Reading and Vocabulary

Никитина, И. С.

Н 62 Английский язык для студентов специальности «Управление персоналом» (язык профессионального общения): учебное пособие / И. С. Никитина; Волгоградский филиал ФГБОУ ВО «Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы». – Волгоград: Изд-во Волгоградского филиала РАНХиГС, 2015. – 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM). – Систем. требования: IBM PC с процессором 486; ОЗУ 64 Мб; CD-ROM дисковод; Adobe Reader 6.0. – Загл. с экрана.


Учебное пособие адресовано студентам, обучающимся по специальности «Управление персоналом», студентам других специальностей, изучающим дисциплину «Иностранный язык профессионального общения», а также широкому кругу лиц, интересующимся английским языком в рамках профессиональной сферы.

В пособии представлены учебно-методические материалы, включающие в себя тексты для чтения и серию упражнений, способствующих осмыслению прочитанного, усвоению и закреплению лексического материала, а также задания для развития навыков устной и письменной речи.


УДК 811.111(075.8)

ББК 81.432.1я73



ISBN 978-5-7786-0597-8 © Никитина И. С., 2015

© Волгоградский филиал




Введение.......................................................................................................................................... 4

UNIT 1 CHOOSING A CAREER............................................................................................................ 5

UNIT 2 JOB SEARCH PROCESS...................................................................................................... 12

UNIT 3 PREPARING FOR AN INTERVIEW...................................................................................... 17

UNIT 4 RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING........................................................................................... 25

UNIT 5 WORKING AS AN HR-MANAGER....................................................................................... 31

UNIT 6 ORGANISATION................................................................................................................. 38

UNIT 7 WORKING HOURS............................................................................................................. 44

UNIT 8 ORGANISING A MEETING................................................................................................. 48

UNIT 9 BUSINESS TRIP.................................................................................................................. 54

UNIT 10 COMPANY ACTIVITIES.................................................................................................... 60

Библиографический список..................................................................................................... 67



Предлагаемое учебное пособие предназначено для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов второго курса, обучающихся по специальности «Управление персоналом» и обладающих базовыми знаниями по английскому языку.

Настоящее пособие составлено с учетом требований рабочей программы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык профессионального общения» для специальности «Управления персоналом» и предусматривает обучение основам делового общения на иностранном языке в письменной и устной форме, а также развитие лингвистической, социокультурной и профессиональной компетенций будущих специалистов по управлению персоналом.

Цель данного пособия – сформировать навыки делового общения в устных и письменных формах в типичных ситуациях, а также научить извлекать информацию из аутентичных текстов профессиональной направленности.

Пособие охватывает круг основных вопросов, представляющих несомненную значимость и интерес для студентов данной специальности: карьера, процесс поиска работы, подбор персонала, рабочие часы, подготовка к интервью, устройство на работу, особенности работы менеджером по управлению персоналом, структура организации, командировки, деятельность компаний.

Пособие состоит из 10 уроков (Units), каждый из которых имеет следующую структуру: Part1. Reading and Vocabulary; Part 2. Speaking; Part 3. Writing.

Раздел Reading and Vocabulary включает тематические тексты по профилю специальности для развития навыков чтения, предтекстовые и послетекстовые задания, направленные на смысловую обработку информации текста, а также новый лексический материал по теме урока.

Раздел Speaking имеет своей целью усовершенствовать навыки студентов вести свободную беседу в рамках делового общения, отстаивать свою точку зрения на рассматриваемую проблему посредством выполнения предложенных заданий и использования разговорных формул.

Раздел Writing включает задания, направленные на обучение написанию делового письма. Основной задачей данного раздела является совершенствование умений письменной коммуникации.

После каждого урока студентам предлагается раздел Check your know ledge of vocabulary, содержащий 40 лексических единиц по тематике урока, необходимых для запоминания с последующим употреблением в речи.

Пособие рассчитано на 72 часа (36 часов аудиторной и 36 часов самостоятельной работы студентов) и может быть использовано преподавателем и студентами в ходе подготовки к курсовому экзамену по дисциплине «Иностранный язык профессионального общения».






1. Which of this statements do you agree with:

1) Work is the most important thing in life.

