III. Make up fifteen questions on the text, using the active vocabulary of the lesson

IV. Paraphrase the following passages from the text.

1. They were... not just comfortably well-off. 2. Rose­mary gave no sign. 3. At this very moment a young girl... appeared at Rosemary's elbow and a voice like a sigh breathed... 4.... to hear anything you care to tell me. 5. Hungry people are easily led. 6. They were riding through the dusk. 7. And let me help you off with your coat. 8.1 picked her up in the street. 9. Previous engagement?

V. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the italicized parts.

1. Rosemary felt delighted at the sight of the box. 2. Ro­semary did not show what she thought. 3. She saw a little crea­ture no older than herself, who trembled with cold... 4.... and a moment later the car was taking them home through the dusk. "And let me help you take off your coat, too," said Rosemary. Rosemary ^quickly ran to the bell. 7. And really what that slight meal had done to her was amazing. 8. She's so surprising­ly good-looking. 9. Rosemary was so surprised that she tar-ned red. 10. You know I can't say "no" to anything you ask.

VI. Find English equivalents for the following.

очень начитана; оставьте ее для меня, хорошо?; в этот самый момент; мадам, можно с вами поговорить?; агікяш» те; «Ну, вот!» — воскликнула Розмари; одойдите и со­грейтесь; у вас такой вид, как будто вы очень замерзли; разрешите мне помочь вам раздеться; если я не съем что-нибудь; я не могу больше так жить; вам и не придется, я позабочусь о вас; я что-нибудь устрою; — Извините.— Ничего; познакомиться с моей приятельницей; вы извините нас, мисс Смит?; ей не больше двадцати; дай мне знать; что случилось? она уже приглашена?

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