double arrow


to be surrounded быть окруженным
known as известный как
mostly по большей части, главным образом
respectively соответственно, в указанном порядке
the earliest known name самое раннее известное название
The Irish Sea Ирландское море
the English Channel Ла-Манш
To possess обладать, владеть
aircraft авиация
cross крест
might могущество, мощь
democracy демократия
the head of the State глава государства
to be limited быть ограниченным
the supreme legislative authority верховная законодательная власть
tocomprise включать, заключать в себе
the House of Commons Палата общин
the House of Lords Палата Лордов


1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

2. Where is the United Kingdom situated?

3. What is the population of the Great Britain?

4. What are the seas and the oceans Great Britain is washed by? (What seas and oceans is Great Britain washed by?)

5. Great Britain is a highly developed country, isn’t it? What goods does it produce?

6. What is the national symbol of the UK? What does it symbolize?

7. What is the political system of Great Britain?

8. Is the power of the Queen limited by Parliament?

9. What does Parliament comprise?

10. What are the main political parties in Great Britain?

Тopic 5

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