Nominative questions: who, what?


In the Russian language, there are 6 major cases. On cases tend following parts of speech:

- Noun

- Adjective

- Communion

- Pronouns

- Numeral (all), as well as cardinal numbers один [od`in] ((about man) one), одна [odn`a] (about woman),

одно [odn`o] (about thing), одни [odn`i] (about several people or things),

два [dva] (about two men or about two things masculine genes),

две [dve] (about two women or about two things feminine genes).

- The proper name

Inducing these parts of speech serves to link the words in the phrase or sentence.


1. Nominative calls nature, object, event or condition as such (in their permanent state):

собака (dog), планета (planet), пальто (coat), дружба (friendship), равновесие (harmony), радость (joy), etc.

Nominative questions: who, what?


2. Genitive expresses the values ​​of:

- Accessories:

машина отца (father`s machine), шапка сестры (sister`s cap), книги друга (friend`s books).

- Direct object:

for verbs with negation: Я не читал этой книги. / I have not read this book;

with verbs without negation: ждать поезда, желать счастья / waiting for the train, to wish happiness;

with verbal nouns with the value of action: чтение книги / reading a book;

- Subject, object or phenomenon with nouns that express action or condition:

выпадение снега (snow fall), разговор друзей (the conversation of friends);

- The value of the subject, object or event at the words that express the amount:

много шоколада (a lot of chocolate), десять дней (ten days), килограмм яблок (a kilo of apples), мало народу (few people), килограмм сахару (a kilogram of sugar), чашка чаю (a cup of tea).

- Attributive value when the noun in the genitive case is someone's money or property:

мужчина среднего роста (a man of medium height), товар первого сорта (first- class product),

страна восходящего солнца (the country of the rising sun).

In such cases, the noun is often used together with addicted to it the adjective in the genitive case.

- The value of time: это было одиннадцатого июля / it was the eleventh of July.

Questions genitive: of who? of what?,

Alternative questions to determine the correct case endings: from whom?, from what? for whom? for what? to whom? to what? whose (about man)? whose (about woman)? whose (about thing)?;


3. Dative expresses:

- The value of "destination" - the person for whom the action is performed:

дать книгу товарищу (give the book to friend), послать письмо отцу (send a letter to father);

- The value of the subject, object or phenomenon, which is inherent to suffer the certain state:

брату нравится путешествовать (brother likes to travel), мне скучно (I 'm bored).

Dative questions: to who?, to what? (for who?, for what?)


4. Accusative expresses:

- The value of the object on which the action:

рисовать картину (paint a picture), рубить дрова (chopping wood),

знать английский язык (to know English);

- The value of the object that is experiencing any state:

больного лихорадит (patient's fever), его влекло на север (he was drawn to the north),

деревья вырывало с корнем (the trees being uprooted);

- The value of the measures and the degree of manifestation of an action or state:

пробыл в городе неделю (spent a week in the city),

отдыхал каждую зиму в горах (resting every winter in the mountains),

весить тонну (weigh a ton), стоить одну иенну (cost one yen).

Accusative questions: whom?, what?

Alternative questions to determine the correct case endings: find whom?, find what?


5. Ablative expresses values:

- Instruments of action:

писать карандашом (write with a pencil), разрезать хлеб ножом (cut the bread with a knife),

управлять самолётом (fly with a plane), наслаждаться музыкой (enjoy the music);

- The value of the subject or the object, which is the target of action:

она будет врачом (she will be a doctor),

дом строился бригадой рабочих (the house was built a team of workers);

- The values ​​associated with the circumstances:

circumstances place:

ехать полями (go by fields), идти лесом (go by forest);

the circumstances of the time:

это было поздней осенью (it was late autumn),

я знал его ребёнком (т.е. когда он был ребёнком) (I knew him as a child (that is, when he was a child));

course of action:

ходить толпой (to walk the crowd), петь басом (to sing bass);

circumstances and the extent of the measures:

говорить о чём-либо целыми днями (talk about anything all day),

закупать картофель мешками (buy potato sacks);

clarifying the circumstances of the sign:

земля, богатая нефтью (the land rich in oil), человек, мудрый душою (a man, a wise soul).

Questions instrumental case: by whom? by what?

Alternative questions to determine the correct case endings: how?


6. Prepositional expresses:

- Explanatory value:

рассказывать о прошлом (talk about the past), думать о сыне (think about the son);

- The value of places:

жить в лесу (live in the forest), на даче (in the country),

хоровой кружок при клубе (choral circle at the club),

в лесу водятся зайцы (in the forest hares),

ребёнок сидит на полу (baby sitting on the floor),

она ждала лодку на берегу (she waiting for the boat to shore),

он погиб в бою (he was killed in action),

мы ждём в аэропорту (we're waiting at the airport).

Questions prepositional case: about whom?, about what?

Alternative questions to determine the correct case endings: in whom?, in what?, on whom?, on what?

In addition to these six major plagues, there is a so-called vocative that expresses appeal to anyone or anything. The vast number of words leans on cases do not have to write any differences in the nominative case, and in the vocative. But there are some words which form a vocative differs from the form in the nominative:

Б о же, Г о споди, др у же, О тче, д е да, д о ча, пап, мам, дядь, тёть, кн я же, ст а рче.

(Turning to God, to Lord Jesus, to friend, to Heavenly Father, to grandfather, to daughter, to father, to mother, to uncle, to aunt, to prince, to old man).

In addition, the majority of male and female names in the short form may take the form of vocative:

Андр ю х (Андр е й), Пашь (П а ша), Сер ё г (Сер ё жа), Юр (Ю ра), Вить (В и тя), Дим (Д и ма), Жень (Ж е ня),

Кать / Кат ю х, (К а тя), Юль (Ю ля), Свет (Св е та), Ань (А ня), Машь (М а ша) и т.д.


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