Make up a list of psychological terms. Translate them into Russian. Get ready for group work

Types of talking therapies

Counselling falls under the umbrella term ‘talking therapies’ and allows people to discuss their problems and any difficult feelings they encounter in a safe, confidential environment. The term usually means a process people seek when they want to change something in their lives or simply explore their thoughts and feelings in more depth.

A counsellor is not there to sit a client down and tell them what to do – instead they will encourage clients to talk about what's bothering them in order to uncover any root causes and identify their specific ways of thinking. The counsellor may then look to create a plan of action to either help clients reconcile their issues or help them to find ways of coping.

Each session is generally tailored to the individual. There is a variety of counselling formats, including:

· Face-to-face – This is when a client makes an appointment with a counsellor to see them in person, usually at their practice. Face-to-face sessions are one of the more popular therapy formats because they provide clients to react to any emotions that arise there and then.

· Individual or group – A client may prefer to join opportunity for a counselling group with people experiencing similar issues. Going to a group counselling session can be helpful if clients want to discuss their issues with other people who are going through similar problems. Alternatively, people may wish to see a counsellor alone to preserve their privacy and concentrate on their own feelings.

· Telephone counselling – This involves talking to a counsellor over the phone instead of in person. This format also tends to be more flexible and can potentially reduce waiting list times.

· Online counselling – Some people prefer not to physically speak to a counsellor at all, utilizing technology and emailing their counsellor instead. This form of counselling allows a client to take the time to think through what they wish to discuss, and many find the act of physically writing their issues down cathartic. Online counselling also offers clients the chance to protect their anonymity.

How can counselling help?

The way counselling can help will depend on the person receiving the treatment. While counsellors may not give a client concrete advice or a checklist of things to do to feel better, what they will do is help clients uncover their own insight and understanding of their problems providing clients with the tools to resolve them on their own. Counselling can help people understand themselves better and the way they think, which will ultimately help them develop a clearer understanding of their problems. It can also help individuals understand other people's point of view better, which can shed light onto the way they interpret words or actions.

Types of therapy

Psychoanalytic therapy is based largely on insight, unconscious motivation, and reconstruction of the personality. Some of the therapeutic models are basically extensions of psychoanalysis, others are modifications of analytic concepts and procedures. Many theories of counseling and psychotherapy have borrowed and integrated principles and techniques from psychoanalytic approaches.

Adlerian therapy differs from psychoanalytic theory in many respects. Adlerians focus on meaning, goals, purposeful behavior, conscious action, and social interest. Although Adlerian theory accounts for present behavior by studying childhood experiences, it does not focus on unconscious dynamics.

The existential approach stresses a concern for what it means to be fully human. It suggests certain themes such as freedom and responsibility, anxiety, guilt, awareness of being finite, creating meaning in the world, and shaping one’s future by making active choices. This approach is not a unified school of therapy with a clear theory and a systematic set of techniques. Rather, it is a philosophy of counseling that stresses the divergent methods of understanding the subjective world of the person.

The person-centered approach places emphasis on the basic attitudes of the therapist. It maintains that the quality of the client–therapist relationship is the prime determinant of the outcomes of the therapeutic process. This approach assumes that clients have the capacity for self-direction without active intervention and direction on the therapist’s part.

Gestalt therapy offers a range of experiments to help clients gain awareness of what they are experiencing in the here and now – that is, the present. In contrast to person-centered therapists, Gestalt therapists tend to take an active role, yet they follow the leads provided by their clients.

Reality therapy focuses on clients’ current behavior and stresses developing clear plans for new behaviors. Like reality therapy, behavior therapy focuses on doing and taking steps to make concrete changes.

Rational emotive behavior therapy and cognitive therapy highlight the necessity of learning how to challenge dysfunctional beliefs and automatic thoughts that lead to behavioral problems. These cognitive behavioral approaches are used to help people modify their faulty and self-defeating assumptions and to develop new patterns of acting.

· Gerald Corey (2009) Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotheraphy, Eighth Edition



Make up a list of psychological terms. Translate them into Russian. Get ready for group work.


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