Dialogue. Teacher: Dear colleagues, you know, patients are not used to talking about their bodily functions and abnormalities

Teacher: Dear colleagues, you know, patients are not used to talking about their bodily functions and abnormalities. Very often they cannot easily find the precise words to describe the character of their pain and of the kind of cough ([kof] кашель) that they have, and so on. Today we'll talk about pain. The words «pain» and «ache» mean the same thing.

Student If «pain» and «ache» mean the same thing, then we may ask our patient if he has an ache in his shoulder, for example. It's correct, isn't it?

Teacher: No, you are mistaken. The thing is that both of these words are nouns but the word «ache» can be used only with the following words to form a compound noun: backache, headache, earache, stom­ach-ache, toothache. For the other parts of the body we say: «I have a pain in my shoulder, chest», etc.

Student: Is it possible to have pain in the back or in the head?

Teacher: Yes, it is possible to have pain in the back, head and stom­
ach but this generally refers to a more serious condition than backache,
headache and stomach-ache. /

242 ♦ Learning To Discuss Medicine

Student: Can we use the word «ache» as a verb? Is it possible to say «My tooth is aching»?

Teacher: Quite so. The word «ache» can also be used as a verb. And
the patient may say: «My leg aches after much walking», or «My Ьасж
aches after gardening». /

Student: And what about the word «hurt»? My patient told me: «Ifly chest hurts when I cough».

Teacher: The word «hurt» is another verb used to express injury and \ pain. So it's absolutely correct when patients describe their complaint! i (жалобы) as: «My chest hurts when I cough» or «My neck hurts when \ I turn my head». It means that coughing causes pain in the chest. f

Упражнение 10. Прочитайте диалог еще раз и объясните разницу в! употреблении английских слов: «pain», «ache», «hurt».

Упражнение 11. а) Прослушайте (прочитайте) диалог и скажите, какую проблему обсуждают американская студентка и ее подруга из России, которая учится в США; б) прочитайте диалог еще раз и найдите англий­ские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

быть больным, плохо себя чувствовать; слабость в ногах; изме­рять температуру; повышенная температура (жар); посчитать/из­мерить пульс; частый пульс; белый/обложенный язык; воспален­ное горло; заболеть гриппом (подхватить грипп)

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