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2. objective a not influenced by personal feelings; fair, e. g. The writer tried to be as objective as possible in evaluating his latest work. – а) объективный, реальный (существующий независимо от нашего сознания) б) предметный; вещественный в) 2) объективный; действительный, реальный 3) беспристрастный, непредвзятый, объективный

objective n (C) something which you plan to do or achieve, e. g. His main/primary objective now is simply to stay in power. – 1) цель; стремление (тж. objective point); объект (наступления)

object n 1) a material thing, e. g. What is that dark object over there? 2) smth or smb that is the focus of feeling, thought, or action, as an object of pity, admiration, ridicule, delight, curiosity, fear, etc., e. g. She was the object of his love. 3) purpose; aim. e. g. The object of his visit was not clear. – 1) предмет; вещь 2) объект (нечто материальное или абстрактное, на которое направлены мысли, чувства, действия) 3) а) цель б) причина, основание беспокойства

object vi to be against smth or someone, e. g. I object to the whole thing on principle. – 1) возражать, протестовать; выдвигать возражения 2) относиться неодобрительно, неприязненно; не любить

objection n a statement or feeling of dislike, disapproval, or opposition, e. g. Have you any objection to his coming? – а) возражение, протест (в большинстве контекстов как юридический термин) б) неодобрение, порицание

3. ground n 1) (C) a piece of land for a special use; a football ground; picnic grounds, a playground, e. g. The school grounds were planted with trees and flowers. 2) a reason, e. g. He left on the grounds of ill-health.

to cover much/a lot of ground 1) to travel a certain distance; 2) to deal with many different subjects, e. g. I'll try to cover all the ground in a short speech of half an hour. – 2) To process a great deal of information and various facts.

to suit someone down to the ground (informal) to be just what one wants or likes, e. g. This house will suit us down to the ground. – [в самый раз, как раз то, что надо/нужно]

groundless a (of feelings, ideas) without base or good reason – безосновательный, беспочвенный, беспричинный, необоснованный, неосновательный

well-grounded a based on fact – 1) обоснованный; подкрепленный фактами, аргументами 2) хорошо подготовленный (in - по какому-л. предмету); сведущий (in - в чем-л.)

forbidden ground – запретная тема

common ground – a shared area of agreement or understanding; an overlap of aims or interests – точка соприкосновения

4. thing n 1) (C) any material object, e. g. What's that thing you've got on your head? 2) (C) a piece of clothing, e. g. I've not got a thing to wear. 3) (C) that which is not material, e. g. What a nasty thing to say to your sister! 4) (C) a subject, matter, e. g. There's one more thing I wanted to say. 5) (C) a person or animal regarded as an object of pity, affection, or contempt, e. g. Your daughter's such a sweet little thing. You stupid thing! 6) (C) happening, event, e. g. A funny thing happened yesterday. 7) pl possessions, belongings, e. g. Have you packed your things for the journey? 8) pl the general state of affairs, e. g. Things are getting worse and worse.

(not) quite the thing (informal) what is considered socially correct, fashionable, e. g. It's not quite the thing to wear an open-necked shirt to a formal evening dinner. – the socially proper thing to do.

the thing is the most important point is, e. g. The thing is can we get there in time? – But the thing is that she's my girl. — Дело, видишь ли, в том, что она моя девушка.

have a thing about (informal) — a peculiar attitude or feeling toward smth, e. g. She has a thing about cats.

old thing – голубушка, дружок

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