2) Work is just a way to get money so you can do the things you enjoy?

2. Read what three people say about their jobs. Complete the chart with notes on the good and bad things about Anna`s, Tony`s and Bella`s jobs.

“My name is Anna and I am 18. I work in a factory. My working hours are 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday. I have a one-hour lunch break at 12.30. The routine is the same every day. My job is very boring but the pay is quite good. My collegues and I don’t really talk to each other, but I have a lot of friends outside work. My job is just a way to earn money”.

“I am Tony. I`m 23 years old and I work as a computer programmer. I work a 40-hour week. We have flexible hours so I can start and finish when I want. If we are very busy then I work overtime – I get paid extra for this. There are always problems to solve. This can be difficult, but it can also be quite creative. I earn a good salary, but my job doesn’t rule my life. I like to do different things in my free time.”

“I`m Bella. I`m 25 and I`m a doctor in a large hospital. I work very long hours – 60 or 70 hours a week – often in the evenings and at weekends. The work is really interesting but it can also be quite stressful. I love my job and my collegues are also my friends. I don’t have time for a social life. When I get home, I`m too tired to do anything except have dinner and watch TV.”


  Good things Bad things


3. Match the definitions (1–8) with the suitable words and word expressions from the quotes.

1) The people you work with ________________________________________________

2) The number of hours in the week you spend doing your job _____________________

3) The money you receive every month for the work you have done _________________

4) The things you do, usually with other people, outside work ______________________

5) The time you have for eating in the middle of the working day __________________

6) The time you spend at work after your normal working hours ____________________

7) A system where you can choose when to start and finish work ___________________

8) The usual order and way that you regularly do things __________________________

4. Work in pairs. Which of the jobs in Exercise 2 would you most like to have? Which would you least like to have? Tell your partner why and ask his/her opinion.


5. All of the following sentences could be used to describe jobs. Mark each sentence as follows:

(+) if you think it describes a positive aspect to a job;

(-) if you think it describes a negative aspect to a job;

(?) if it could be either positive or negative.

● It’s well-paid.

● It’s badly-paid.

● It’s challenging.

● It’s stressful.

● It’s hard work physically.

● You work long hours.

● You have to work shifts.

● You need to be talented.

● You need special training and qualifications.

● You need good people skills.

● There’s a lot of job satisfaction.

● There’s a lot of variety.

● There’s a lot of responsibility.

● There are a lot of opportunities.

6. Work in pairs or groups. Which of the above do you associate with the following jobs:

a journalist, a police officer, a concert pianist, a supermarket cashier, an accountant, a train driver, a social worker, a professional footballer? Think of one more job that you can associate with each of the sentences in Exercise 2.


7. Complete the sentences with the following words:

Descriptions of jobs

boring demanding fun rewarding worthwhile
busy depressing glamorous routine  
challenging difficult high-powered stressful  
creative dull interesting suitable  

1) If we have too much work and not enough time, it can be quite ____________.

2) In my job, I use my imagination and ideas a lot, so the work is _____________.

3) I do the same thing every day – my job is ______________.

4) There is so much to do at work that I`m always ___________.

5) Sometimes my job is ______, but I would get bored if it was too easy.

6) My job is very ________ because I`m always learning new things.

8. Think of a job you would like to have. Give a 2–2,5 minute talk. Remember to say what benefits and working hours you would like to have and explain why.




1. Read the conversation. Does it sound formal or quite informal? Name jobs and responsibilities of the speakers.

Conversation 1

Lucy   Hi, Ben. I want you to meet John Lee. John is from the ABC Foundation. John, this is Ben Clark, one of our area managers.
John   Nice to meet you, Ben.
Ben   Yes, you too. So what do you do at the ABC Foundation?
John   Well, I deal with fund applications.
Ben   Fund applications? That sounds challenging.
John   Yes, well, somitimes we have to make difficult choices. And what do you do, Ben?
Ben   Well, I`m in charge of our sub-Saharan Africa operations.
John   Sub-Saharan Africa?
Ben   Yes, I oversee projects and make sure that the money is well spent. Then I have to report to our main sponsors.
John   I see. So how much time do you spend in the field?
Ben   Well, I usually do five or six trips a year, sometimes more.
John That`s a lot of time away from home.

