
In spite of, despite and notwithstanding are

often followed by the fact that

In spite of the fact that he has failed so often he has entered for the exam again

In spite of/despite can be followed by -ing In spite of losing a fortune, he's still rich

For all conveys the same idea less formally For all her money, Mrs Hooper isn't happy

Compare with all (= taking into account) With all this rain, there II be a good crop

25.24 'instead' and 'instead of
is an adverb, instead of is a complex
preposition When instead is used as an
adverb it is usually placed at the end
// you don't want a holiday in Wales why
don I you go to Scotland instead7
We use instead of + noun, pronoun or ing
We eat margarine instead of butter
Why can t Marion drive you into town

instead of me7

Instead of moaning why don't you act7

25.25 'like' and 'as' [> 1 47 6 30 1 16 40 8]
as a preposition is followed by a noun
pronoun or ing

There s no business like show business

(= to compare with)

There s no one like you (= to compare with)

Why don't you try something like doing a bit

of work for a change7 (= such as)

There were lots of people we knew at the

party like the Smiths and the Frys

(= such as/for example) Like can sometimes be replaced by such as (not by as) Like can convey the idea of 'resemblance'

It was like a dream (= similar to) The opposite is unlike

The holiday was unlike any other Like can suggest in the manner of

He acfs like a king (= in the same way as) As (= in the capacity of) can be used as a preposition and should not be confused with like(= resemblance) It can refer to people and things

/ work as a hotel receptionist

As a lawyer, I wouldn't recommend it

Who's used this knife as a screw-driver? As can be a conjunction introducing a clause

As the last bus had left, we returned on foot Used as a conjunction, as can convey similarity

She s musical as was her mother/as her

mother was Like (= as/as if) is often used as a conjunction, especially in informal AmE which is influencing BrE in this respect This use has not gained full acceptance in BrE

Like I told you, it's an offer I can't refuse

(i e as I told you)

She s spending money like there was no

tomorrow (i e as if) Like and unlike can behave like adjectives when we use them after very, more or most

He's more like his mother than his father

- I don't agree They're very unlike

25.26 'of, 'out of, 'from', 'with'
All these prepositions can combine with made
(of out of from with) to indicate the materials
or ingredients out of which something is

Appendix 25

created Made of and made out of are used when we can actually recognize the matenal (s) made of wood, iron, etc

You rarely find toys made (out) of solid wood Made from is used when the ingredient or ingredients are not immediately obvious

Beer is made from hops

Bronze is made from copper and tin Made with, to suggest 'contains1, is often used to identify one or more of the ingredients used

This sauce is made with fresh cream These prepositions can follow the past participles of other verbs, e g built/constructed of/out of/from/with and occur in expressions such as paved with tiles, loaded with hay etc

25.27 'of and off'

Of/off are not interchangeable, but their similar spellings cause confusion Of never occurs as a particle, off is both preposition and particle Of For possessive uses [> 2 47] Other uses are

- origin Mrs Ray of Worthing
direction north/south/west/east of
institutions The University of London

- age A woman of 50 Off

- separation /(s just off the motorway

Take the top off (this jar)

- departure We set off at dawn

- disappearance Has her headache worn off7

25.28 'on' and 'in'

On and in are often used with reference to the body On refers to position on a surface

There s a black mark on your nose The X-ray shows a spot on the lung

In is used in relation to space or area to

suggest 'embedded'

I've got a speck of dust in my eye

and to refer to

- pains I've got a pain in my

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