People and the Environment

Содержание конкурсных заданий 7 - 8


You have 20 minutes to do three tasks

                                                                      Part 1

You will hear an interview with an organiser at a tennis club. For questions 1 - 6, choose the answer                (A, B, or C) which fits best according to what you hear.                                                                                                           You will hear the recording twice. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

       1   Chris hopes to                                             

A    encourage people to join the club.                 

B    discover new talented players.                       

C    find more people to teach players.                 

2        What does Chris say about club nights?         

A    They are held only in the summer.                

B    There is sometimes a small charge.               

C    Refreshments are provided each night.         

3         The teaching programme                              

A    is offered to people with membership only. 

B   is available to people wanting to learn on their own.

C   must be paid for in advance.                        

4         From spring, the tennis club is going to        

A    introduce junior club night.                            

B    encourage parents to help with teaching.     

C    provide snacks on junior club night.             

5        Who is responsible for organising the club nights?                   

A    unpaid members?                                              

B    various office workers                               

C    the teaching staff

6        The junior competition is                            

A    intended as practice for more serious competitions.

B    for advanced players only.                            

C    held in March.                                               


Part 2

You will hear somebody talking about trips on the river. For questions 7 – 14, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.                                                                                                                                                     You will hear the recording twice. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

River Cruises Private parties Groups: Minimum 10 people                       Maximum (7)________________ people Availableall year round Trips last 2-5 hours in the evening or (8)________________ Food: Cold buffet or (9)________________       Must be ordered at least (10)________________ before Atmosphere:With (11)________________ years` experience, we are able to make suggestions Cost Both hire includes disco or (12)________________ Extra cost, which (13)________________ from jazz bands to a comedy show or magician. Bookings Though website, by telephone or at the (14) ________________ in the leisure centre.



Part 3

You will hear a conversation between a girl, Maria, and a boy, Dominic, about keeping fit. For sentences            15 - 20, decide if they are correct or incorrect. If they are correct, put A for YES. If they are not correct, put B for NO.                                                                                                                                                                         You will hear the recording twice. Mark your answers A or B on the separate answer sheet.

    YES (A) NO (B)
15 Maria and Dominic agree that running a marathon would be enjoyable.    
16 Maria is worried that running will be boring.    
17 Maria regularly does exercise classes.                                           
18 Dominic thinks Maria will feel uncomfortable running public.    
19 Dominic would feel happier running alone.                                                                     
20 Dominic thinks Maria needs to make an effort.                                                                   




Participant’s ID number


You have 40 minutes to complete this task

A local newspaper is running a story-writing competition. Write an adventure story which you will send to the newspaper. Begin your story with this sentence:

Late in the evening I heard a loud knock on the door.

Answer the following questions:

· When and where did it happen?

· Who were the main characters?

· What went wrong? Why?

· What happened in the end?

Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Write 180-200 words. Give the title to your story.

Use the following words in your story (put them in the correct grammar form if necessary):

1) to be trapped

2) to have a row

3) power failure

4) to be badly injured

5) to get over

Underline the required words when used in your story.





You have 60 minutes to do two tasks

Part 1

You are going to read an article about differences between men and women. For questions 1 - 7, choose the answer (A, B or C) which you think fits best according to the text. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

We all know that men and women have their differences. But do they really think differently? Some people might argue that they don’t, but I disagree. In my opinion, men and women still behave in the same way that they were designed to centuries ago. We have different interests, different ways of speaking, of showing how we feel, and of coping with stressful situations.

In today’s society, where the sexes are considered to be equal, we sometimes forget how different we are. This can have a negative effect on our relationships. We often become angry or frustrated with the opposite sex because we expect them to behave and communicate like we do.

So why does a man behave as he does? There is evidence to suggest that men were programmed with the instinct to hunt silently for animals. They had to be able to focus their attention on one thing. This might explain why it’s so difficult to have a conversation with a man when he’s watching TV! And also why he’s so good at reading maps and giving directions.

Why does a woman act the way she does? Women are usually very good at multi-tasking (doing more than one job at once), but often find it harder than men to concentrate fully on one thing. In the past, women would have worked in groups, which required a lot of communication, so they’re generally more talkative and sensitive to other people’s feelings. A woman can return from a party knowing everything about everyone, but a man will probably have discussed less personal topics like football.

I’m not saying that women and men are not equal; it’s just that there are some natural differences – and that’s fantastic! We should appreciate and accept them as being what makes us special. 


The writer disagrees that men and women think differently.

  A True B False C Doesn’t say

The writer thinks that men and women haven’t changed the way they behave over time.

  A True B False C Doesn’t say

Men and women don’t always remember how different they are.

  A True B False C Doesn’t say

Men are better at reading because they can concentrate on one thing.

  A True B False C Doesn’t say

Men are naturally more aggressive than women.

  A True B False C Doesn’t say

The writer thinks it’s easy to communicate with men when they’re watching television.

  A True B False C Doesn’t say

Women are generally good at doing one thing at a time.

  A True B False C Doesn’t say

Part 2

You are going to read an article about people and the environment. Fill in the gaps 8 – 13 using the passages          A – G from the box below. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

A if everyone lived like that
B wanting to know more about their family’s impact on the environment
C or reduce the size of an eco-footprint more quickly
D than can be produced within its own borders
E and compare it with the worldwide average of 1.5 global hectares
F to do something about their effect on the environment
G that is used to dispose of your rubbish



An eco-footprint is a measurement of the total amount of the earth’s natural resources needed to support the way in which you live. For example, it estimates the land required to produce everything you consume, as well as the area 8 ____________. It also calculates the size of forest required to absorb the carbon dioxide emissions from your car or from the plane that took you on holiday.

A new European Environment Agency study has identified the UK as one of the nations using more resources per person 9 ____________. At an enormous 5.3 global hectares per person (about the size of six football pitches), the average UK eco-footprint is not much higher than the European average. But 10 ____________, we would need not one but three planets.

The good news is that children in the UK are starting to apply eco ‘pester power’ - trying to persuade their parents 11 ____________. Ann McGarry, an education officer who runs a course called ‘Educating with the Eco-footprint’, has seen a dramatic increase in the number of young people 12 ____________. ‘The eco-footprint is a useful educational tool for showing where we make a big impact,’ she says. ‘The UK global footprint is approximately 20 global hectares per average family. Wealthier areas tend to have bigger footprints.’

Parents who are being put under pressure by their children can turn to eco-footprint calculators for help. Answering 16 straightforward questions on will calculate your footprint 13 ____________. The questions relate to the size, location and energy efficiency of your home, your household size and car miles travelled each week, as well as air travel and weekly household waste. You are also asked whether you recycle, buy heavily packaged goods and eat meat or processed foods.

8 9 10 11 12 13

Part 3

You are going to read a story. For questions 14 - 20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

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