Exercises. I.Characterize the peculiarities of different types of climate and vegetation zones of the Russian Federation

I. Characterize the peculiarities of different types of climate and vegetation zones of the Russian Federation.

II. Correct the sentences:

1. The immensity of the Russian Federation is easy to imagine, because it is not big.

2. No one can find a great variety of scenery and vegetation on the territory of Russia.

3. The stones on the bottom of the Baikal can't be seen if you look down, because the water isn't so clear and transparent.

4. Forests in Russia are widely stretched in the south of the country.

5. Russia is a monarchy because it is headed by the Queen.

6. The Palace of Congresses is situated on Red Square in Moscow.

7. The symbol of the country is St. Basyl's Cathedral, which is situated on the territory of Red Square.

8. Russian famous architects Barma and Postnik have created many masterpieces, which are known in our country and abroad.

III. Translate into English.

1. Российская Федерация - крупнейшее государство в мире, которое располагается в восточной части Европы и в северной части Азии.

2. Вряд ли найдётся другая страна в мире, где можно встретить такое большое число растительных зон и климатических поясов.

3. Каждый россиянин знает, что Волга - самая длинная река в Европе и что она впадает в Каспийское море.

4. Ландшафт России преимущественно ровный.

5. 1/6 всех лесных массивов мира находится в России.

6. Москва с населением около 10 млн. человек является столицей России и её научным, культурным и промышленным центром.

7. Говоря о разнообразии природных ресурсов, можно отметить, что Россия является одной из богатейших стран.

8. Кремль и Собор Василия Блаженного - шедевры древнерусской архитектуры, которые были воздвигнуты в 16 веке.

9. Несмотря на то, что Россия является парламентарной республикой, во главе государства стоит Президент.

10.Россия - богатое государство и сейчас есть все предпосылки для того, что бы она стала ведущей державой мира.

11.Россияне уверены, что период процветания их Родины очень скоро настанет и Россия превратится в мощное государство.


Moscow the capital of Russia is one of the biggest industrial, scientific and cultural centers of the world. The city was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky on the bank of the Moscow River. The city was razed in the 13th century during the Tatar invasion. In the 14th century it grew stronger and it was a military as well as an administrative and economic centre. With the invasion of Napoleon in 1812 almost the whole Moscow was destroyed by fire but it was soon rebuilt and trade and industry developed again.

Moscow is built on seven hills, one of which is encircled by a red wall. The Kremlin stands on this hill. If it is a symbol of Russia, then the Spasskaya Tower is a symbol of the Kremlin. It is notable for its clock, its diameter is over six meters. The Kremlin is on Red Square, which is called the heart of Russia.

Moscow is a modem city. Its population is about 10 million people now. The number of streets constantly increases. The largest one is Leninsky Prospect, which is fifteen kilometres long and the widest one is Leningradsky Prospect.

Moscow Underground is one of the most beautiful in the world. It has about two hundred stations. Visiting the metro stations is equal going to museums crammed with bronze and marble statues and different masterpieces of Russian architect. There are nine railway stations in Moscow and five airports around the city. International Sheremetievo Airport is among them.

Moscow is famous for its museums: the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, the Tretyakov Art Gallery. The Gallery was named after the Moscow merchant and great lover of Art Pavel Tretyakov, who spent most of his life on this collection. Not long before his death Tretyakov had given his collection to the city of Moscow. The Gallery reflects the history of Russia, the life and ideals of its people.

Lots of theatres of Moscow are well-known. The best-known is, of course, the Bolshoi Theatre. Contemporary outstanding actors work in enormous Moscow drama theatres.

In the city there are many stadiums, sports facilities for going in for sports. Many of them were built for the 22nd Olympic Games in 1980, when Moscow was the host of the Games.

Moscow is the main educational center of the country. There are 76 higher educational establishments in it. At the end of University Prospect on the Lenin Hills the high building rises. It is the thirty two storeyed building of Moscow University.

Moscow is a great city. In the Alexandrovsky Garden we can stand by the tomb of the Unknown Warrior. It is a simple memorial to the soldier who died for the country in the Second World War. For heroism of the people of our capital during the Great Patriotic War Moscow was awarded the title of Hero City. Moscow faces many problems now. But nevertheless, its future is bright.

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