I agree with you that.., I think you are right in saying that

1.There are many medical schools all over Russia. 2. After the third year medical students perform the duties of nurses. 3.Higher medical education includes six years of general training, one year of specialised training in internship or two years of specialised training in residency.

Упражнение 10. Ознакомьтесь с расписанием занятий студентов 2 курса лечебного факультета Московской медицинской академии. Скажите, как организован учебный процесс, сколько семестров занимаются студенты-медики? Какие предметы изучают студенты 2 курса?

Medical Education in Russia Ф» 235

Year 2. Third Term (17 weeks). September 1 - December 31.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
<>-ll Physiology Biochemistry Physiology Philosophy Anatomy Anatomy
11-13 Anatomy Histology Biochemistry Foreign language Histology Physiology
14-16   Philosophy     Physical training  

Year 2. FourthTerm (17 weeks). February 7 - May 31.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9-11 Physiology Biochemistry Microbio­logy Physiology Biochemis­try History of medicine
11-13 Philosophy History of medicine Foreign language Philosophy Physiology Microbio­logy
14-16       Physical training Introduction to clinical medicine  

Упражнение 11. а) Прочтите методические указания к курсу гистологии для студентов 2 курса лечебного факультета Московской медицинской академии.

Г>) Задайте вопрос к каждому предложению. Отвечая на вопросы, расска­жите, как организован этот курс в вашем институте.

The course of histology covers the light and electron microscopic structure of cells, tissues, and organs in relation to their function. It is designed 1) to acquaint students with cell and tissue structure in corre­lation to their study of biochemistry and physiology and 2) to provide (hem with a working knowledge of normal light microscope morphology as background for their later study of pathology. The lectures will cover cells and their specialisations in specific tissues such as muscle, nerve, epithelium, lymphoid and connective tissue. Descriptions of the struc­ture of various organs will be correlated with their physiological func­tions. The laboratory sessions will give students an opportunity to study the light microscopic structure of normal cells, tissues, and organs and to review in small group sessions the concepts covered in the lectures. Students' knowledge will be evaluated by an oral examination.

Упражнение 12. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги. Выучите диалоги наизусть и разыграйте

1 Antony: Where do you study, Kate? Kate: I study at the Medical Institute.

236 ♦ Learning To Discuss Medicine

Antony: Will you explain to me what you mean? The word «institute* ?
sounds very unusual to the English ear. Is it a college or a kind of |
University? 1

Kate: Well, it's a higher education establishment, which trains stu«I
dents to be doctors. You would call it a Medical school. I

Antony: By the way, are graduates of Russian medical schools given 11
degree? 1

Kate: No, they are not. The Russian system of academic degrees il 1
different. Russian graduates are given diplomas which certify them ail
health care professionals. 1

2 I

Jane: What subjects do students study at your Medical School? i

Dmitry: You know, it depends on the faculty and the year they are in. i

Jane: Well, let's say the second year of the Medical Faculty. ]

Dmitry: Second-year students study anatomy, physiology, histology, 4
microbiology, biochemistry and philosophy. 1

Jane: And what about Latin and foreign languages?

Dmitry: As for Latin, we study it in the first year. And we study one foreign language — English, French, or German for two years.

Упражнение 13. Студенты вашей группы принимают участие во встрече американских и канадских студентов-медиков. Расскажите гостям о системе высшего медицинского образования в нашей стране, используя следующий план.

1. The rules of admission to a medical institution of higher learning. 2. The instruction of medical students in Russia. 3. Pre-clinical subjects ur Medical schools in our country. 4. Clinical subjects. 5. The practicum at Medical schools. 6. Facilities for doing research. 7. The work of young doctors after graduation. 8. Facilities for further training after graduation from Medical school.

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