Explain or paraphrase

1.... the day when the lid's off. 2. For a minute every­thing else blanked out... 3. Year Day gives me ideas like that. Anything goes. 4. On Year Day the pace doubles. 5. Every­body off work... 6. Maybe he's a filmstrip composite. 7.... the blare and roar of Manhattan hit me. 8. Total demand's away down to whatever it is today, and production's probab­ly dropped since yesterday. 9. We've got to take in each oth­er's washing to keep going. 10.... I sank a lot on advertis­ing protection insurance. 11.... superadvertising planned by the best psychologists on earth, twisting everybody's arm to squeeze out of them their last cent... 12. The commer­cials work on emotion. 13. I felt better. That much was out of my system. 14.... the unrealities blazed and shuuted, out­doing each other in promises of fame and fortune for every­body. 15. Finally I put an Investigatory Bureau on the job. 16. We create an optimum adaptation for happiness. 17. It was colorless and without character, like a clean but second-rate hotel. 18. One fee covers every possible requirement for the client. 19. Even when I closed my eyes, his after-image burned against my closed lids.

Say what is meant by

beamed commercials; high-speed lanes; a spending mood;

a caressing voice; pitch dark; cash sales; an insurance premi­um; dead silence; basic drives; a medium of communication;

artificial needs; a curious look; a boiling pot of trouble; ar­able land; a self-sustaining part-hydroponic unit; an urban center; adjustment; production-line furniture; facilities; a sense of lost realities

Express the following in neutral style.

1. "This is going to be a tough conversation to start," I said. 2. "Nothing's that easy." 3. "And, by God, you'd bet­ter have money! There just isn't enough to go around that's all. " 4.... there wasn't enough dough... 5. "The damned stuff can't get in." 6. "It's only when you're a kid that it's


really bad." 7. "It's that damned conditioning," I said. "Drummed into your head as soon as you're old enough to know what words mean." 8. I got to see one of the top agents... 9....but then he got a speculative look in his eye and decided to give me a salesman pitch first.

Find in the text the English for

ветровое стекло; протянуть руку; взять себя в руки;

бросаться в погоню за развлечениями; монтаж из кинокад­ров; в кромешной тьме; почувствовать страх; развод; стра­ховка от рекламы; ревновать к кому-либо; получить сполна;

спрос на товары; производство; купить акции; проникать сквозь стены; защитное устройство; страховая премия;

мир купли и продажи; звуковой барьер; уязвимая точка' плод воображения; строить планы; пахотная земля; чуть не сойти с ума; извиниться; набрать номер (телефона);

снять с банковского счета; сбережения; витражи; разрешить все проблемы; второразрядная гостиница; огнестойкий;

выписать чек; срок аренды; в пределах досягаемости; соз­нание утраченной реальности; настоящий, живой человек;

природная сопротивляемость; подсчитать в уме; заткнуть уши

Study the italicized phrases. Recall how they were used in the text. Make sentences with each.

1. She all but died during the operation. 2. You mustn't let yourself go like that. Pull yourself together and face up to life. 3. He was out for a settlement at any price. 4. Work seems to be the only thing that keeps him going. 5. Passions were running high and the argument went on well into the night. 6. I promised to let them know immediately, should anything go wrong. 7. Though he doesn't hold any official position, he is, in effect, the man who runs the business. 8. He wasn't prepared to make any promises, yet. 9. A holiday at the seaside is quite within your reach.

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