The adverbial modifier of condition

An adverbial modifier of condition is preceded by the prepositions without, but for, in case of, in the event of.

Should I be satisfied without taking advantage of that! (=... if I didn’t take advantage of that?) Был ли бы я удовлетворен, если бы не воспользовался этим преимуществом?

I shan’t be long in case of going there myself. (=... if I go there myself.) Я не задержусь, в случае если пойду туда сам.

But for your having told me the truth I would still be in the dark on everything. (= If you had not told me...) Если бы ты не сказал мне правду, я бы так ничего и не знал.

Не asked his sister to look after his children in the event of his falling ill. Он попросил сестру присмотреть за детьми, если он заболеет.

Exercise 127. Point out the gerund, the gerundial phrase or the gerundial construction used as adverbial modifier of condition. Translate the sentences.

MODEL: You can’t start the engine without turning the key. Нельзя завести мотор, не повернув ключ.... если не повернешь...... если не повернуть...

1. Carol can’t wake up early in the morning without setting her alarm-clock for seven. 2. But for him being so talented they wouldn’t keep him at this job. 3. Without having an alibi he can’t prove anything. 4. In case of finding your key put it on the top shelf. 5. But for his having given me the cassette I wouldn’t be able to tell you about the film now. 6. In case of his refusing to keep you company don’t be upset very much. 7. In the event of their causing you any real trouble, give me a ring. 8. But for his helping her she wouldn’t pay the rent regularly. 9. Tony won’t get better without you calling the doctor in. 10. You can’t book an air ticket abroad without getting a visa. 11. They would have got lost but for having read the map carefully. 12. In case of returning the book you’ll be allowed to borrow another one. 13. In case of his locking the door she won’t get into the house. 14. But for having packed his bags beforehand he would have missed the coach. 15. In case of the contract being checked by the expert you may sign it. 16. In the event of getting a letter from them let her know about it. 17. But for the road being repaired we would catch the train. 18. Without having a car of your own you can’t get there so quickly.

Exercise 128. Paraphrase the sentences. Use an adverbial modifier of condition expressed by a gerund, a gerundial phrase or a gerundial construction. Choose the proper preposition. Note the negation in a conditional clause and the meaning of the Subjunctive Mood in the finite verb.

MODEL: If you have no true friends you may feel lonely. – Without having true friends you may feel lonely.

If I hadn’t learned English when a student I wouldn’t travel abroad now. – But for having learned English when a student I wouldn’t travel abroad now.

If you see Sam say hello to him. – In case of seeing Sam say hello to him.

1. If you had enough money you could lend him some. 2. If the guarantee doesn’t last long, she won’t buy the fridge. 3. If they offer you a new post, don’t refuse. 4. If they are late, don’t wait and start the discussion. 5. If Julia were not depressed she would receive you now. 6. I can’t call them unless I get their number. 7. If he were not so busy he would take you to the station. 8. If my elder son goes to the supermarket with me he will help me with the bags. 9. If they send you a telex, answer them right away. 10. If you don’t get the text-book you won’t pass your test. 11. If you call them tonight you are likely to reach them. 12. If he hadn’t taken his camera with him he wouldn’t be enjoying these pictures now. 13. If Max hadn’t wound up his watch he would have overslept yesterday.

Exercise 129. Translate the sentences into English. Use a gerund, a gerundial phrase or a gerundial construction as adverbial modifier of condition preceded by the preposition but for implying negation. Use the verb-predicate in the Subjunctive Mood. Choose the proper form of the gerund denoting 1) priority, 2) simultaneity, 3) reference to no particular time.

MODEL 1: (priority) Если бы они не поссорились, он бы сейчас пригласил ее на свадьбу. But for their having quarreled he would invite her to his wedding.

MODEL 2: (simultaneity) Если бы ему не надо было ходить на работу каждый день, у него было бы больше свободного времени. But for having to go to work every day he would have more free time.

MODEL 3: (to no particular time) Если бы он не был таким транжирой, жена могла бы откладывать деньги на летний отпуск. But for his being such a spendthrift his wife would be able to save some money for their summer holiday.

1. Если бы он не был таким великодушным, он бы наказал его. 2. Если бы Сэм не поменял квартиру, он бы жил сейчас рядом с нами. 3. Если бы Чарльз не дурачил ее (to fool someone), она бы так не нервничала. 4. Если бы Маргарет не совала все время нос в его дела (to poke one’s nose into one’s business), он бы не жаловался на нее. 5. Если бы она тогда не поехала на море, она бы не встретилась с этой семьей. 6. Если бы она не ходила в оздоровительный центр (health centre), она бы чувствовала себя хуже. 7. Если бы Мария не была такой общительной, у нее бы не было столько друзей. 8. Если бы она не получила вчера стипендию, она бы не смогла одолжить тебе деньги. 9. Если бы она не писала конспекты на лекциях, ей было бы труднее готовиться к экзаменам. 10. Если бы мальчик не был таким серьезным, он бы согласился играть эту комическую роль.


Exercise 130. Work in pairs.

MODEL 1: In what case can you make calls? – I can make calls in case of being on the phone. Or But for being on the phone I wouldn’t be able to make calls.

