The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Use Example
Actions continuing up to a moment in the past When you saw us, we had been running for six miles - and we still had a mile to go!
Actions stopping just before a moment in the past Sarah looked tired because she had been exercising all the morning.

1. Make up sentences using the words in brackets:

e.g. I wasn't hungry. (I/just/have/lunch)

I had just had lunch.

1. Tom wasn't at home when I arrived. (he/just/go out) 2. We arrived at the cinema late. (the film/already/begin) 3. They weren't eating when I went to see them. (they/just/finish/their dinner) 4. I invited Ann to dinner last night but she couldn't come. (she/already/arrange/to do smth. else) 5. I was very pleased to see Nora after such a long time. (I/not/see/her/for 5 years) 6. I knew the actor well. (I/see/him/ in/ many plays) 7. Jane was busy in the kitchen. (she/not/cook/dinner/yet) 8. Robert was late for the lecture. (he/miss/the 8 o'clock train)

2. Join the sentences together. Do it as in the examples.

e.g. We came to the stadium. The football match started.

When we came to the stadium, the football match had al­ready started.

1. She phoned me. I packed my luggage. 2. I found her car­riage. She got off the train. 3. I returned home. The guests left. 4. We got to the station. Our train went out. 5. I came home. My son went to the cinema. 6. I phoned Lucy. She left the house.

e.g. The inspector examined my suitcases. I went to the train.

After the inspector had examined my suitcases, I went to the train.

1. He had dinner. He went to the cinema. 2. She wrote the letter. She went to the post-office. 3. He finished work. He left the office. 4. He saw his friend off. Then he returned home. 5. She took some pills.She felt well.

e.g. The rain stopped. We went out.

The rain had stopped before we went out.

1. She got off the-train. I reached the platform. 2. She passed all her exams. She left for Moscow. 3. I listened to the news. I be­gan to do my exercises. 4. She studied English well. She went to London. 5. We returned home. It got dark.

e.g. I booked a ticket. I phoned Bill.

As soon as I had booked a ticket, I phoned Bill.

1. He reserved a room at the hotel. He went to the post-office. 2. He paid the bill. He left the hotel. 3. She finished work. She went out for a walk. 4. I cooked dinner. I began to lay the table. 5. I did the test. I left the Institute.

e.g. Mr Jones came home. His son repaired the TV set.

By the time Mr Jones came home, his son had repaired the TV set.

1. The boss returned. The secretary typed the documents. 2. I got to the station at 6. My friend bought the tickets. 3. He came home. His wife made supper. 4. She phoned me. I packed my suitcases. 5. We reached the station. The train left.

3. Complete the following:

e.g. By five o'clock yesterday...

By five o'clock yesterday I had translated the article.

1. By the end of the month.... 2.... by 2012. 3.... by 6 o'clock. 4. By the beginning of the year.... 5. By 8 o'clock.... 6. By January.... 7.... by the end of the lesson.

4. Complete the situations:

e.g. Tom was watching television. He was feeling very tired. (he/study/hard/all day)

He had been studying hard all day.

1. When I entered the room, it was empty. But there was a smell of cigarettes. Somebody (smoke). 2. When Mary came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. (she/lie in the sun too long) 3. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired. (they/play) 4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and she didn't know where she was. (she/dream) 5. The streets were wet. (it/rain)

5. Make your own sentences for these situations:

e.g. It was 3 o'clock when Jill went out to look for her son and 6 o'clock when she found him.

Jill had been looking for her son for 3 hours before she found him.

1. Roger Morgan got his first job in the film industry when he was 20. He made his first film when he was 25. 2. Roy started studying for his doctorate when he was 25. He got it when he was 30. 3. Mary started in the shop when she was 19. When she was 29 she became the manageress. 4. Miss Roach began her driving lessons in January 1992. She didn't pass her test until January 1993. 5. She started the composition at 8 in the evening. She gave it up at midnight and went to bed. 6. Roger went to the bus stop at 7. It was 7.30 when the bus came. 7. You ordered the meal at 2, and the waiter brought it at 3. 8. They went for a walk in the park at 11. It was 12 when it began to rain. 9. Peter and I arranged to meet at 6 but he came only at 6.30. 10. The programme was interesting. I started to watch TV at 9 when the telephone rang at 10.

6. Put the verb into the proper form.

A. 1. Tom was leaning against the wall, out of breath. He (run). 2. I tried to catch Tom but I couldn't. He (run/very fast). 3. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He (look) for his cigarette lighter. 4. We (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes, when a car stopped and the driver offered us a lift. 5. When I arrived everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They (eat). 6. When I arrived, Ann (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because she (wait) for a long time.

