Контрольная работа № 3. Данные методические рекомендации для подготовки и сдачи зачета в пятом семестре III курса заочного отделения факультета «Финансы и Кредит»

Данные методические рекомендации для подготовки и сдачи зачета в пятом семестре III курса заочного отделения факультета «Финансы и Кредит». Оно содержит грамматический материал (упражнения) по следующим разделам:

1. Функции "it", "one", "that", "for", "as", усиленная конструкция "it is (was)... that (who)… ".

2. Пассивный залог (Passive Voice) временных групп Indefinite, Continuons, Perfect.

3. Простые неличные формы глагола - Infinitive, Gerund.

4. Согласование времен. Косвенный вопрос.

Кроме того в пособие включены тексты по специальности и материал для контрольной работы № 3.

Прежде, чем приступить к выполнению контрольной работы № 3, следует изучить грамматический материал данного семестра. Затем выполнить упражнения, которые даны до контрольной работы. Упражнения можно выполнять либо письменно, либо устно (на усмотрение студента). Кроме того, перевести все тексты (также - либо письменно, либо устно). Студенты сдают упражнения и тексты устно: чтение на английском языке и перевод.

Затем выполняется контрольная работа по определенному варианту письменно в отдельной тетради для контрольных работ и сдаётся до начала сессии (не позже, чем за две недели). Студенты, фамилии которых начинаются с буквы «А» по «И» (включительно) выполняют I вариант, с буквы «К» по «П» - II вариант, с буквы «Р» по «Я» - III вариант.

В контрольную работу включены грамматические и лексические упражнения и текст по специальности.

Разговорная тема 1-го семестра «Екатеринбург». Образец текста и вопросы к ней даны в разработке. Тема сдается устно. Для сдачи темы можно составить план, адаптировать необходимые для пересказа предложения, подобрать к каждому пункту плана ключевые слова и опираться на них при рассказе. Сдавая тему, студент должен не только вести монологическую речь, но и уметь отвечать на вопросы преподавателя.

V семестр завершается зачетом.

К зачету допускаются студенты активно работавшие на занятиях, выполнившие свой вариант контрольной работы. На зачете студент устно сдает чтение и перевод на русский язык упражнений по грамматике, выполняет все задания, которые даны в данном упражнении. Затем читает и переводит на русский язык тексты. В конце зачета - сдача темы «Yekaterinburg».

I. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Определите видо-временную форму и залог глагола- сказуемого.

Образец I:

1. Business is related to a human activity. (Present Indefinite, Passive) Бизнес относится к деятельности человека
2. Entrepreneurship includes activities. (Present Indefinite, Active) Предпринимательство включает многие важные виды деятельности

1. Everyone who is connected with a business shares in the risks of the business.

2. Labour changes raw materials into finished products and then distributes these to the buyers.

3. The workers of this enterprise are using new methods for producing goods.

4. He has received money not enough to pay for all the costs.

5. The draft of the new plan will have been published by the end of the year.

6. There have been considerable changes in the production in the previous years.

7. Will this lectures be invited to deliver a course of lectures on foreign trade in our Institute?

II. Переведите следующие предложения, учитывая разные возможности перевода инфинитива и герундия.

Образец II.

1. This person is responsible for controlling and directing business at this firm.

Этот человек отвечаег за контроль и направление бизнеса на этой фирме.

2. The customers have to look for another place to buy their products.

Покупатели вынуждены искать другие места, где можно купить товары.

1. When a company goes bankrupt it is unable to pay its debts.

2. The entrepreneur initiates business activity by bringing together land, labour and capital to begin a new business Venture.

3. Advertizing is a kind of public announcement which describes the benefits of using a product or services.

4. Capital can be used to reduce the amount of labour that we have to use in order to do business.

5. A distributor is the one who is active in distributing goods.

III. Перепишите и переведите предложения, учитывая правила согласования времен.

Образец III:

1. Не asked if this article could be sold. Он спросил, можно ли продать эту вещь.
2. The company was warned that its trade would be at a loss. Компанию (фирму) предупредили что ее торговля будет убыточной.
3. They said that this method of management had resulted in improved productivity. Они сказали, что этот метод управления привел к повышению производи- тельности труда.

