Find the English equivalents in the article. информировать; вдохновлять; объединять; обмануться, обольститься; сила гипноза; банальное содержание (чего-л); пленять

информировать; вдохновлять; объединять; обмануться, обольститься; сила гипноза; банальное содержание (чего-л); пленять, очаровывать; приковывать к месту; поток образов; неподвижный; коротать время; снизить продолжительность концентрации внимания; ослабить воображение; шквал информации; гипнотический эффект; информационная перегрузка, перегруженность информацией; истощенный, вымотанный; шлёпнуться/плюхнуться перед телевизором; развлекать; обучать; просвещать, осведомлять, проливать свет; насилие на экране ТВ; оказать вредное влияние на общество; выключить ТВ.

(Key p. 132)

Comment on the following. What is your opinion?

1. Television is one of the greatest inventions of all time.

2. Such is the potential power of TV to inform, inspire, and unite.

3. In its current state, TV produces more problems than it offers blessings.

4. Once we start watching, it is all too easy to become ensnared in its almost hypnotic power to keep us watching regardless of the banality of the content.

5. We are watching not for the content, but for the contrast, change, and captivating swirl of images.

6. We may decide to catch a one-hour educational program, but find ourselves immobilized by TV's power and end up "watching" longer than we originally planned.

7. TV is boring, and snacking helps to while the time away.

8. Men who watch television three or more hours a day are twice as likely to be obese than men who watch for less than an hour.

9. TV decreases one's attention span and weakens one's imagination

10. If you want more energy, it’s far better to engage in some activity than to plop down in front of a TV.

11. TV is not made to entertain, educate, or enlighten us. It is made to sell products and services.

12. Every day a parade of louts, losers and con-men whom most people would never allow in their homes enter anyway, through television.

13. TV ads influence us, and so does everything else that appears on TV.

14. TV creates great harm not only by its influence, but also by what it prevents.

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