In what case do/will/would/can you you fly to London? go to the country? go hunting? buy a PC? arrange a party? get a call from your foreign friend? need a TV repairman? call a maintenance driver? decorate the flat? move to a new flat? rent a flat? take a taxi?
are excited? happy? embarrassed?

Suggested variants:

to be fine (the weather); to be one’s hobby; to book a ticket in the travel agency; to save enough money; to come to see someone; to have no flat of your own; to get clogged (the plumbing); to start leaking; to start dripping (the tap); to buy a new flat; to celebrate one’s graduating from the University/ one’s parents’ silver wedding; to go to the airport; to take an exam; to be given a pass; to get married; to be ashamed of something;

MODEL 2: – Without what can’t you visit your friends abroad

– I can’t do it without having an invitation from them.

Or But for having an invitation from my friends I wouldn’t be able to visit them abroad.

Without what can’t you sleep well in a stuffy room? watch an English film? translate a poem? drive a car? grow flowers? get married? cook mushroom soup? be polite? make a good doctor? make a good teacher?

Suggested variants:

1. to have a garden 6. to be well brought up

2. to keep the window open 7. to have mushrooms

3. to get a driving license 8. to be well educated

4. to be able to write poems 9. to love children, etc.

5. to know English

Exercise 131. Complete the sentences. Use an adverbial modifier of condition expressed by the preposition but for + a gerund, a gerundial phrase or a gerundial construction. Note the time reference of the action expressed by the gerund and use the proper form of the gerund.

MODEL: He wouldn’t ride a motorbike... He wouldn’t ride a motorbike but for its being his hobby.

1. Mark would trust Mike...

2. The surgeon wouldn’t agree to operate at once...

3. Bob’s dad wouldn’t mend the television...

4. Helen wouldn’t marry Dan...

5. The war veterans wouldn’t have taken part in the parade...

6. They wouldn’t have sent them the books...

7. The letter wouldn’t have been delivered yesterday...

8. The film director wouldn’t make films every year...

9. The actor wouldn’t get the leading part...

10.The museum wouldn’t have bought the private collection...

11.The man wouldn’t be interviewed so often...

12.She would notice him...

Suggested variants:

1. to be sponsored 7. to get them in the book store

2. to be famous 8. to post on time

3. to have the necessary equipment 9. to deceive someone once

4. to have a wonderful pair of hands 10. to be persuaded by her parents

5. to be taken to Moscow 11. to be deeply involved with his work

6. to be married to a film star 12. to contain a lot of antique pieces

Exercise 132. Read the English sentences. Point out the gerundial construction used as adverbial modifier of condition. Choose the corresponding Russian sentence.

1. You can’t have a nice holiday without there being a river or a lake nearby.

a) Нельзя хорошо отдохнуть, если рядом нет реки или озера.

b) Нельзя хорошо отдохнуть без реки или озера, находящихся рядом.

c) Нельзя хорошо отдохнуть без близко расположенных там реки или озера.

2. Can he cope with his problems without his parents supporting him?

a) Может ли он справиться со своими проблемами без родителей, которые поддерживают его?

b) Может ли он справиться со своими проблемами без родителей, которые поддержали его?

c) Может ли он справиться со своими проблемами без того, чтобы родители поддерживали его?

3. But for the doctor having given him proper advice he wouldn’t have fully recovered.

a) Если бы не врач и его правильный совет, он бы полностью не поправился.

b) Если бы врач не дал ему правильный совет, он бы полностью не поправился.

c) Если бы не врач, который дал ему правильный совет, он бы полностью не поправился.

4. But for the yacht being repaired they would take a pleasure trip to the islands next week.

а) Если бы не яхта, которая ремонтировалась, они отправились бы в путешествие на острова на следующей неделе.

b) Если бы не отремонтированная яхта, они отправились бы в путешествие на острова на следующей неделе.

c) Если бы яхту не ремонтировали, они отправились бы в путешествие на острова на следующей неделе.

Exercise 133. Translate the sentences into English. Use an adverbial modifier of condition expressed by a gerund, a gerundial phrase or a gerundial construction. Choose the proper preposition.

1. Без его участия в соревнованиях мы не можем выиграть. 2. В случае их приезда она сообщит вам. 3. Если они обвинят вас в этом, не принимайте это близко к сердцу. 4. Если бы он не тратил столько денег на игру в карты, он мог бы начать собственное дело. 5. Если бы он тогда не вложил деньги, их фирма не выжила бы сейчас. 6. Если его продвинут по службе, он может сделать карьеру. 7. Не извинившись перед ним за нашу ошибку (to apologize to somebody for something), не удастся уговорить его придти. 8. Если бы он не заболел, он бы обязательно поздравил тебя. 9. Не спросив ее согласия на работу с нами, мы не сможем принять решения. 10. Дети не всегда могут действовать правильно, если им не сказать, что делать. 11. В том случае, если они отвезут вас за город, вы немного отдохнете. 12. Если подруга позвонит тебе, поблагодари ее. 13. Если бы он не женился на ней, она бы никогда не вышла замуж за другого. 14. Нельзя получить работу, не пройдя собеседования (to interview).

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