Exercise 1. Answer the following questions

1. Is health the most important factor in our life?

2. Can you work or study properly (належним чином) if your body suffers from any disorder?

3. Tell us about your general condition (само­почуття) if you fall ill with the grippe.

4. When do you consult a dentist?

5. When do you consult an eye doctor?

6. What specialist do you consult if your leg, foot or arm hurt?

7. To what doctor should you go first of all if you feel bad: a high temperature, a head­ache, a cough etc.?

8. What does your physician examine?

9. Does he prescribe you any medicine if nec­essary?

10. Do we have to follow the doctor's directions?

Exercise 2. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Our physician is very good. She is very ex­perienced and attentive.

2. You look bad. You should take your temper­ature and call your local doctor at once.

3. Have you tested your blood pressure? — Not yet.

4. My niece is running a high temperature. She has a bad sore throat. We are very much worried about her. She needs a check up immediately.

5. My neighbour's son caught diphtheria and was taken to the hospital. Diphtheria is a dangerous and catching disease.

6. I caught a bad cold. Every hour I had a cup of hot tea, honey and black currant jam.

7. My friend's husband fell down and broke his right leg. Now he can't walk and we had to call our surgeon.

8. The metro escalator suddenly stopped. Many passengers fell down and got bad injuries (сильные ушибы). I injured my left arm and it hurts badly.

9. — Who is your doctor? — Dr. Williams. — He is said to be very good.

10. Everybody said that you looked very healthy.


— Can I make an appointment with the doc­tor for this afternoon?

— Are you our patient?

— Yes, it'll be my third visit.

— All right, sir. Will 5 p.m. suit you?

— Yes, it will be fine.

— What's your name and address, please?

— Here is my card.

— Thank you, sir.

Doctor: Come in, please. What are your com­plaints?

Patient: I've got a sore throat and a cough.

D: Are you running a temperature?

P: No, I'm not. I have a splitting headache. I think I'm starting a cold. What can you recom­mend?

D: Let me examine you. I suggest that you take something for your headache and the cough.

P: Will you write out a prescription?

D: By all means (обов’язково). You will get the medicine at the nearest chemist's. You should stay in bed for a couple of days and take the medicine three times a day.

P: I'll follow your advice, Doc. Many thanks.

D: I wish you a speedy recovery.

P: Good-bye.

D: Good-bye.

Exercise 3. Ask questions and give answers according to the speech patterns. Use the dialogue.


Что случилось с вашим сыном? — Он забо­левает.

What is wrong with your son? — He is start­ing a cold.

Что случилось с вашей сестрой? — У неё сильное переутомление.

What's wrong with your sister? — She is ex­hausted.

Что случилось с вашей племянницей? — У неё температура.

What's wrong with your niece? — She is run­ning a temperature.

Что случилось с Петей? — У него очень бо­лит голова.

Что случилось с Аней? — У неё болит гор­ло.

Что с Вами случилось? — У меня болит зуб.

Что случилось с вашим мужем? — У него высокая температура.

Что случилось с Томом? — У него сильный кашель.

Что случилось с Тедом и Сэмом? — Они очень устали.

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