Составление контрактов (Drawing up Contracts)

1 Переведите и запомните выражения, касающиеся различных видов контрактов.

1) With reference to our decision/your letter/our telephone conversation, we are pleased to confirm ….

2) Enclosed are two copies of the contract.

3) If you have any further queries regarding the conditions of the contract please do not hesitate to contact me.

4) Please let us know within three weeks if these terms are acceptable.

5) This contract is made between ….

6) The goods sold under the present contract shall be of the following specification ….

7) The quality of the goods sold under the present contract shall be in full conformity ….

8) All expenses incurred on the territory of … in connection with the present contact are to be paid by the Buyer.

9) The contract may be cancelled by either party subject to … months’ notice.

2 Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских выражений.

the agency agreement спор

our partnership кроме того

our joint venture расхождение

the franchise непредвиденное обстоятельство

insurance договор о посредничестве

hereinafter заявление

whereby несоответствие

divergence наше совместное предприятие

dispute именуемый в дальнейшем

furthermore франчайзинг

declaration посредством которого

contingency страхование

non-conformity наше сотрудничество

duration заявление

3 Прочтите договор о торговом представительстве. Найдите в нем эквиваленты следующих русских выражений:

на основании, если у вас возникнут новые вопросы, подписать оба экземпляра, эксклюзивное представительство, в приложении вы найдете, я в вашем распоряжении, наша предстоящая встреча.

4 Переведите договор на русский язык.

With reference to our telephone conversation of Wednesday, I am pleased to confirm the agency agreement giving you sole agency for our products in Russia.

Enclosed are two copies of our terms for the agency agreement. Would you please sign both copies and return them to me, together with any comments or amendments you would like to make regarding the contents? Should you have any further queries concerning the conditions of the agency agreement please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to our forthcoming meeting to discuss the final contract, and hope this is the beginning of a long and mutually beneficial association.

5 Найдите в следующем контракте эквиваленты русских выражений:

срок первоначального действия договора, на комиссионной основе, может быть продлен.

The general conditions of the contract are as follows:

The contract is limited initially to 5 years, but may be renewed for a further year based on an annual evaluation of your company’s performance.

Our representatives work on a commission basis.

Commission is payable on all orders.

6 Закончите следующие предложения.

1) Please sign both copies and ….

2) I am pleased to confirm the franchise agreement ….

3) The company is prepared to spend ….

4) The contract may be cancelled by ….

5) The contract is limited initially to ….

6) The contract may be renewed for ….

7) There will be a trial period of 3 months at the end of which ….

8) We would like to offer our services as ….

9) The agent must undertake ….

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