Find the cases of conversion in the sentences, identify the part of speech of the converted word

1. She is an awful tease. 2. The boy happened to be a cheat. 3. She is the well-known gossip of the town. 4. The night watch rushed to his help. 5. Then followed an interminable wait. 6. His long hunt for the book resulted in a failure. 7. The station is a half-an-hour walk from our house. 8. Christine had the run of Mrs. Herbert’s kitchen. 9. With his heavy bag and torn shoes he looked like a tramp. 10. He was certainly on the move.

9. Arrange the following compounds of:

a) their structure (compounds proper, compound-shortened, compounds where one of the constituents is a compound stem and derivational ones):

eye-catching, level-headed, groundbreaking, e-commerce, mind-boggling, statesman, mouth-watering, h-bag, blue-eyed, oil-rich, market-led, bedridden, dot-com, A-bomb, b-emission, wastepaper-basket, maths-mistress, iphone, domainadmin, Xmas;

b) degree of semantic independence of components (coodinative and subordinative compounds):

high-ranking, goody-goody, night-school, willy-nilly, bittersweet, go-go, waistline, pepper-and-salt, nightmare, Anglo-Asian, down-and-out, gray-green, actor-director, she-pony, acid-sweet, dogbite, boogie-woogie, dead-cheap;

c) linking element, the means of composition used to link the two ICs together (neutral, morphological and syntactical):

semi-detached, tradesman, man-of-war, blackboard, writingtable, record-breaking, handicraft, mother-of-pearl, handiwork, bread-and-butter, come-and-go, sleepingcar, microchip, doomsayer, workaholic, speedometer, down-and-out, kinsman;

d) naming the referent (endocentric and exocentric):

mass-produced, cutthroat, pickpocket, law-abiding, turncoat, tallboy, earthquake, dog-show, honeymoon, stone-fruit, streamline, tick-tick, chow-chow,doghouse, white-collar, must-have, can-do, must-see, hands-on, heads-up, drive-by, hangover;

e) correlative relations with the system of free word-combinations (idiomatic and non-idiomatic):

star-studded, flatfoot, redcoat, darkroom, highbrow, time-consuming, sunrise, bluestocking, butterfly, cabman, killjoy, dreadnought, spoilsport, underworld, highlight, rent-a-car, butterfingers, night-cap, homeland.

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