Translate into Russian

1. Corrosion: When engineers plan a structure that will be made of metal and will stand unprotected out doors, they must take into account the possibility of corrosion brought about by rain.

2. Ecosystems: An ecosystem is a delicate balance. For example, in a low desert ecosystem, if there is an extremely cold winter, one species of plant may suffer. The loss of that one species of plant can cause the loss of food for one small animal. If this small animal dies in great numbers, this can affect a higher order of species and so on.

3. Precipitation: Last year was a record year for precipitation in the desert. More than 2 inches of rain fell, and more than 4 inches of snow fell!

4. Emissions: Some people are urging the government to put more controls on automobile emissions. They warn that if this is not done, our air pollution will only get worse.

5. To be devoid of x: Most people think that deserts are devoid of all life. However if they looked closely, they would find that there are numerous animals and plants that flourish, that is, do well, in the desert.

6. Vulnerable: Nations are especially vulnerable to attack when they are unprepared or preoccupied with internal difficulties.

7. Adverse effects: Smoke not only has adverse effects on smokers, but it also harms people around smokers.

8. To attribute x to x: People attributed his death to the fact that he smoked 4 packs of cigarettes a day.

9. Toxic: All toxic material should be kept on a high shelf so that small children do not drink or eat dangerous substances.

2.Translate into English using the active vocabulary:

1. Двуокись серы, окись азота и двуокись углерода – вещества, сильно загрязняющие окружающую среду.

2. На долю Польши приходится 20% общего количества загрязняющих Балтийское море веществ, включая канализационные, промышленные и сельскохозяйственные стоки.

3. Правительство Польши намеревается заняться экологическими проблемами.

4. Будет разработана долгосрочная программа превентивных мер.

5. Система штрафов за вредные выбросы и нарушение установленных норм (правил) обеспечит фонды.

6. Успех в борьбе с загрязнением приведет к улучшению условий жизни.

7. Считается, что серьезно пострадали только 11% польской земли, но почти такое же количество можно отнести к наиболее благополучным экосистемам в Европе.

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