2. Find phrases in the dialogue for each of the following groups. Think of other suitable phrases you can use in these situations:

1) Introducing yourself: __________________________________________________

2) Introducing someone else: ______________________________________________

3) Responding to an introduction: __________________________________________

3. Work in pairs. Choose a job from A, but don’t tell your partner which one. Describe the job`s responsibilities using words from B and phrases from Conversation 1. Your partner must guess the job.


- This person deals with customers and is responsible for responding to complaints.

- Is he/she an after-sales assistant?

Administrator Human resources manager Team leader Marketing director After-sales assistant Website designer Finance controller Budget Complaints Customers Money Paperwork Personnel Product development Projects Publicity Recruitment Targets Travel

4. Work in groups of three. Each person chooses a job from 3. Student A, introduce yourself to Student B, and then introduce Student C to Student B. Find out about each other`s jobs and responsibilities. Use phrases from Conversation 1.


5. Change roles and use your own jobs and responsibiities. Work together and find out as much as you can about each other.


6. Read the conversation. Which phrases can help to express interest to something someone has just said?

Conversation 2

A I`m a recruitment consultant.
B A recruitment consultant?
A Yes. I oversee recruitment for ten of our key accounts.
B That sounds really demanding.
A It can be at times. So tell me, what exactly does your job involve?
B Well, I`m responsible for the department`s spending.
A Oh, right. Do you enjoy your job?
B I love it. It`s great to be in a such a position of responsibility.
A Really? I think I`d find it stressful.

7. Work in pairs. Tell each other information about your job. Respond with phrases from Conversation 2 and try to continue the conversation.


- I work twelve hours a day.

- Twelve hours? What do you do?





1. Do you ever leave handwritten notes for people? If so, when? How formal are they? If not, when do you think people would leave handwritten notes?

2. Read the three notes below:

1) What is the purpose of each note;

2) Where was each note left by the writer;

3) What do you think the relationship between each writer and the person they are writing to is? How do you know?

David   I know that yesterday we discussed meeting on the 8th, but I’m afraid that I can’t make that date. I’ve just realized that I am flying to New York on the 6th and won’t be back until the following week. Could we possibly move it back to the 14th? When you get back, would you mind emailing me to let me know if this would be convenient for you? Hope you enjoyed the rest of the conference and I look forward to hearing from you.   Many thanks and best wishes Eric Vine



Hi Simone   I’ve got to dash as my train is earlier than I thought. Sorry I missed you. Can you do me a favour and change the time of the meeting tomorrow? I’m seeing a client in the morning but am free in the afternoon. How does 3.00 p.m. sound? Let me know if that’s OK for you and the others.   Cheers Eric


Simone Here are the reports from the last conference. Sorry, I forgot to send them to you last week. Have a look and let me know what your thoughts are. When you’ve finished with them, could you pass them all on to Sharon West, please?   Thanks Andrew


3. Complete this note with appropriate phrases where necessary to make one formal and one informal note. Use phrases from the notes in 2 to help you.


Jen ______________ I have to cancel our meeting this afternoon. _____________ I`m supposed to be going to the FRG conference. __________ 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday instead ______? Let me know if this _________ for you.   Cheers Jamil




Jen ______________ I have to cancel our meeting this afternoon. _____________ I`m supposed to be going to the FRG conference. __________ 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday instead ______? Let me know if this _________ for you.   Cheers Jamil

4. Look at the following prompts and write three short notes based on the situations:

1) You met Robert Croft after a conference last week. He invited you for a research trip. You want to write a note to him before he leaves his hotel this morning to accept. You need to find out what dates and times would be best for him. Ask him to email you or call you.

2) Your colleague, Jack Russell, has invited you for lunch at a conference with Helen Marr but you can’t make it. Jack is the only person you know who has Helen’s email address. Write a note to leave on his desk to apologize for not going to lunch and ask for the email address you need.

3) You need your colleague to check some figures before you file your sales report today. You need this done by lunchtime. He / she is not at their desk so leave the relevant documents with some instructions about what you want him / her to do.


5. Work with a partner and compare the notes you wrote. Discuss how you would follow each note up / reply to each note.

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