
notice board – доска объявлений

desk- рабочий стол

telephone – телефон

chair – стул

wastepaper bin – корзина для бумаг

graph – график

filing cabinet – шкаф для хранения папок с документами

table – стол

calculator – калькулятор

tray – подставка для бумаг

letter- письмо

book – книга

drawer – выдвижной ящик

shelf – полка

pot plant – комнатное растение

coffee/ tea pot- кофейник/ чайник

room – комната

extension – добавочный

Exercise 1.

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Who does Mary share the office with?

2. How many telephones has Ann got?

3. Where are the telephones?

4. Where is the coffee pot?

5. What is the office number?

6. What is the office telephone number?

7. What is the extension number?

Exercise 2

1. Write the answers to these calculations. Read them. / Напишите ответы. Прочитайте.

1) two*nine=eighteen

2) twenty:four=five

3) seventeen-three=fourteen

4) eleven+eight=nineteen

5) sixteen-thirteen=three

6) twelve:six=two

7) fifteen-ten=five

8) seven+one=eight

Exercise 3

Составьте десять предложений из данных слов:

This desk under what is a in are your that office the on telephone books these those.

Exercise 4

Write these sums of money in full as you would say them or write them on a cheque.

£ 23.60 $ 18.20

£ 79.30 $ 569.50

£ 253 $ 64.96

£ 2,387 $ 2

£ 85.41

£ 1,200

£ 790.90

When you write a whole member of pounds and dollars on a a check, you write “only” afterwards to show that there are no pence or cents:

Sixhundred pounds only

Exercise 5.

16*5 cm 1.1*5 k

30*2.5*1 m 60*12*10 cm

20*4*30 cm 7*1*1 k

19*0.1 m 20*2 k

Exercise 6

What numerals do these roman numerals stand for? Put them in two columns of odd and even members in numerical order, starting with the lowest member in each column. Read them. / Какие числа обозначают данные римские цифры? Распределите их на две колонки чётных и нечётных чисел, начиная с наименьшего. Прочитайте.


Even numbers are numbers which can be divided exactly by two.

Exercise 7.

Work out these calculations. / Произведите вычисления.

6:2 12+5

8+9 23-2

30-6 99:9

20:2 20*4

7*3 40+11

Exercise 8.

Punctuate these sums of money in two ways. / Произведите пунктуацию данных сумм денег, дайте два варианта.

$ 2222222

$ 1765

$ 1000000

$ 2,222,222

£ 576899

£ 101010101

£ 543219876

£ 576,899

£ 5,768.99

Exercise 9.

Complete these calculations. / Произведите вычисления

7 plus 3 equals 10

8…5….3 9….9….18

4….6….24 18…9…..2

20…4….5 18…9….9


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