Great towns and cities

1. You many wish to begin exploring England with the sights and shops of London, but there are many other fascinating cities that you should visit during your stay. Only an hour or so from the capital is Cambridge, the famous university town. There are many museums, colleges open to the public, good shops, walks along the river, and boats for live.

2. To the west lies Stratford-on-Avon, an attractive town, famous as the birthplace of William Shakespeare in the 16th century. A day here must include a trip to a performance by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Royal Shakespeare or Swan Theatre.

3. In eastern England is Norwich, a proud city with narrow, winding alleyways, antique shops, a large outdoor market, cosy pubs and coffee shops. The city’s cathedral is a magnificent piece of architecture, and there is even a castle complete with dungeons!

4. At the geographical heart of England is the vibrant city of Birmingham with its excellent shopping and entertainment to cater for every taste. The visitor will also find a legacy of a attractive Victorian architecture and the intricate network of canals as evidence of a rich industrial heritage.

5. Manchester is another warm-hearted city. Innovative attractions include the Museum of Science and Industry, the Air and Space Museums and the Granada Studious Tour, where visitors can explore the sets of famous television shows like Coronation Street, or sit on the Back Benches of a life size House of Commons.

2. Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 1, 2, 4:

3. Запишите английский эквивалент следующих выражений:

Восхитительные города; знаменитый город-университет; к западу; привлекательный город; место рождения; городской собор; великолепный образец архитектуры; запутанная сеть каналов; развлечения для удовлетворения любого вкуса;

4. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What fascinating cities should you visit while travelling in England?

2. What is Stratford-on-Avon famous for?

3. Where is the Air and Space Museum situated?

Выпишите из текста 5 прилагательных и запишите их в

сравнительной и превосходной степенях:

6. Задайте к тексту 3 общих и 3 специальных вопроса:

Определите время и залог глагола, переведите его на русский


Was founded; didn’t play; became; is getting; is known; will play; come;

don’t speak; have done; will be translated.

EXAMPLE: was built – был построен; Past Indefinite, Passive.


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