The Future of the Engineering Profession. Exercise 1. Study these words

Exercise 1. Study these words. In each case the stressed part is in bold type.

Computeriz a tion, w i despread, incr ea singly, en or mous, d a ta, scient i fic, manuf a cture, applic a tion, det er mine, m u scular, ergon o mics, n clear, c au se, f ai lure, malf u nctioning, crit e ­ria, eff i cient, m o nitor, contr o l, p a nel.

Exercise 2. Read the following expressions and then decide what type of modifier is placed in each case. Translate them. If necessary look at the Vocabulary.

Types of modifiers: a) adjective; b) participle; c)’s genitive; d) noun.

1) complex problems

2) enormous volume

3) engineering offices

4) data volume

5) systems engineer

6) employee's abilities

7) increased production

Exercise 3. Explain the following noun phrases and translate them.

Examples: data handling – handling of data

machine controller- a device which controls the machine

1) storing device

2) robot industry

3) muscular movements

4) operator errors

5) design failure

6) control panel

7) nuclear reactor operation

Exercise 4. Match the words and expressions on the left with those on the right.

1) engineering profession a) подвергаться сомнению

2) widespread b) профессия инженер

3) to be increasingly used for c) связанный напрямую

4) to generate data d) по отношению к

5) connected directly e) широко распространенный

6) with relation to f) получать большое внимание

7) to result in g) вызванный

8) to receive wide atten­tion h) вырабатывать данные

9) to be questioned i) использоваться в большей степени для

10) caused by g) вызывать

Exercise 5. In pairs, before reading the text, look through the sentences and say if they are true (T) or false (F).

1) Computerization is the most popular trend in the engineering profession.

2) Modern engineers widely use computers for typing the texts and playing computer games.

3) Systems engineering principles focus on how complex engineering projects should be designed and managed.

4) Time-study engineer controls the changes in the machine location and its position with relation to other machines or equipment or a change in the muscular movements of the operator.

5) Human-factors engineering is an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely.

Read the text to check your answers or to find the right ones.

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