A. Name the products in the pictures

A. Celebrations

Match the name of the holiday in English and its variant in Russian.


Christmas Day День защитника Отечества
Easter День Победы
Boxing Day Рождество
Good Friday Весенний день отдыха
Spring Bank Holiday День рождественских подарков (Второй день Рождества)
Victory Day Пасха
Motherland Defender Day Великая пятница


Which of the holidays below do people celebrate in Russia, Great Britain, both?


Christmas Day                  Motherland Defender Day                        Spring Bank Holiday          New Year’s Day                   Boxing Day         Constitution Day Guy Fawkes Night Victory Day                  Trinity   


Speak about the holiday you like most of all. Use the questions as a guide to your speech.

· What holiday do you like most of all? Why?

· Do you know the history of this holiday? What is special about this day? How did people start to celebrate this day?

· When do you celebrate it?

· How do you prepare for it?

· How do you congratulate your nearest and dearest on this holiday?

· What do you like to get as a present for this celebration?

· Do you (Does your mum) cook any special meal on this day? What do you have for holiday dinner?


Look at the list of festivals. Which of them do people celebrate in summer/ spring/autumn/winter?





Boxing Day

The banana festival




What countries do people celebrate these holidays in?


A) Listen to the sentences and imitate the sounds and intonation. (Запись)


We’re getting things moving. (Дело пошло.)

Everything’s going wrong. (Всё идёт вкривь и вкось.)

Anything’s better than going on doing nothing. (Любое занятие лучше безделья.)


B) Say the sentences as fast as you can. Make a small contest. Choose the best speaker (not only the speed, but the quality is important as well).

C) Imagine a situation where you can use these sentences. Share your ideas with your partner.


6. Write a/an or some.













_____ice cream





a. Name the products in the pictures.


Поместить рисунки 01-08



 b. Write a…of… for each picture. Use the words in the box.

bar          carton bowl       jar loaf         glass cup          piece  


e.g. a jar of jam__________









B. Master chef


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