By a Change of Ending

Masc. Fem. Masc. Fem.

Abbot abbess Emperor empress

Actor actress Founder foundress

Adventurer adventuress Giant giantess

Author authoress God goddess

Conductor conductress Governor governess

Duke (герцог) duchess Heir (наследник) heiress

Host hostess Priest priestess

Hunter huntress Prince princess

Lad lass Prophetprophetess

(мальчик) (проповедник)

Lion lioness Shepherd shepherdess

Manager manageress Songster (певец) songstress

Marquis marchioness Seamster seamstress

[ ' ma:kwis] (портной) (швея,портниха)

Master mistress Steward stewardess

Mayor mayoress Tiger tigress

Murderer murderess Traitor traitress

Negro negress Viscount viscountess

[ ΄ vaikaunt]

Ogre ogress Votary votaress

[ ' əugə] (людоед) (сторонник, почитатель)

Patron patronessWaiter waitress

Poet poetess

Note. – In the word laundress we have an example of a feminine form to which there is now no corresponding masculine.

Peculiar Changes of Ending

Masc. Fem. Masc. Fem.

Czar czarina Sultan sultana

Executor executrix Testator testatrix

(палач) (завещатель)

Fox vixen Widower widow

Hero heroine Wizardwitch


Spinner spinster

(старый холостяк) (старая дева)

By Placing a Word-morpheme before or after

Masc. Fem. Masc. Fem.

He-goat she-goat Tom-cat pussy-cat

Land-lord land-lady Jack-ass she-ass

Man-servant maid-servant Billy-goat she-goat

Man-doctor woman-doctor Male-elephant female-elephant

Grand-father grand-mother Great-uncle great-aunt

Bride-groom bride Pea-cock pea-hen

Cock-sparrow hen-sparrow

5.Examples of Nouns in the Common gender:

Parent Monarch Fowl (дичь) Elephant

Relation Person Child Camel

Friend Pupil Deer Calf (теленок)

Enemy Orphan Baby Foal (жеребенок, осленок)

Cousin Pig Infant Student

Bird Sheep Servant Teacher

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