He takes us to work in his car

1 (My mother and I) go shopping with (Julia and Carla) every Saturday.

2 (My sister) gets up before (my brother and me).

3 (David and Serena) don't take (the children) on holiday.

4 (My uncle) uses (the computer) every day.

Complete the dialogue with the correct pronouns.

5 (My friend and I) have lunch with (Maria) every Tuesday.



1 aWhich rooms from the box can you see in the photos?

| bathroom bedroom dining room garden garage I kitchen living room

b (SBWhere can you do these activities? Match the places in the box to the activities. Then listen and check, sunbathe You can sunbathe in the garden. i cook 2 sleep 3 have a shower 4 put your car 5 eat 6 watch TV

a (SBTick (/) the landscapes in the photos. Listen and check, a beach П mountains Q a river □ a forest О a city I I a lake □ a desert □ the sea □

bWhich other words for landscapes do you know? Make a list.

с Answer the questions.

1 What is in the north of your country? (the centre/the south/the west/the east)

2 What can you see from your living room window? (bedroom window/kitchen window)


Play a game in groups. Think of a country and describe its landscape. Can other students guess the country? This country has beaches in the north. It has a big city in the east, mountains in the south and a famous forest in the south-west.

5.1 Sail away...
Grammar there is/there are
Can do talk about your home


aLook at the text quickly and answer the questions.

1 Where is this text from?

2 What is unusual about the homes in the text?

bRead the text. Mark true (T) or false (F).

1 The ship has:

a no apartments, b six restaurants, с two swimming pools. [Ц d two gyms. □

2 The apartments have: a a large living room.

b a dining room. □ с a garden. □

1What kind of home do you live in? Do you like your home? Why/Why not?
The World of ResidenSea
Own a private luxury home... ai sea!
There are 110 luxury apartments on our ship The World, but that's not all! There are four restaurants, two swimming pools and a gym. There are shops, but there aren't any factories or cars, so there's no city stress. All our apartments have a large living room (with dining area) and two or three bedrooms. Each bedroom has a pnvate bathroom and there's a cooker, a fridge, a dishwasher and a microwave in each well-equipped kitchen. Of course, there isn't a garden but each apartment has a private terrace. All the living rooms have modern TV. DVD and CD players. Choose from four different styles for your sofas, chairs, beds and other furniture, and make your apartment on the ship a very comfortable home

d a private terrace. □


Vocabulary I equipment and furniture


3 aLook at the floor plan. Label the rooms and the furniture.

bWrite the headings in the table. Then write two or three more things by each heading.

furniture kitchen equipment room s living room equipment ship's facilities


i rooms kitchen
v.5 swimming pools


Lifelong* learning' Personalise it!

dishwasher cooker

When you want to learn new words, it is useful to write them in a personal sentence, fridge - My fridge is very old - it's useless! cupboard -1 have a big cupboard in my bedroom.

Grammar I there is/there are

4 Complete the Active grammar box with's, is, isn't, are or aren't.

Active grammar

Singular Plural
О Theresa gym.: (There is) There 110 apartments.
О There There
  a garden. any cars.
О there a there any
  ; bookshop? music shops?
! Yes, there is. No. there Yes. there No. there aren't.

see Reference page 53

5 Look at the text and the floor plan again. Complete the sentences with 's, is. are, isn't or aren't.

1 There_______ some shops on the ship, but

there_______ any cars.

2 there any factories? No, there _______________.

3 There_______ a terrace in each apartment.

4 there a dining room? No, there_______________.

6 a Look at Ex. 2b. Make sentences. There are 110 luxury apartments on the ship. There aren't six restaurants.

b Ask and answer about the floor plan. A: Is there a bath in the apartment? B: There's a bath in bedroom one, but there isn't a bath in bedroom two.

7 Tell your partner about your home.

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