Adjective noun

absent from a place absence from

afraid of sby/stg fear of sby/stg

amazed at/by sby/stg amazement at

angry at/about stg anger at/about stg

angry with sby anger with sby

annoyed at/about annoyance at/abt

annoyed with sby annoyance with

anxious about/over sby/stg anxiety about/over

ashamed of sby/stg shame at stg

aware of sby/stg awareness of
awful at (doing) stg
bad at (doing) stg

bored by/with sby/stg boredom with
busy at or with stg

capable of (doing) stg capability for

careful of/with sby/stg carefulness with

careless of danger carelessness of

certain of/about facts certainty of/about

clever at (doing) stg cleverness at/in

content with stg contentment with
contrary to advice

curious about sby/stg curiosity about stg

different from/to sby/stg difference from/to

eager for stg eagerness for stg
not worried) about -

excited about/at/by/over excitement abt/at

faithful to sby/stg faithfulness to

famous for (doing) stg fame as

fond of sby/stg fondness for

free from danger freedom from

free of charge freedom of speech
full of stg

glad about stg gladness about
good/no good at (doing) stg-
good with one's hands

grateful to sby for stg gratitude to/for

happy about/at/over/with happiness at/over

interested in/by sby/stg interest in sby/stg

jealous of sby/stg jealousy of sby/stg

keen on (doing) stg keenness on

kind to sby kindness to sby

late for work lateness for work

married to sby marriage to sby

nervous of sby/stg nervousness about

obliged to sby/stg obligation to
pleased about/with sby/stg pleasure about

ready for sby/stg readiness for stg
right about sby/stg

sad about sby/stg sadness about

safe from stg/for sby safety from stg

satisfied with sby/stg satisfaction with

separate from stg separation from

slow at (doing) stg slowness at

sorry about/for (doing) stg sorrow for (doing)
sorry for sby

surprised about/at/by surprise about/at
terrible at (doing) stg

thankful to sby for stg thankfulness to/for

worried about sby/stg worry about/over
wrong about sby/stg

Appendix 28 [> 1.9,4.29,8.20,8.27,]

12.3n.7, 16.53-54]

Type 1 [8.27.2]: Verb + preposition

Transitive (non-idiomatic)

Related nouns + most common prepositions

Nouns can be formed with -ing [> 2.16.5 16.39.1]

Verbs marked " are often passive

Key sby = somebody, stg = something

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