VI. Read the following sentences, analyse the «ing-form» and translate them

Those students who work have their training at evening departments and the correspondence departments of higher schools.

They think of taking examinations before the winter examination session.

They don't remember having read this paragraph before.

The first distinguishing feature of the plan is its constant orientation of economic growth towards the solution of social tasks.

Money is an ideal unit for expressing the value of all other commodities. (товары).

VII. Memorize the following information:

Придаточные определительные предложения следуют непосредственно за словами, которые они определяют, и вводятся союзными словами who (about whom, with whom) – который, whom – которого, whose – чей, который, which – который, that – который.

Союзные слова that, which могут быть опущены в том случае, если эти слова не являются подлежащим определительного придаточного предложения. При этом предлог ставиться в конец придаточного предложения; при переводе на русский язык он ставится в начале придаточного предложения.

VIII. Translate the following sentence into Russian paying attention to the attributive clauses:

1. Georgia that is known as the main producer of tea and citrus fruit also grows grapes, fruit and tobacco.

2. In Kazakhstan a largescale modern industry has been created on the basis of the natural resources which have been discovered mainly during last sixty years.

3. The Ukranian Republic has a highly developed and a multi-sectoral agriculture which provides the country with grain (зерно) and all other agricultural produces.

4. This is a problem we have spent much time on.

2. Word Building Exercises

IX. Form adjectives with the help of the given suffixes:

-able: to change, to accept, to consider, to pay, to rely, to profit, to pronounce, to debate, to define, to disagree, to dispute, to drink, to permit, to respond

-al(ial): region, culture, instrument, cubic, experiment, fate, globe, information, revolution, benefit, industry, proportion, essence, substance

-ed: to approve, to depress, to recommend, to use, to plan

X. State the part of speech of the following words:

Indian assignment
considerable education
Profitable characterize
fatal considerably

3. Vocabulary Exercises

XI. Give Russian equivalents for the following words:

Type, agent, client, special agency, contract, auction, firm, statistical, publication, analysis, interview, role, result, situation, function, ideal, real, fact, accumulate, metal, minimize, production.

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