conveniently placed удобно расположенный
to attract привлекать, притягивать; пленять
supplement дополнение, добавление
promotion of sales стимулирование сбыта
publicity паблисити, гласность, рекламиро-вание
special event sales продажи в связи с определенным событием
personal selling личная продажа
sales promotion campaign кампания по стимулированию сбыта
public relations связи с общественными организациями и отдельными лицами
community goodwill доброжелательность общества
to check проверять
to count считать
to omit пренебрегать, оставлять,
impulse items импульсивные товары
to involve вовлекать, включать
to gain the prospective customer достичь предполагаемого покупателя
cumulative neat result кумулятивный чистый результат
credit account кредитный счет
delivery service обслуживание при поставке (оборудования)
on-time deliveries поставки в срок
conformity to specification соответствие спецификации (технической характеристики)
ultimate result конечный результат
to launch a new product выпустить новый товар
commercial break рекламная пауза
to account for насчитывать
newspaper circulation тираж газеты
point-of-sale место совершения продажи
to keep costs down не увеличивать расходы
to put forward a proposal выдвинуть предложение
to be financially sound быть в хорошем финансовом состоянии
to cause a recession вызывать падение (спад)
to fall in demand падение спроса
sales increase увеличение сбыта
fall in share price падение цены акции

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A total demand for the goods and services may be offered by any advertising firm. A total demand can be divided into established demand and newly created demand which is sometimes called a promoted demand.

Established demand is a volume of sales which comes without outside promotion made by advertising firm. People buy goods and products because they have had positive experiences in purchasing firm's products, find the firm located conveniently or they may be attracted by the appearance of new firms.

Newly created or promoted demand is a total volume of sales resulted from firm's engagingin various types of activities to draw people to the firm. Promoted demand let customers become established customers. The firms with established demand and promoted demand show much better sales volume and profits.

All activities involved into the development of sales can be grouped under the title of promotion of sales. This promotion can use direct or indirect methods. Every small private firm should think about using some of the following types of sales promotion.

Direct promotion methods Indirect promotion methods
1. advertising 1. public relations
2. publicity 2. customer relations
3. displays 3. customer services
4. special event sales 4. product styling and packaging
5. manufacturer's aids 5. community goodwill
6. personal selling  
7. sales promotion campaigns  

Advertising can be defined as commercial messages to the public designed to inform potential and established customers and to encourage sales by the advertiser. Advertising can be either institutional (designed to sell the firm's name) or direct-action (designed to sell the firm's product or service).

Types of advertising media can be different. Among the media increasing promotion that generally used in advertising are: television, radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboards, specialty advertising (distribution of such items as notebooks, pencils, calendars, blotters, gummed labels, telephone pads, shopping bags), public transportation, yellow pages, direct mail, other media (catalogues, samples, handouts, leaflets, etc.)

Measuring advertising effectiveness may be done by every advertising program. This advertising program should check its effectiveness. Some of the ways the small firms can measure advertising effectiveness are:

1. Advertise one item in one ad only. It must not have any reference to the item of sales floor. Advertisers should countpeople’s calls and requests. The ad results can be identified.

2.Place identical ads with identifying marks in two separate publications. The reader may be asked to bring the ad to the firm to obtain a special price or prize. Count how many ads come in from each source.

3 Omit a regular advertising project for certain periods and look for any change in sales.

4. Check sales results when a new advertisement is placed.

Publicity has always been described as advertising means that is not paid for. It includes such things as public news items about the owner of the firm that tend to brighten the firm's image or make friends for business.

1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты для следующих словосочетаний:

Сформированный спрос, объем продаж, лучший объем продаж и прибыль, продвижение товара, непрямые методы, желтая пресса, тираж газеты, получить специальную цену, взаимоотношения с покупателем, общественные отношения, определять имидж фирмы, добрая воля, желать специальных услуг, искать фирмы, привлечение внимания покупателей, отражать уверенность.

2. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

Advertising program should be checked, publicity is advertising, to brighten the firm’s image, impulse item, in the start of the spring, cumulative, to seek out firms, to maintain services, successful business, to attract new customers, credit accounts, delivery service, aids and failure.

3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1) What is an established demand? How do you understand it?

2) What is a promoted demand?

3) What methods of promotion can be used?

4) How can advertiser increase the sales promotion?

5) Speak about measures of advertising effectiveness?

6) What are displays? What are their roles in promotion of goods?

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