I. Vocabulary notes: freshman, to drag on for hours, facilities

correspondence departments – заочное отделение
admission - прием
stiff and competitive – трудные и конкурсные
freshman - первокурсник
course of study – курс обучения
to chat – болтать, разговаривать
dull - скучный
to drag on for hours – тянуться часами
teaching instructors (TI) - преподаватель
well stored with knowledge – обладать хорошими знаниями
do their best - стараться
facilities – службы, помещения
graduating students - выпускники
a master’s degree – степень бакалавра
solid background – солидная база (образования)

I am a student of Minsk Institute of Management. Our Institute is quite large but not very old, compared to other national institutions. It was founded in 1991. It has day and correspondence departments where thousands of students study. There are four faculties at our Institute: Law, Economics, Accounting and Finance, High Level Specialists’ Professional Improvement. The admission to our Institute is by examination in the form of centralized testing. The exams are stiff and competitive.

Our Institute has a student body of some 11 000 people. More than a thousand freshmen arrive at the Institute every year. The course of study at my Institute lasts five years. The first year is a continuation of secondary education; then students begin an intensive study of their special field.

Our Institute is large and we have several buildings for lectures and seminars. There are many large halls there so that students of 3-4 groups together can fit in there. And that is more than 100 people. The acoustics in such large halls is very good but sometimes it is very noisy when students chat during the lecture. It happens when the lectures are dull and seem to drag on for hours. Most of the teaching instructors of our Institute are popular with their students because their minds are well stored with knowledge. And the students do their best to work hard at the lectures and seminars.

There is a library, computer centre, gym and other facilities in our Institute. The students of the Institute can do any sports and any recreation activity.

At the conclusion of studies graduating students receive a high school diploma. After one additional year of studies the Institute grants a master’s degree. Studying in our Institute gives a solid background in all spheres of knowledge and prepares for practical work.

Task 1. Answer the question:

1. When was the Institute founded?

2. How many departments does it have?

3. What faculty do you study at?

4. Is the admission to the Institute by examination or by interview?

5. How long does the course of study last?

6. Why do the students sometimes chat during the lectures?

7. What do the students do to study well?

8. Are there any facilities at the Institute?

9. What do the students receive at the conclusion of studies?

10. In what way can the students continue their studies at the Institute?

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