B. 1. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody (go) to bed. 2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I (go) straight to bed. 3. I had been looking for my textbook for an hour when at last I (find) it in the laboratory. 4. Mary looked happy. She said she (find) her ring. 5. Julia (not, finish) work when Jim got to the office. 6. I (finish) my homework at 6 and went out for a walk. 7. Jane (wash) the dishes, dried them and put them into the cupboard. 8. Tom called me this afternoon and invited me to go out for a walk, but I couldn't as I (not, wash) the windows yet.

C. 1. Deborah, woke up with a terrible headache because she and Arthur (hold) a party the night before. 2. When Peter (go) along the street he (see) a friend of his whom he (not, meet) for a long time. 3. I (not fall asleep) yet when I (hear) the sound of the bell. 4. I (speak) to the woman because I (think) I (meet) her somewhe­re before. 5. When we (get) to the station, we (find) that the 8 o'clock train already (leave) and we had to wait until the next train came in. While I (wait), I (read) a newspaper. 6. As soon as they (go), I (go) straight to bed. 7. When I (get) back to the shop, they (sell) the book I wanted. 8. He (be) tired because he (work) in the garden all day. 9. First she (open) the parcel, and then she (read) the letter. 10. They (sit) there for more than an hour when the taxi finally (arrive). 11. They (leave) the room as soon as he (finish) speaking. 12. He quickly (forget) all he (learn) at school. 13. When we (come) to Harpole, the Smiths already (live) there for ten years. 14. He (tell) me that he (fish) in the river every weekend for the last two years but he never (catch) anything. 15. As soon as she (hear) the news, she (phone) her mother. 16. When he (look) around, he (understand) that he (get off) at the wrong station.17. Jack (do) his work by 8 o'clock. He (go) out into the street. The weather (be) fine. It (stop) snowing and the moon (shine) high in the sky. 18. Errol and his girlfriend, Judy, were very excited because Judy's father (manage) to get them two tickets for the football Cup Final at Wembley Stadium. They (catch) an early train to London and (spend) the morning looking round the shops. They (arrive) at Wembley at two o'clock and (join) the queue to get in. Imagine their horror at the turnstile when they (realise) they (leave) the tickets at home.

7. Translate into English.

A. 1. Когда я пришел к Виктору, его не было дома. Он ушел на вокзал встречать своего приятеля. 2. Туристы ждали автобус очень долго, и когда он подошел, было уже очень поздно, и им уже никуда не хотелось ехать. 3. Когда я рассказал ему все, то он понял, что случилась. 4. Она посмотрела на часы. Было около 12. Она ра-ботала над докладом в течение 6 часов. 5. К концу июня я сдал все экзамены и был свободен. 6. В пятницу его не было на работе. Накануне он уехал в командировку. 7. Когда я позво­нил Николаю, я узнал, что он уже 2 недели болеет. 8. Я работал на заводе до того, как поступил в институт. 9. Собрание еще не началось, когда мы пришли. 10. Когда я вернулся домой, дети уже спали. Жена сказала, что они спят с 9 часов. 11. Виктор сказал, что он заказал номер в гостинице «Украина». 12. Он жил три года за границей до того, как приехал в Минск.

B. 1. Oна поссорилась с моим мужем десять минут назад. 2. На старой даме было бархатное платье, которое не видело света двадцать лет. 3. Гости ушли. Теперь они сидели одни перед камином в гостиной. 4. Люди, которых она встречала по дороге домой, улыбались ей и спрашивали, как она провела отпуск. 5. Я думаю, он показал мне около тридцати картин. Это был результат шести лет, в течение которых он рисовал. 6. Она больше не получала от него писем. Он перестал писать за три года до этого. 7. Я переписал письмо к Элизе, положил его в конверт и пошел на почту. Снег уже прекратился. Когда я вернулся, я выпил чаю и сел к пианино. 8. Она изучала искусство рисования три года, прежде чем стала работать в издательстве. Когда я попросил ее сделать иллюстрации к моей книге, она заканчивала иллюстрировать свою первую книгу. 9. Когда я вчера принимала ванну, как всегда, зазвонил телефон. 10. Перед отъездом мы зашли к миссис Чандлер. Мы не видели ее некоторое время, и моя сестра заметила, она сильно изменилась. 11. Не успели они проехать и пяти миль, как их остановила полиция. 12. Он путешествовал уже два дня, но выглядел свежим и не чувствовал усталости. 13. Буря утихла, небо прояснилось, и опять светило солнце. 14. Мистер Мэтлок посмотрел на своего сына, его взгляд смягчился. 15. Прошлым летом я посетила места, где я провела детство. Деревца, которые отец посадил, когда я была еще ребенком, стали теперь большими высокими деревьями.

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