Make up five sentences from each table

When Where did I he she we you they begin to learn English? buy the bicycle? learn Spanish? meet them? gather mushrooms? work with him?
What did I he she we you they do read write eat buy learn yesterday? last night? in the morning? in the evening? at school? there?
Who Which of them Whose son saw him yesterday? translated this story? worked at this factory at that time? set a record in the long jump? lived here before the war? came first?

Тhe Present Perfect Tense


Present Perfect утворюється з допомiжного дiєслова to have у Present Indefinite та дiєприкметника минулого часу (Past Participle) основного дiєслова.

Past Participle правильних дiєcлiв yrворюється додаванням до iнфiнiтива зaкiнчення –ed.

to accuse - accused

Past Participle неправнльних дitcлiв треба запам'ятати:

to catch - caught

to steal - stolen

I have had some good news We have had some good news You have had some good news You have had some good news

He has had some good news They have had some good news

She has had some good news

It has had some good news

в усному мовленнi вживаються переважно скорочeнi форми:

I’vе had some good news We've had some good news

You've had some good news You've had some good news

Не's had some good news They've had some good news

She's had some good news

It's had some good news

у питальнiй формi допомiжне дієслово ставиться перед пiдметом:

Наvе you ever seen a criminal? Ви коли- небудь бачили злочинця?

у заперечнiй формі пiсля допомiжного дiєслова вживається частка not:

He has not signed this document yet. Він ще не підписав цей документ.

Скорочена заперечна форма, яка часто вживається в усному мовленнi, має два варiанти:

I haven’t = I’ve not

He hasn’t = He’s not

We haven’t met her there. Ми її там не зустріли.

They’ve not told me about their friends. Вони мені не розповідали про своїх друзів.

у питалъно- заперечнiй формi допомiжне дiєслово ставиться перед пiдметом, а частка not - пiсля пiдмета, а скорочені форми haven’t і hasn't:

Why have they not told you about them? Чому вони не розповіли тобі про них?

Hasn’t she been to London? Невже вона не була в Лондоні?

Why haven’t you brought papers? Чому ти не приніс газети?

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