Test № 25

I. Определите, верны (True) или неверны (False) сле­дующие утверждения.

1. Visitors from Europe notice that American parks are being destroyed.

2. In the Grand Tetons in Wyoming visitors.are not allowed to turn off the main road.

3. The Great Smoky Mountains can get seven times more people on a single summer day than the permanent population of Luxemburg.

4. The basic argument over national parks is about the accomodation that would satisfy human visitors.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What, according to the author, are the parks supposed to offer?

2. Why did the author have to wait a few times behind a line of cars during his visit to the Grand Tetons' Park?

3. What accomodation should hotels have to welcome old age people'

4. What does the «hands off» policy which was introduced in the Yellow,

Stone park mean?

III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани ем текста.

1. The Great Smoky Mountains park is the largest in the American park system.

2. The author's advice is to provide lodgings for true lovers of nature only


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