Логико-смысловая схема пересказа текстов

The story

Would you like to listen to the story I’ve read?

The story I’ve just read is entitled (called)

The story I really enjoyed reading deals with…

The story I’m going to dwell upon is entitled…

The story I’m going to tell you about is entitled…

Keep on retelling

The story starts with…(Ger.)

Then it goes on saying that…

It continues saying that…

Then it comes…

Further on the story runs that…

The story ends with…

The story has got a happy/sad end

Do you know what happened next?

Do you know what he said?

Imagine that…

Fancy that!

To crown it all …

To make a long story short

Can you imagine that…



- was written by… who is considered to be one of the chief figures of the English/American literary scene.

- belongs to the pen of …, a prominent English/American writer of considerable rank.

- was written by… who enjoyed/ has achieved popularity with the reading public

- was written by…who is famous for his /short stories/humor/novels                   

The story

 is about …


Linking words

First of all


Frankly speaking…



At the same time…


On the one hand…

On the other hand…

What is more…

The action of the story

takes place in/at (place)

takes place at the time of…

is set or the scene is laid in/at

The characters

The main character(s) of the story (novel) is (are)…


Your own attitude to the story   To my /amateur/ eye       /inexperienced/   the story   the author wanted   In my view-point As far as I see it

I like/dislike the story, because…


the main idea of the story is…

the message of the story is…


teaches us to …


to bring home to us…

to prevent the readers from…

to describe…

to give a deep insight into /human nature/the society of those times/man – man relations/


the idea of the story is…



Sharing impressions I (don’t) think I really believe I’m sure In my opinion Personally, I think I mean In my view I hope that Hopefully, I (we, they, etc.) In the long run I think I’d like to… With a bit of luck I’ll… Frankly speaking To tell you the truth… It depends on what side you look at it     Introductory verbs The story-teller   said told explained showed described gave a description emphasized wanted to tell meant to tell remarked underlined tried to show mentioned  


Библиографический список


1. Выборова Г.Е., Махмурян К.С., Мельчина О.П. Easy Reading: Книга для чтения на английском языке для учащихся средней школы и студентов неязыковых вузов. М.: АСТ-ПРЕСС, 1998.

2. Короткие рассказы и шутки / сост. Дудкина Г.А., Павлова М.В., Рэй З.Г. М.: Филология Три, 2002.

3. A Book for reading and discussion: Книга для чтения и обсуждения / сост. Хавина Э.Л. 3-е изд. М.: Менеджер, 1999.

4. Сборник коротких рассказов современных английских и американских авторов / сост. и адапт. Л.С.Головчинская. 2-е изд. М.: Просвещение, 1993.

5. «Совершенствуйте свой английский»: Пособие по развитию навыков устной речи, в 5 кн.: Кн. 2. – М.: «Астрель, АСТ», 2000. – 304 с.

6. J.Canfield, M.V.Hansen, M.Becker and others. Chicken soup for the dog lover’s soul. Published by health Communication, Inc.2005.



Учебное издание


Людмила Октябриновна Сельверова

Наталья Александровна Халбаева

Туяна Геннадьевна Дашицыренова

Елена Михайловна Калмыкова


Read and enjoy

English stories together


Учебно-методическое пособие


В авторской редакции



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