Fact File. Name origin:The name. New Zealand originated with Dutch cartographers who called the islands Nova Zeelandia after the Dutch province Zeeland meaning sea land

Name origin: The name. New Zealand originated with Dutch cartographers who called the islands Nova Zeelandia after the Dutch province Zeeland meaning sea land. James Cook, British explorer, anglicized the name to New Zealand.

Total area: 268,021 square km

Population: 4 372 263 (2010 estimate)

Official languages: English and Maori

Ethnic groups: 78 % European/Other, 14,6% Maori, 9,2% Asian, 6,9% Pacific peoples.

National anthem: 'God Defend New Zealand'

Royal anthem: ' God Save the Queen'

Capital: Wellington

Largest city: Auckland

Government: parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy

Two islands – North Island, South Island and numerous smaller islands

Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II (symbolic)

Longest river: the Waikato (425km long)

Highest mountain: Aoraki/Mount Cook (3754 metres high)

Currency: New Zealand dollar (NZD)

National holiday: Waitangi Day (6th February)

Anzac Day (25th April)

National symbol: kiwi

Ex. 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following geographical names:

New Zealand – [‘nju: ‘zi:lənd] – Новая Зеландия

Pacific Ocean – [pə’sifik ‘ouSən] – Тихий океан

Australia – [əs’treiliə] – Австралия

North Island – [‘nLӨ ‘ailənd ] – Северный остров

South Island – [‘sauӨ ‘ailənd] – Южный остров

Wellington – [‘weliNtən] – Веллингтон

Auckland – [‘Lklənd] – Окленд

British Empire – [‘britiS ‘empaiə] – Британская империя

Polynesia – [,poli’ni:ziə] – Полинезия

East Cape – [‘i:st ‘keip] – Восточный мыс

Christchurch – [‘kraist tSWtS] – Крайстчёрч

Duneding – [dA’ni:din] – Данидин

Canterbury – [‘kxntəbəri] – Кентербери

Otago – [ou’ta:gou] – Отаго

Cook Strait – [‘kuk streit] – пролив Кука

Southern Alps – [‘sAD ən ‘xlps] – южные Альпы

Mount Cook – [‘maunt ‘kuk] – гора Кука

Ex. 2. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:

resource total to occupy
region central to tend
climate European to form
monarchy natural to train
dinosaur technical to locate
parliament crystal to film
policy dynamic to isolate
volcano cultural to start
structure ancient to finish

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