Whom do the following statements belong to?


What’s your temperature today?

Are you following all my instructions?

Go on intravenous antibiotic therapy!

You must insert a thermometer to a patient!

The doctor will prescribe you some treatment.

Give the patient a stomach wash out as soon as possible.

Give an intravenous injection to this patient.

It is important for a nurse to review the temperature chart.


Read the dialogue and act it out:

Bessie: Hello, Samira. I’m Bessie. I’m your nurse for today. How are you?

Samira: OK, thanks.

Bessie: That’s good. I’m going to take your Obs. now.

Samira: What’s that?

Bessie: It’s your temperature, pulse and respirations - that’s how many breaths per minute - and your weight. I need to check your blood pressure and your oxygen sats, too.

Samira: OK.

Bessie: Right. I’ll just take your temperature with this special thermometer in your ear and wait for the beep.

Samira: What’s my temperature?

Bessie: Your temp’s thirty-seven three. That’s good.

Samira: Now what?

Bessie: I’ll get the rest of the information from this machine. Lift up your arm for me, please. I’ll wrap the cuff around your arm.

Samira: Is that OK?

Bessie: Yes, that’s fine. Now, I’ll just clip this lead on your finger.

Samira: What’s that for?

Bessie: It measures the amount of oxygen in your blood.

Samira: OK.

Bessie: I’ll turn on the machine now.

Samira: What does it say?

Bessie: Mm. Your blood pressure’s one hundred over sixty-eight. That’s fine. Your pulse is 64. That’s OK, too. Your oxygen sats are 98%. That’s the percentage of oxygen in your blood.

 Samira: Is that good?

Bessie: Yes, it’s fine. That’s all from this machine. I counted your respirations while you were watching the machine.

 Samira: I didn’t even know you were doing it.

Bessie: I know. OK, I’ll weigh you now. Samira, can you stand on these scales for me, please?

Samira: OK.

Bessie: That’s a good girl.

Samira: How much do I weigh?

Nurse: Let’s see. You weigh 45 kilos.

Samira: Am I finished now?

Bessie: Yes.


Тема 4.5. Taking a History / Сбор анамнеза

Level A

Мы учим новые слова/ We learn the new words:

case report / patient’s history / case record / medical history – история болезни

medical card, in-patient card – карта стационарного больного

taking a history– сбор анамнеза

family history (FH) / hereditary history – семейный / наследственный анамнез

social history (SH) – социальный анамнез

allergological history – аллергологический анамнез

history of present illness – анамнез болезни

past medical history – анамнез жизни

harmful patient’s habits – вредные привычки больного

to be addicted to – иметь пристрастие к

occupational / industrial hazards – профессиональные вредности

a patient’s personal details – индивидуальные характеристики больного

identification data – паспортные данные

identification number (unit number) – номер (амбулаторной карты, истории болезни)

special needs – особые отметки


Мы читаем/We read

As a medical professionals, you should be prepared to take through medical histories. Doctors use these details to uncover likely causes of medical conditions and establish diagnoses.

First, get as many details as possible about a patient`s complaints. Find out if the patient has a history of the condition. Ask when the patient experienced the onset of symptoms. Check what makes it worse and what makes it better.

Then find out about the patient`s past medical history. Record any previous medical problems, especially those that could relate to the current condition.

A good social history includes information about the patient`s personal habits and lifestyle.

Before any medical procedure, make sure you have an updated record of the patient`s allergies.


Complete the table usinginformation from the text\

Заполни таблицу, используя информацию из текста:


Type of history Information included
  Past Medical History    
  Social History    
  Family Medical  History    

Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)\

Соотнеси слова (1-6) с их определениями (A-F):

1_________ data                  4________  complaint

2_________   onset                 5 ________ procedure

3_________   allergy               6________   family medical history

A the first instance of something

B a record of a patient`s family`s conditions

a collection of information

a condition that causes a reaction or illness

E a medical treatment

F a pain or illness reported by a patient


Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank /

Заполни пропуски подходящими словами из данного перечня:

WORD BANK:urethra, casts, urine, flow, pass;


1. The___________ indicated that the patient might have a kidney disease.

2. Urine passes through the _________ before leaving the body.

3. The doctor was concerned about the patient`s poor__________ of urine.

4. The lab needs a clean sample of ___________ for accurate results.

5. Diana used painkillers to __________ the stones with minimal discomfort.


Level B


case report / patient’s history / case record / medical history – история болезни

medical card, in – patient card – карта стационарного больного

history taking - собираниеанамнеза

family history (FH) / hereditary history – семейный / наследственный анамнез 5. social history (SH) – социальный анамнез

allergological history – аллергологический анамнез

history of present illness – анамнез болезни

life history / past history (PH) – анамнез жизни

harmful patient’s habits – вредные привычки больного

to be addicted to – иметь пристрастие к

occupational / industrial hazards – профессиональные вредности

a patient’s personal details – индивидуальные характеристики больного

identification data – паспортные данные

identification number (unit number) – номер (амбулаторной карты, истории болезни)

special needs – особые отметки

general examination of a patient – общее обследование больного

comparative auscultation – сравнительная аускультация

to listen to / sound / examine with a phonendoscope (stethoscope) – выслушивать фонендоскопом (стетоскопом)

to listen to intestinal tones – выслушивать кишечные шумы

to listen to the lungs (heart) – выслушивать легкие (сердце)

to listen to pleural (pericardial) murmur / rub – выслушивать шум трения плевры (перикарда)



As a medical professionals, you should be prepared to take through medical histories. The data you collect reveals important details about a patient. Doctors use these details to uncover likely causes of medical conditions and establish diagnoses.

First, get as many details as possible about a patient`s complaints. Find out if the patient has a history of the condition. Ask when the patient has a history of the condition. Ask when the patient experienced the onset of symptoms. Check what makes it worse and what makes it better.

Then find out about the patient`s past medical history. Record any previous medical problems, especially those that could relate to the current condition.

Other details can also contribute to useful medical history. A good social history includes information about the patient`s personal habits and lifestyle. A family medical history reveals conditions that are more likely to occur in a particular family.

Before any medical procedure, make sure you have an updated record of the patient`s allergies. This way, you avoid exposing patients to medications or substancesthat might harm them.


Complete the table usinginformation from the text:

Type of history Information included
  Past Medical History    
  Social History    
  Family Medical History    

Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F):

1_________ data                  4________ complaint

2_________   onset                5 ________ procedure

3_________   allergy              6 ________ family medical history

A the first instance of something

B a record of a patient`s family`s conditions

C a collection of information

D a condition that causes a reaction or illness

E a medical treatment

F a pain or illness reported by a patient

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank:

WORD BANK: urethra, casts, urine, flow, pass;


1. The___________ indicated that the patient might have a kidney disease.

2. Urine passes through the _________ before leaving the body.

3. The doctor was concerned about the patient`s poor__________ of urine.

4. The lab needs a clean sample of ___________ for accurate results.

5. Diana used painkillers to __________ the stones with minimal discomfort.



Research one of these issues and report back to the rest of the class, giving statistics.

· deaths from medical errors

· emergency admissions compared with planned admissions for adults and children

· most common reasons for admitting children to hospital

· most common reasons for hospital admissions in your country

· compulsory admission to hospital

· admissions because of physical violence


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