Exercise 12. Form adverbs

Model: rapid – rapidly

day, main, quick, careful, normal, true, sleepy, usual, frequent, whole, easy, bad, part.


Exercise 13. Fill in the table.

Model: early – earlier – earliest

    patiently – more patiently – most patiently

Positive Comparative Superlative


Exercise 14. Insert the appropriate form of the adverb. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. He runs … than me. (fast)

2. She came … of all. (early)

3. You should eat … spicy food. (little)

4. He wrote his exam … than any of us. (well)

5. It rained … last night than last week. (heavily)

6. It took me … than usual to make a correct diagnosis. (long)

7. He worked … and … each time to achieve the best results. (hard)

8. Everyone treated him … than other patients at hospital. (kindly)


Exercise 15. Insert the adverb in the right place.

Model: The students watched the operation quietly in the surgery yesterday.

                                                                  (How?) (Where?)  (When?)

         They go to the dissecting-room on foot after classes.

             (verb of          (Where?) (How?) (When?) 


1. She is late. (often)

2. He died. (at home, last night, quietly)

3. Mary answers her phone calls. (always)

4. The injured will be taken to hospitals. (immediately)

5. The student answered all the examiner’s questions. (easily)

6. I will forget my first operation on appendicitis. (very, never)

7. Ambulance Services have been renewed. (in Ukraine, already)

8. The students went after they’d heard who was the lecturer. (quickly, to the lecture hall)

NB: often, seldom, ever, never, always, usually, sometimes, already, just

He never comes to work on time.

She has already carried out the procedure.


Exercise 16. Re-write sentences putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form. Translate sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Emergency medical service always (to provide) out-of-hospital medical care.

2. Yesterday, the ambulance (to transport) him to the trauma unit.

3. I (to call) in an ambulance, if the temperature (to keep) rising.

4. The nurse (to close) the wound with adhesive plaster after she’s cleaned it.

5. Emetics are the drugs that (to make) you vomit.

6. The dispatcher (to be) responsible for the “pre-arrival” instructions.

7. All the ambulances (to have) first-aid kits.

8. The ambulance driver (to transport) patients carefully.


Exercise 17. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Ampoules, boxes and vials contain different drugs.

2. Disposable syringes are used for IV and IM injections.

3. The doctor gave his patient some sedative to calm him down.

4. She was administered procedure with probe because of gastric troubles.

5. He will take laxatives to relieve constipation.

6. It is necessary to dial up 103 to call in an ambulance.

7. During the examination the physician measured his blood pressure.

8. The role of the non-registered nurse is to keep the first-aid kit in order.


Exercise 18. Translate sentences into English.

1. Як правило, швидка допомога приїздить негайно.

2. Його миттю госпіталізували з такими ушкодженнями.

3. Її обережно транспортували до реанімаційного відділення.

4. Зеленка є одним з найкращих коли-небудь відомих антисептиків.

5. Щоб заспокоїти пацієнтів, лікарі іноді дають їм заспокійливе.

6. В машинах швидкої допомоги завжди є тонометр, термометр, набір шин.

7. Молодша медична сестра зобов’язана зберігати медичну аптечку у бездоганному порядку.

8. Фельдшер негайно дістав ампулу з антибіотиком з аптечки, щоб зробити хворому ін’єкцію.


Exercise 19. Arrange the following sentences in order to describe the first-aid kit.

1. The first-aid kit may also contain narcotic medicines to relieve severe pain.

2. For example, there is alcohol, cotton wadding, disposable syringes for IV and IM injections.

3. Bandage and tourniquet are applied to stop bleeding.

4. Besides, there are antiseptics, brilliant green, iodine, adhesive plasters used to clean and close wounds.

5. Among medicines, there are pain-killers, antibiotics, emetics and anti-emetics, antipyretics, sedatives, laxatives, etc.

6. First-aid kit is a special case that contains all the necessary things for rendering the first aid.


Exercise 20. Describe the “first-aid station” according to the plan in the table.

1. The type of establishment.  
2. The services provided.  
3. The equipment.  
4. The ambulance team.  


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

І. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: 1. надавати першу медичну допомогу 2. станція швидкої допомоги 3. чергувати весь день 4. добре забезпечена медична аптечка 5. зупинити кровотечу 6. штучний дихальний апарат 7. знімати біль 8. спостерігати за роботою серця 9. кардіо-реанімаційна бригада швидкої 10. жарознижувальні та блювотні засоби ІІ. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання: 1. What does the emergency medical service provide? 2. How many hours a day do the First Aid Stations work? 3. What are the ambulances equipped with? 4. What medical things does the first-aid kit contain? 5. What drugs are there in the first-aid kit? ІІІ. Розкрийте поняття:швидка медична допомога, аптечка



Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary.

ambiguity, n [ˏæmbɪ'gjuːɪtɪ] двозначність, неясність
chemist's, n ['kemists] аптека
consequence, n [ˈkɔnsikwəns] наслідок, результат
contraindication, n [ˏkɔntrəɪndɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] протипоказання
dangerous, adj [ˈdeinʤərəs] небезпечний
dispense, v [di'spens] виготовляти (ліки)
drastic, adj [ˈdræstik] сильнодіючий
expiry date, n [ik'spaiəri 'deit] термін дії
label, v ['leibl] маркерувати, позначати
poisonous, adj [ˈpɔizənəs] отруйний
prescription, n [priˈskripʃən] рецепт
private, adj. ['praivit] приватний
promote, v [prəˈmout] сприяти
psychotropic, adj. [saikouˈtroupik] психотропний
side effect, n ['said i'fekt] побічна дія
storage, n ['stɔːrɪʤ] зберігання
supply with, v [sə'plai] постачати, забезпечувати
warnings, n, pl. ['wɔːnɪŋz] попередження

Exercise 2. Read correctly.

ps [s]: psychotropic, psychiatry, psychology, psychosis, psychiatrist, psychologist, psychic;

ph [f]: pharmacy, philosophy, pharmacology, physician, pharmaceutist, physics, photo;

y [ai]: supply, apply, rely, July, good-bye, type, rye;

au [ɔ:]: cause, trauma, autopsy, auscultation, autonomy, nausea, August.


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