Coronary angioplasty



коронарная ангиопластика

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы вашего товарища. Используйте в ответах слова, данные в скобках.

1. What were the British doctors acquainted with? (health care, pre­ventive, curative) 2. What is the characteristic feature of health care in our country? (to pay attention to; prophylaxis) 3. Where is the primary medical care provided? (polyclinic, out-patient department, ambulant patients, district doctor) 4. What do you know about the work of a district doctor? (to be on call, to visit patients in their homes, to see 5. What are the problems facing medical science in our country? (pre­vention, treatment, cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases, artifi­cial organs, to do research into, infectious diseases, HIV, ТВ, to intro­duce, modern minimally invasive surgical techniques).

Health Care in Russia ♦ 241

Упражнение 7. Прочтите следующие утверждения и выразите согласие или несогласие. Начните свои ответы со слов I believe you are right saying that., или: In my opinion you are not quite right...

1. Prevention of diseases is the main principle of health care 2. in our country. 2. There are private clinics in Russia and some medical institutions are not financed by the state. 3. Large industrial enterpris­es do not provide medical care for the workers. 4. Periodic screening is restricted only to ТВ patients and does not involve patients with hy­pertension, coronary heart diseases, and diseases of the GIT (gastro­intestinal trdct).

Упражнение 8. Ваш товарищ работает фельдшером (doctor's assistant) на станции скорой помощи. Попросите его рассказать, как и кому оказыва­ется скорая медицинская помощь. Используйте следующие словосочета­ния в вашек^беседе.

emergency medical service, to deal with urgent cases, free of charge, to dial 03 for the doctor to come, blood-transftision equipment, cases of myocardial infarction, acute heart disease, to handle any emergency, to give emergent treatment

Упражнение 9. Прослушайте (прочитайте) диалог. Скажите, какой вопрос обсуждался на занятии по терапии.

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