Implication of nanotechnology

Read and translate the text.


Unit XII

1. Practice the following words:

Potential [pə'ten∫əl], society [sə'saiəti], weapon ['wepən], government ['gΛvnmənt], environment [in'vaiərəmənt], scientific [saiən'tifik].

2. Study the vocabulary list:

implication – значение

claim – заявление, протест

potential – потенциальный

concern – беспокойство, важное дело

effect – действие

appropriate – подходящий, соответствующий

to mitigate – cмягчать, ослаблять

weapon – оружие

to advocate – защищать

to stifle – душить

to benefit – приносить пользу

to testify - свидетельствовать

Because of the far-ranging claims that have been made about potential applications of nanotechnology, a number of serious concerns have been raised about what effects these will have on our society if realized, and what action if any is appropriate to mitigate these risks.

There are possible dangers that arise with the development of nanotechnology. The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology suggests that new developments could result, among other things, in untraceable weapons of mass destruction, networked cameras for use by the government, and weapons developments fast enough to destabilize arms races ("Nanotechnology Basics").

One area of concern is the effect that industrial-scale manufacturing and use of nanomaterials would have on human health and the environment, as suggested by nanotoxicology research. Groups such as the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology have advocated that nanotechnology should be specially regulated by governments for these reasons. Others counter that overregulation would stifle scientific research and the development of innovations which could greatly benefit mankind.

Other experts, including director of the Woodrow Wilson Center's Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies David Rejeski, have testified that successful commercialization depends on adequate oversight, risk research strategy, and public engagement. Berkeley, California is currently the only city in the United States to regulate nanotechnology; Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2008 considered enacting a similar law, but ultimately rejected this.

4. Compare two columns of words and find Russian equivalents (from the right column) to the following English words (from the left one):

1. делать заявление a) weapons of mass destruction
2. потенциал применений нанотехнологий b) to mitigate risk of arising concerns
3. иметь воздействие на общество c) to make claims
4. уменьшать риск возрастающих беспокойств d) the effect of the usage of nanomaterials on human health
5. оружие массового уничтожения e) to have effect on society
6. результат использования наноматериалов на человеческое здоровье f) the effect of industrial manufacturing of nanomaterials on the environment
7. воздействие промышленного производства наноматериалов на окружающую среду g) potential applications of nanotechnology
8. приносить пользу человечеству h) to benefit mankind
9. значение нанотехнологии i) implication of nanotechnology

5. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) There are no serious concerns about the potential applications of nanotechnology in modern society.

2) New developments of nanotechnology can result in untraceable weapons of mass destruction.

3) Overregulation of nanotechnology by governments would benefit mankind greatly.

4) The most important concern is the effect that industrial-scale manufacturing of nanomaterials has on human health.

6. Answer the questions:

1) Which concerns has potential applications of nanotechnology arisen?

2) What are the dangers of the development of nanotechnology?

3) What does successful commercialization of nanotechnology depend on?

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