Charming, fashionable, patient, friendly, old, short

My sister is shorter than my mother but she is as short as my granny.

26. Ответьте на вопросы, начиная свой ответ со слов:

- I think …

- It seems to me that …

- As for me …

- To my mind …

- In my opinion …

1. Who is the most intelligent person you know?

2. Which was the most difficult subject at school?

3. What is more interesting for you: to watch or to read?

4. Who is the best swimmer in your family?

5. Which is the highest building in your town (city)?

6. What is more enjoyable for you: to spend summer at the sea-side or in the country?

7. When was the happiest moment in your life?

8. What is the oldest thing your family owns?

9. What is more difficult: to enter university or to study there?

10. What is the smallest thing you have in your pockets?

11. Who is the most famous film star in our country/in the world?

Повторите весь пройденный грамматический материал урока 2 и выполните задание с выбором правильного ответа.

1. Don’t worry, we … you to get ready for the test.

A help B helps C will help

2. It’s so cloudy and windy outside. It … rain.

A will B is going to C are going to

3. I’m sure you … find your bag soon.

A are going to B is going to C will

4. As far as I know, Nadine … invite everyone from her class – just her best friends.

A will B won’t C isn’t going to

5. I think she … win the match tomorrow.

A is going to B am going to C will

6. Oh, mum, you’re so tired, I … the washing-up after dinner.

A am going to do B will do C won’t do

7. We … to a café after I pass all my exams.

A go out B goes out C will go out

8. When I … to the park to ride my bike, I will call you.

A go B goes C will go

9. If I pass all my exams successfully this year, I … a party.

A hold B will hold C holds

10. Sandra is going to save money … she wants to go to Egypt.

A so B because C to

11. John wants to be a professional basketball player … he spends much time training.

A so B because C to

12. It’s necessary to learn English … study in Europe.

A so B because C to

13. … will be more documents to sign tomorrow.

A It B There C Their

14. … will be more difficult to study at university than at school.

A It B There C Their

15. Susan is a … girl.

A pretty B prettier C the prettiest

16. The Eiffel Tower is … tower in France.

A the more famous B more famous C the most famous

17. Is Rome … than Venice?

A old B more old C older

18. To my mind, this carpet is … than that one.

A badder B worse C the worse

19. My father is … driver I know.

A careful B the carefullest C the most careful

20. Your daughter is as … as you are.

A smarter B smart C more smart

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