1. We purchased some products cheaply overseas because they were not produced domestically.

2. Everybody hoped that the two countries would benefit from the trade between them.

3. The government restricted the import of fresh meat when some countries had sold us bad one.

4. They suddenly learned that currencies were being exchanged on a floating rate basis.

5. The United States imported more goods last month that it had exported.

6. The manager knew what goods were to be bought first.

7. He asked me where I had lived two years before.

IV. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения.

1. It is quite possible for a valid and enforceable contract to exist when a definite proposal has been accepted.

2. In order to make a valid contract one must observe certain necessary conditions.

3. A court of law cannot enforce an agreement if it doesn't know what the agreement is.

4. An executed contract is one in which the object of the contract is at once performed.

5. It is the seller who guarantees that quality of goods will be in full conformity with the contract conditions.

6. Owners are to be responsible for loss or damage of goods.

7. As we have done business with you for a year we would appreciate quarterly settlement terms.

8. The two tactics of market - makers are known as those of "bears" (lowering the prices) and "bulls" (pushing the prices up).

9. Some corporations were nationalized by Labour government for political reasons.

V. Прочитайте и переведите следующие тексты.


The Nature of Business

Business is the human activity related to material things. It is necessary for civilization. It is found in all societies, even the simplest ones. Business may include the production of goods: making airplanes, building buildings, and constructing paper boxes are examples of production. It can also provide the financing for these activities. Lending money, trading stocks and bonds, and selling insurance policies relate to the securing of capital (getting money) for business activities. Other forms of business include merchandising, which is the selling of products, and providing various services, such as accounting, distributing, and repair. Business, then, is the activity of producing and distributing goods and services.

In our study of business, it is necessary to understand the four basic factors of production. These four factors are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. What is meant by these four terms?

In order to produce things, it is necessary to use land. Here, the term land, is used in the most general way. It refers not only to a piece of real estate where we might build a factory, but it also means all the raw materials used for production. Some of these raw materials are found on the earth's surface, such as trees, which yield (give) wood for lumber. Other raw materials are found under the earth's surface in mines and oil wells, and still other raw materials may be extracted (taken) from the air. All the raw materials for production come from the land, the air, and the ocean.

Labor refers to the use of mental or physical work to produce goods. Most labor changes raw materials into finished products and then distributes these to buyers. In industrialized countries, labor is generally more mental than physical. For example, in both manufacturing and agriculture, machines accomplish the very tiring physical work that unskilled laborers used to do. In other industries computer programmed robots and other forms of data processing equipment perform many of the jobs which used to require a lot of mental labor. Therefore, to a certain extent the next factor, capital, can be used to replace labor or reduce the amount of physical and mental labor that humans have to use in order to conduct (do) business.

In everyday language, capital means several things. The most general meaning is wealth or money. But it also refers to the equipment that money purchases. As one of the basic factors of production and capital is all of the things that workers use in production and distribution. It includes their tools, machines, and buildings such as factories and warehouses where goods are produced and stored. Capital, therefore, refers to anything which helps to produce and distribute goods.

Putting together land, labor, and capital to make something of value, is called entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is the person responsible for controlling and directing the other three factors. The entrepreneur does not make things with his own hands unless he is also a worker. In a business the workers take orders from the entrepreneur. He is the leader, and the employees follow his direction.

Entrepreneurship includes some other important activities. The entrepreneur is responsible for initiating (beginning) business activity. He must begin his business by bringing together the land, labor, and capital. Next, he must manage the business by deciding, the general policies for business operation. In order to be successful, an entrepreneur must also be innovative (have new ideas). He must look for new products or new ways of making things, and new methods of distribution, or he must offer new services. He must be able to decide on the value of things which other people invent, whether it is a new toy, a new method of filing, or a new way of advertising. Finally, he bears all the risks (takes all the chances) of the business.

