Cin, cout, cerr and clog

19) Return type _________ indicates that a function will perform a task but will not return any information when it completes its task void

Question: Write a C++ statement or a set of C++ statements to calculate the value of 2.5
raised to the power 3 using function pow. Print the result with a precision of 2 in a field
width of 10 positions
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(10) << pow(2.5, 3) << endl;

Question: Write a C++ statement or a set of C++ statements to calculate the value of 2.5
raised to the power 3 using function pow. Print the result with a precision of 2 in a field
width of 10 positions
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(10) << pow(2.5, 3) << endl;

Начало формы

Question 1

The stream manipulators that format justification are_________, _________ and _______.

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