Spring radish and egg salad


6 hard-boiled eggs 6
2 bunches radish 2
  juice of 1/2lemon  
1 small bunch watercress 1
  for the dressing  
2 tbs mayonnaise 2 tbs
4 tbs double cream 4 tbs

Peel and slice the eggs. Wash the radishes care­fully and slice. Chop the watercress finely. Put aside a few slices of egg and radish for decoration. Put the rest in a bowl with the cress, sprinkle with the strained lemon juice and mix together very carefully.

Beat the mayonnaise and cream together, season to taste with salt and pepper and pour over the salad. Toss very lightly and chill for 30 minutes. Decorate with the slices of egg and radish just before serving. A few sprigs of parsley can also-be added.

Note: Watercress is a very valuable plant, as it is very rich in vitamin С and contains carotene (a relative of Vitamin A) and minerals. It can be grown very successfully at home in a pot.

II. Meat:

Dill, mutton, cook, rabbit, fish, pork, kefir, veal, kidney, lamb.


Приложение к билету №9.

              I. Cucumber and egg salad

8 hard-boiled eggs 8
2Q0 g cucumber 7 oz
1 bunch chives 1
2-3 firm tomatoes 2-3
1 bunch parsley 1
  for the dressing  
2 egg yolks 2
2 tbs Salad oil 2 tbs
1 tbs strong mustard 1 tbs
  juice of ½ lemon  
100 ml double cream or soured cream - .1/5 pt
  salt !
  freshly ground pepper  
1 pinch icing sugar 1



Peel the eggs and slice them. Place in an attractive salad bowl. Add the diced cucumber, the sliced tomatoes and the finely chopped chives and pars­ley.

Blend the ingredients for the dressing together until smooth. Season to taste with salt, pepper and icing sugar. Pour over the salad and toss lightly. Keep chilled until ready to serve.

II.    Poultry:

Trout, goose, milk, potato, chicken, turkey, goulash, duck, fruit, spring chicken.



Приложение к билету №10.

I.             Spring salad


1 lettuce 1
100 g new carrots 4 oz
150 g cucumber 5 oz
  for the dressing  
100 g curd cheese 4 oz
2 hard-boiled eggs 2
  juice of ½   lemon  
1 bunch spring onions 1
1 bunch parsley 1
4 tbs salad oil 4 tbs

Wash and drain the lettuce thoroughly, then chop into small pieces. Add the finely sliced cucumber and carrots.

Finely chop or grate the egg whites and put aside. Sieve the curd cheese and egg yolks into a bowl. Add the lemon juice, the finely chopped onion and parsley, then season to taste with salt and pepper.

Add the oil in a thin stream and beat until frothy. Pour into a small bowl.

When serving the salad, sprinkle with the egg whites and only mix in the dressing at the table, otherwise the lettuce leaves will go limp. Alter­natively, the dressing can be kept in a bowl or sauce-boat so that everyone can help him- or her­self.

Note: Before adding the dressing^ the salad can be covered and chilled for a short time in the re­frigerator.


II. Game:

Pheasant, drake, pear, yoghurt, leek, cabbage, elk, bread, hazel-nut, hare.



Приложение к билету № 11.


Ham, dill and sweet corn salad


500 g cooked sweet corn (you may use canned) VA lb
200 g ham 7 oz
1 tomato 1
  for the dressing  
2 hard-boiled eggs 2
1 large bunch dill weed 1
1 tsp mustard 1 tsp
200 ml yoghurt 7 fl oz.
  salt, pepper  

Drain the sweet corn thoroughly and place in a deep salad bowl. Add the ham cut into thin strips and the diced egg whites.

Mash the egg yolks with a fork, blend with the mustard until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in the yoghurt and the finely chopped dill, then pour over the salad. Toss light­ly and chill for 1 hour. Serve decorated with slices of tomato.

II. Fish:

Mackerel, salmon, spaghetti, ice-cream, bream, reception, sturgeon, bottle, grape, herring.


Приложение к билету № 12.