Everyone connected with a business shares in the risks of the business. When a company goes bankrupt, that is, becomes unable to pay its debts, it causes problems for many people. It is hard for the employees who may have to seek work elsewhere; the customers must look for another place to buy their products; creditors (people the business owes money to) usually lose some of the money that they have lent to the company. But the entrepreneur takes the biggest risk. If the business succeeds or fails, the must pay them up to the limit of his ability to pay. If he is skillful - and lucky - the money he receives from his business venture (activity) will pay for the land, labor, and capital, and there will still be some extra money remaining for him. This extra money is the profit. If the money he receives from the business venture is not enough to pay for all of the coasts, the difference is a loss.


The Stock Exchange

The Stock Exchange is a market place where the Government and private industry are able, by the issue of new stocks and shares to raise money to finance their operations. It plays a vital part in the national prosperity, not only by providing some of the finance for the investment necessary for industrial expansion, but also by attracting foreign exchange into Britain.

History. The Stock Exchange evolved in London during the seventeenth century from informal gatherings of stock and share dealers in the coffee houses around the Royal Exchange, Records of daily price diets go back as far as 1698, and among the stocks listed then were the New River Company and the Hudsons Bay Company, which still feature in today's Daily Official List.

The First Stock Exchange building, situated near to Threadneedle Street was taken over in 1773, and the Market moved to part of its present site in 1801. A new Stock Exchange building on the same site was completed in 1973.

At the time of the railway room in the nineteenth century other, Stock Exchange opened up outside London. In 1965 these, together with London, formed the Federation of Stock Exchange in Great Britain and Ireland. In 1973 they joined together to form The Stock Exchange with trading floors in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow and Dublin. In addition, there are brokers' offices in many other towns and cities throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

Membership. Today the Stock Exchange is made up of some 4,000 individual members. To be elected, a person must be 21 years of age and must have served at least three years with a Member Firm. A candidate must also have passed a qualifying examination. The 4,000 Members are grouped into approximately 275 firms divided between London and the rest of the country. Firms vary considerably in size from those with 40 partners and 500 staff to some consisting of just 2 partners and a staff of six. In all, more than 15,000 people are employed by Stock Exchange firms in many cities and towns throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

Members are divided into two distinct types: Brokers and Jobbers Brokers act as agents for the public, advising then on their in vestments, and receiving instructions from their clients regarding the buying and selling of shares. They do not charge a fee for their advice but receive a commission on business transacted.

Jobbers do not deal direct with the investing public. They are concerned with buying and selling shares to brokers, who are acting for clients. The jobbing system which is unique to this country, ensures a fair price to buyers or sellers of securities.

Dealing in the House. Historically, dealing has been the central function in The Stock Exchange both for Brokers and Jobbers. It is the dealers and their clerks whom you can see about their business from the Visitors' Gallery.

For the Jobbers, who make their living by their skill in dealing, this is still so. The ability of their dealers is all important.

The Brokers, however, must be able to offer a wider range of services to their clients. So although dealing is a vital part of their work other functions are also very important.

Administration and Accounting. The processing of Stock Exchange transactions through the settlement procedures occupies probably half of the 15,000 or so people working in Stock Exchange firms.

The value of business done amounts to several hundred million pounds in a day, and if his is not promptly and accurately settled the effects both on the Firms' finances and their clients' affairs would be serious.

The efficient operation of the offices, is essential both to Brokers and Jobbers.

In the past the great bulk of the paper work was dealt with by clerks working under the direction of an Office Manager who had himself spent a lifetime as a skilled clerk. Today, in most Finns, these same functions are carried out using modern equipment, such as computers. There are opportunities for young men and women with a wide variety of qualifications ranging from qualified accountants or computer staff to office juniors, to find interesting employment with good chances of advancement.

Investment Research. The third main area of employment in Stock Exchange Firms is in that part of the office that carries out investment research and gives advice to clients.

