По теме “Systems of organs. Cardiovascular system

Respiratory system.”

Задание 1. Поставьте сказуемое в нужной форме пассивного залога.

1. The blood (to pump) by the contractions of the heart.

2. From 60 to 72 beats per minute (to make) by the heart.

3. The doctor listened to my heart yesterday, and only two heart sounds (to hear).

4. Take a deep breath, please, the vital capacity of your lungs (to measure).

5. Oxygen (to transfer) in the blood by hemoglobin.

Задание 2. Задайте 4 типа вопросов к предложению №1 Задания 1.

Задание 3. Найдите соответствия

1.coat 2. atrium 3. to increase 4. to pump 5. surface 6. to separate 7. hollow 8. chamber 9. rate 10. layer a) камера (cердца) b) слой, листок c) полый d) частота e) поверхность f) предсердие g) оболочка h) нагнетать, накачивать i) отделять j) увеличивать (ся)


Задание 1.

1. is pumped

2. are made

3. were heard

4. will be measured

5. is transferred

Задание 2.

1. Общий – Is the blood pumped by the contractions of the heart?

2. Специальный – How is the blood pumped?

3. Альтернативный - Is the blood pumped by the contractions of the heart or by the contractions of the artery?

4. Разделительный - The blood is pumped by the contractions of the heart, isn’t it?

Задание 3.

1g, 2f, 3j, 4h, 5e, 6i, 7c, 8a, 9d, 10b

Утверждено на заседании кафедры, протокол №1 от 31.08.2012

Образец задания ЛГИР №3

Факультет Лечебный

Курс I

Семестр I

Лексико-грамматическая итоговая работа №3

по теме “Systems of organs. Digestive system. Nervous system”

Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. The liver lies …

a) under the left ribs

b) under the right ribs

c) under the lungs

2. The liver secretes …

a) gastric juice

b) bolus

c) bile

3. The size and shape of the stomach vary …

a) with age

b) with the amount of food

c) with individual properties

4. A constant flow of stimuli comes into the brain through …

a) the spinal cord

b) the hypothalamus

c) the motor cortex

5. The motor cortex …

a) never becomes tired

b) becomes tired rapidly

c) becomes tired with age

Задание 2. Измените залог предложения:

1. The brain analyses the stimuli.

2. The portal system is formed by the veins passing to the liver.

3. The lungs are covered with the pleura


Задание 1.

1b, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5b

Задание 2.

1) The stimuli are analysed by the brain.

2) The veins passing to the liver form the portal system.

3) The pleura covers the lungs.

Утверждено на заседании кафедры, протокол №1 от 31.08.2012

Образец задания ЛГИР №4

Факультет Лечебный

Курс I

Семестр II

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