Chicken, sweet corn and pineapple salad


250 g cooked sweet corn (canned or deep frozen) ½lb
4 canned pineapple rings 4
1 large cooked chicken breast 1
4-5 firm, fleshy tomatoes- 4-5
  for the dressing  
2-3 tbs mayonnaise (see p. 60) 2-3 tbs
1 tbs lemon juice' 1 tbs
  curry powder  

Bone the chicken breast and cut into thin strips or small cubes. Place in a fiat salad bowl, then add the drained sweet corn and the chopped pineapple. Beat the mayonnaise and lemon juice together. Season to taste with salt and curry powder. Pour over the salad and toss lightly. Chill for at least 1 hour. Just before serving, decorate the salad with the sliced tomatoes arranged around the edge of the bowl. Sprinkle the top with chopped parsley.

II.   Milk dishes:

Veal, kefir, cheese, cake, partridge, whipped cream, potatoes, sour-cream, red caviar, ice-cream.



Приложение к билету  № 13.


Finnish fish salad (smoked fish)


500 g potatoes 11/4 lb
500 g carrots 1 ¼  lb
300 g peas (deep frozen peas can be used) 2/3 lb
250 g tomatoes ½ lb
400 g poached smoked fish (haddock, cod or kipper-fillets) 14 oz
  for the dressing  
4 tbs salad oil 4 tbs
4 tbs wine vinegar 4 tbs
150 ml clear soup (made with a stock cube) ¼  pt
1 tsp mustard 1 tsp
1 tbs   grated horseradish 1 tbs
1 tsp red paprika 1 tsp
1 small bunch dill weed 1

Cook the potatoes in their skins and peel while still hot. Put aside to cool, then cut into slices. Scrape the carrots and cook until tender. Cut into fairly thick slices with a serrated knife. Cook the peas over a gentle heat and drain well. Cut the tomatoes into thin wedges or slice. Put all the prepared vegetables into a large bowl. Add the drained fish cut into pieces 2 cm (1 in) long. Mix the mustard with the horseradish and the finely chopped dill. Then beat in the oil, vinegar and the cold soup. Season to taste with salt and pepper, pour over the salad and toss lightly. Chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Serve sprinkled with red paprika.



II. Bread group of food:

Artichoke, noodles, ice-cream, apple, pheasant, pancakes, cake, biscuit, macaroni, flour.


Приложение к билету № 15.


Mushroom salad


500 g button mushrooms 1 ¼ lb
4 tbs salad oil 4 tbs
  juice of 1 lemon  
250 ml dry white wine 9 fl oz
1 bay leaf 1
1 tsp coriander seeds 1 tsp
1 tsp peppercorns 1 tsp
  salt, parsley  

Slice the washed mushrooms and turn for a few minutes in hot oil. Add the bay leaf, coriander and peppercorns. Season to taste with a little salt. Pour in the wine and lemon juice, cover with a lid and cook over a moderate heat for 8-10 minutes. Re­move from the heat and when cool, place in a serving bowl. Cover with a lid and chill overnight in the refrigerator.

Sprinkle with a little finely chopped parsley just before serving. This is a particularly delicious salad.

II.   Nonalcoholic drinks:

Radish, mineral water, orange juice, tea, food, coffee, cauliflower, compote, mushroom, cabbage.


Приложение кбилету № 16.

                I.                   Leek salad


2-3 leeks 2-3
1 large Spanish onion 1
  for the dressing  
  juice of 2 lemons  
2 tbs salad oil 2 tbs

Wash the leeks thoroughly and cut into slices. Cut the' tender green stem, of the leeks into 10 cm (4 in) pieces. Peel and slice the onion and mix with the leeks in a bowl Season to taste with salt, then add all the lemon juice and oil. Toss well together.

Place, in a screw top jar and keep in the refrigerator for 1 day before eating. Sprinkle with finely chop­ped parsley just before serving. Note: It is a good idea to always have a jar of leek salad in the refrigerator because it can be used in other salads that need an onion flavour. I shall let you into a secret. If you are embarrassed by your breath after eating onion, simply suck a clove and you will be "sweet smelling" again.

II. Family:

Grandson, bread, cousin, nut, biscuit, twins, dressing, husband, wife, children.


Приложение к билету № 17


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