There is a wide range of activities carried out in this area. Junior staff will often be engaged at the start in a good deal of routine record keeping, maintaining files of companies published figures keeping up to date the record keeping, maintaining files of companies' published figures, keeping up to date the records of clients' portfolios, and periodically valuing them both for capital and income. These two streams of information come together on the desk of the person who is in touch with the client, advising him and helping him reach his investment decisions.

The material gathered and recorded about companies' records, published figures, and prospects, is also used to prepare analyses of industries and individual companies, and to draw comparisons between companies in the same industry and between those in different industries. Often this requires that the published figures have to be broken down, analyzed, and possibly even recalculated, if these comparisons are to be valid.


Вариант I

I. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого.

1. It is necessary to take care that the terms are brought to the notice of the other party.

2. The prices for item have been specified in appendix 1.

3. The export finance handled the credit assessment of the buyer and took out the necessary insurance.

4. Documents must be presented within the validity of the credit.

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

1. We were pleased to learn that the meeting of the shareholders of our company would take place in mid-December.

2. The parties were not released from responsibility for they didn't fulfilled their liabilities.

3. The company was informed that the equipment had been delivered in wooden cases.

4. The business laws said that an agent who was employed to sell property could not sell to himself.

III. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод инфинитива и герундия.

1. School leavers and graduates will probably get to know about the business by working on a variety of tasks.

2. It is difficult to generalize about salary levels as there is a wide span between the largest and the smallest firms.

3. Local authorities play a prominent part in shaping the business environment.

4. When the price of some commodity increases consumers will try to use less of it.

5. It studying economics it is important to distinguish two branches of it: positive and normative.

IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения; учитывая разные значения слов.

1. One must solve the problem immediately.

2. It is "The Times" that is the most successful national newspaper in Britain.

З. Тhе prices are much lower than those quoted previously.

4. It will be very lazy for you to define most economic terms.

5. Profit for an accountant means simply the difference between total receipts and total costs.

V..Прочтите и письменно переведите текст.


Business is the human activity related to material things. It is necessary for civilization. It is found in all societies, even the simplest ones. Business may include the production of goods: making airplanes, building buildings, and constructing paper boxes are examples of production. It can also provide the financing for these activities. Lending money, trading stocks and bonds, and selling insurance policies relate to the securing of capital (getting money) for business activities. Other forms of business include merchandising, which is the selling of products, and providing various services, such as accounting, distributing, and repair. Business, then, is the activity of producing and distributing goods and services.

In our study of business, it is necessary to understand the four basic factors of production. These four factors are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. What is meant by these four terms?

In order to produce things, it is necessary to use land. Here, the term land is used in the most general way. It refers not only to a piece of real estate where we might build a factory, but it also means all the raw materials used for production. Some of these raw materials are found on the earth's surface, such as trees, which yield (give) wood for lumber. Other raw materials are found under the earth's surface in mines and oil wells, and still other raw materials may be extracted (taken) from the air. AH the raw materials for production come from the land, the air, and the ocean.

Вариант II

I. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого.

1. All bank expenses for collection have been paid by both parties.

2. Delivery will be made in accordance with your instructions.

3. Market selection and planning predicts that any product passes through various stages.

4. It can be seen that foreign exchange business acts as a very important regulator in a free monetary system.

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

1. The seller was held responsible for the damage that had been caused by improper packing.

2. We knew that everyone in that business shared in the risks of it.

3. The agreement for sale was transformed into a sale when the time had elapsed,

4. They received money which wouldn't be enough to pay for all the cost they made.

III. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод инфинитива и герундия.

1. In order to carry out its functions the Council employed about 1,000 people in a variety of tasks.

2. Economic statistics can be valuable in assisting managers when they take decisions.

3. In free market individual people are free to pursue their own interests.

4. My tutor emphasized the great importance of putting ideas in a logical order.

5. We're interested in your raising a large sum of money for the project.

IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, учитывая разные значения слов.

1. It was he who discovered the law of demand and supply.

2. The passenger fares are different from those of the previous year.

3. One can be helped with making up a report on types of economics.

4. It's going to be important to meet as soon as possible.

5. You're giving us the opportunity to assist you. It sounds incredible!

V. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст

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