IV. The pronoun


1. him 5. him 9. him 13. It 17. It

2. them 6. you 10. it, it, me 14. It 18. It, it

3. She, me 7. she 11. him 15. It 19. you

4. He, us 8. them 12. it 16. you 20. it


1. my 4. her 7. our (my) 10. their 13. his

2. mine 5. mine 8. your 11. my 14. your, mine

3. its 6. theirs 9. its 12. its 15. their


1. this 5. These 9. this (that) 13. That 17. that

2. That 6. Those 10. this 14. This 18. That

3. those 7. those 11. That 15. that 19. This

4. these 8. that 12. Those, these 16. That 20. That


1. Who 5. Who 9. Who 13. Whose 17. What

2. Whose 6. What 10. What 14. Who 18. Whose

3. Who 7. Which 11. What 15. What 19. What

4. What 8. What 12. Who 16. Whose 20. Whose


1. herself 5. themselves 9. himself 13. herself 17. ourselves

2. himself 6. herself 10. themselves 14. yourself 18. herself

3. herself 7. herself 11. ourselves 15. myself 19. ourselves

4. itself 8. himself 12. itself 16. herself 20. yourself


1. some 5. any 9. every 13. some 17. any

2. some, any 6. any 10. any 14. any 18. some

3. any, some 7. any 11. some / no 15. some / no 19. some

4. no / some 8. some 12. every 16. some 20. any


2. nothing 5. no one 8. someone 11. everyone

3. No one 6. someone 9. anyone 12. everything

4. Everyone 7. something 10. anyone


1. everybody 4. anybody 7. everybody 10. everybody/

2. somebody 5. nobody 8. somebody anybody

3. everybody 6. anybody 9. nobody


1. somebody 11. anybody 21. something 31. something

2. something 12. anything 22. somebody 32. something

3. somewhere 13. somebody 23. anybody 33. something

4. anything 14. anywhere 24. something 34. anything

5. anything 15. somebody 25. anything 35. anybody

6. anybody 16. anything 26. anything 36. somebody

7. somewhere 17. somewhere 27. anything 37. anywhere

8. somebody 18. something 28. somebody 38. anything

9. something 19. anybody 29. anything 39. anybody

10. something 20. anything 30. somebody 40. anywhere


1. much 7. many 13. many 19. many 25. little

2. much 8. few 14. much/little 20. a lot of/few 26. much

3. many 9. much 15. a lot of 21. much 27. many

4. little 10. a lot of 16. little 22. a lot of 28. little

5. a lot of 11. much 17. much 23. many/few 29. a lot of

6. many 12. a lot of 18. much 24. much 30. much


1. few 5. some 9. little 13. little 16. few

2. much 6. few 10. few 14. any 17. few

3. some 7. some 11. few 15. any 18. any

4. any/much 8. some 12. some

V. The preposition


1. B 5. A 9. C 13. C 17. A

2. B 6. C 10. B 14. B 18. C

3. C 7. C 11. B 15. A 19. A

4. B 8. A 12. A 16. B 20. B


1. in 7. to 13. on 19. -- 25. with

2. in 8. for 14. on 20. to 26. for

3. in 9. through 15. of 21. from 27. to

4. for 10. in 16. to 22. to 28. for

5. in 11. for 17. for 23. to 29. about

6. to 12. for 18. with 24. on 30. of



1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c


1. bring along 3. to bring out 5. brought out 7. (has) brought down

2. bringing about 4. bring along 6. (has) brought about


1. D 3. B 5. A 7. C 9. B

2. B 4. C 6. D 8. C 10. A


Crazy prepositions

2. for 6. On 10. to 14. for 18. for

3. at 7. in / with 11. from 15. at 19. at/on/to

4. on 8. at 12. of 16. in 20. at/upon

5. by 9. with 13. in 17. of 21. to

Little Red Riding Wolf

1. In 4. on 7. from 10. by, on 13. in

2. of 5. at 8. at 11. along 14. for

3. of 6. by 9. of 12. with 15. into

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