Постройте предложение из следующих слов


Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания и выучите        их.

weed - сорняк disease - болезнь to obtain - получать to resist - противостоять to reduce - сокращать nutrient - питательный invasive - захватнический persistent - устойчивый to plough up - вспахивать herbicide- гербицид   to remove - удалять pest - насекомое to affect - влиять extremely - чрезвычайно to eradicate - искоренять emergence - всход to cause - вызывать fungi - гриб to live off - жить за счет   to evolve - развиваться  

Прочитайте слова и переведите их на русский язык.

nutrient, persistent, to affect, to live off, to obtain, disease, fungi, to eradicate, invasive, to reduce, to remove, to plough up


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Weeds and diseases

In crop production the control of weeds, diseases and pests is essential to obtain high yields. All three may be controlled by sound faun practices. These include the choice of clean seed and the growing of varieties of crop which can resist disease. They also include careful cultivation, both pre-sowing and post-sowing, and the use of chemicals.

Weeds reduce crop yields on account of the fact that they compete with crops for water, soil nutrients and light. They also make harvesting difficult. Most weeds are aggressive and invasive, they grow quickly and spread far, and so are difficult to get rid of. One recommended way of eradicating many persistent weeds is first to plough up the roots and underground parts of the plant. Then the sod may be cultivated lightly, or rotavated, on one or more occasions after the first ploughing.

The principal reason for cultivating the soil is to kill weeds. Weeds may also be killed by means of chemicals which have the collective name of herbicides. Weed­-killers are of two basic types: selective and non-selective.

The former remove certain weeds from certain crops. For rice we can spray the herbicide 2:4-D or MCPA over the whole crop at low concentrations (1/2 — I lb. per acre). The rice will not be affected, but many of the rice weeds will be killed. Non­selective weed killers may be used for removing all vegetation e.g. as brush killers. They must be used extremely carefully for the simple reason that they will eradicate all plants on contact — which includes the crop itself. They are usually used before sowing or before sowing or before the emergence of the crop itself.

Plant diseases are caused by organisms which use the crop plant as a host. These are mainly micro-organisms e.g. fungi, bacteria and viruses

These parasitic micro-organisms live off the food nutrients in the tissue cells of the plant or a part of it is damaged and killed. Micro-organisms are bacteria.

Wind, water, diseased plants, cuttings and tubers, animals, men and insects are some of the means whereby disease is disseminated.

It is very difficult to kill the fungi and bacteria or to make the virus which is inside the host plant inactive. But the evolution of plant varieties which can resist disease has completely changed methods of disease control.

A number of varieties have been evolved and now available to farmers.

So the control of plant diseases has increasingly become a matter of prevention. Fungi, which attack the aerial parts of the crop, can be controlled by means of fungicides. These are sprayed or dusted on to the plant surfaces.


Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1.What kind of farm practices are used to control of weeds, diseases and pests in crop production? 2. Do weeds reduce crop yields? 3. Why is it difficult to get rid of weeds? 4. What is the principle reason for cultivating the soil? 5. What chemicals kill weeds? 6. What are the cause of plant diseases? 7. Is it difficult to kill the parasitic micro-organism such as fungi, bacteria, viruses? 8. How has the evolution of plant varieties changed methods of disease control?



                                      VARIANT 1

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. The biosphere is … essential component of life on the Earth.

1.more;2) the most;           3) essentialist

2 Agriculture ….people with food.

1)supply;   2) supplies;         3) supplied

 3. This area … irrigated when it was necessary.

     1) is;          2) have;              3) was

 4. Last spring farmers … more fertilizers than this year.

     1) used;       2) use;                   3) have used

5. Our farm … food products of high quality.

      1) produced; 2) produces;         3) produce

6. Last year our biologist … some improved crop varieties.

     1) have produced; 2) produced; 3) produce

7. We …. begin a new experiment on our farm next year.

     1) have;        2) are;                  3) shall

Укажите номер глагола, который следует вставить в это предложение

      New methods of weed control … … on this farm.

1) To use; 2) used; 3) is using; 4) have been used; 5) use

Постройте предложение из следующих слов.

      may/Crops / methods/ be grown / by/ different/

10. Установить соответствия между высказываниями:

1. What a lovely day it is today!                     a) Mm. Horrible.

2. It’s very wet today.                                     b) I’m very well            , thanks.

 3. How are you today?                                     c) No, I missed         it.

4. Did you have a nice weekend?                  d) Thank you. I    went to the country.

5. How are you finding living in London?     e) Yes, it was lovely.

 6. Did you have a good journey?                    f) Yes.

  7. Did you watch the football yesterday?       g) I’m enjoying

Выберите правильный ответ.

11.The Earth … us food products due to the biosphere.

         1) give;       2) is giving;         3) gives

12. All plant … in a thin layer of soil.

          1) grew;       2) grow;             3) grows.

 13. Land … protection.

          1) required;      2) requires;        3) is requiring

14. Crops may be … by different methods.

           1) grow;        2) grows;           3) grown.

 15. Our agronomist … at a very important problem.

             1) works;      2) work;            3) is working

16. Achievements of biology …. on many farms.

       1) are used    2) use;               3) uses.

17. In crop selection climate is the… environmental factor.

       1) importantest; 2) most important; 3) important

18. This plant … well on our farm.

       1) to grow;    2) grows;           3) grow

19. Закончите предложение

  Light is necessary for …..

20. Сопоставьте глаголы и существительные:

1. Have                        a) film

2. Wash                        b) to my friends

3. Watch                       c) my hair

4. Talk                          d) breakfast

5. have                          e) washing up

6. do                              f) a shower  

21. Выпишите глаголы, у которых окончание произносится как [- id]:

  Used, existed, increased, provided, applied, planted

22. Укажите номера кратких ответов на вопрос

  Does this soil contain too much moisture?

      1.Yes, it do. 2. Yes, it does. 3. Yes, it has. 4. Yes, it is.

23. Сопоставьте слова-антонимы:

1. To be calm               a) to set

2.to rise                      b) to be nervous

3. horrible                   c) old

4. mean                       d) beautiful             

5. new                          e) kind

24. Вставьте пропущенное слово.

  Agronomy deals with the … of fields for regular production

of crops.

25. Закончите предложение

The main indication of the efficiency of any farm is …

26. Сопоставьте слова в 1-ой и 2-ой колонках, чтобы получились вопросительное предложения.

   1.When              a) do you visit on Sundays?

2. Who               b) do you go to bed?

3. How               c) do you do your homework?

27. Укажите номера возможных кратких ответов на вoпрос   “ Have you seen this picture ?”

1. Yes, I am. 2. Yes, I do. 3. Yes, I did. 4. Yes, I have. 5. Yes, I shall.

 6. No, I haven’t. 7. No, I don’t. 

 28. Составьте предложения, используя Past Continuous:

1. It              b) (to play) badminton in the garden when suddenly it began to rain.  

2. Mother   c) still (to rain) when I looked out of the window.

3. She         a) (to make) coffee in the kitchen   when the door bell rings 

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