Нахождение подлежащего


Место подлежащего, как правило, перед сказуемым.


· The Internet currently provides no admission control and only one class of service for all traffic.


На первом месте в предложении также может стоять обстоятельство, выраженное группой слов с предлогом, наречием, числительным.


· In spite of considerable scatter the graph indicates a significant decrease in the rate.

· After the day spent in the field he felt a pleasant fatigue.

· The methods and procedures, by which users obtain information, are changing rapidly.

· This information consists not only of full text, data, images, sound, programmes, etc.

· In a common scenario a library provides a unified online catalogue interface for its users.

· A client computer is connected to a server over communication lines.

· In another examples a library has an existing online catalogue …

· With very little knowledge a user can open a window, type a Universal Resource locator (URL) and direct the browser to contact a Web server.

· The second new component in Web-based information retrieval systems is server software.


Нахождение предложного дополнения и обстоятельства


Предложное дополнение обычно стоит после прямого (беспредложного). Если прямого дополнения в предложении нет, то предложное занимает его место.


    Обстоятельство стоит либо в конце предложения (после дополнений), либо в самом начале перед подлежащим.


· In accordance with the programme of the International Geophysical Year aerologists launch radio sondes and specialists take data relating to the ionosphere at intervals of 15 minutes.

· ….. the server must continue a dialogue with the client beyond one transaction.

· To obtain the additional information the library server communicates with other servers, reformats the data and transmits it to the library user’s client computer.

· The user’s browser requests information from a server in a four stage operation: a connection is made between the client and the server, a request for information is made by the client, a response is delivered by the server and disconnection is made.

· From a system administrator’s perspective response time is an important measure of performance.

· For many years the IBM Corporation has supplied a sophisticated performance monitoring system called Resource Measurement Facility for its MVS operating system.


Распознавание и перевод однородных членов предложения


Формальные признаки однородных членов предложения

· Запятые

· Союзы and, or, but, either … or…, neither… nor..., both... and….

· Как правило, одна форма слова


· The peoples of Russia are unfailingly devoted to the cause of peace, and are prepared to fight firmly and resolutely to avert the menace of war and ensure stable and lasting peace.

· The main building houses the nuclear reactor, heat exchanger, circulation pump and other equipment for operating reactor and for scientific and technical research.


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